• Revision as of 15:39, ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2007 by (Thảo luận)
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    Thông dụng

    Phó từ

    Chẳng bao lâu nữa, chẳng mấy chốc, một ngày gần đây; ngay
    we shall soon know the result
    tí nữa chúng ta sẽ biết kết quả
    he arrived soon after four
    anh ta đến lúc sau 4 giờ một tí
    As soon as; so soon as ngay khi
    as soon as I heard of it
    ngay khi tôi biết việc đó
    as soon as possible
    càng sớm càng tốt
    I would just as soon stay at home
    tôi thà ở nhà còn hơn
    death sooner than slavery
    thà chết còn hơn chịu nô lệ
    you spoke too soon
    anh nói sớm quá
    the sooner the better
    càng sớm càng tốt
    you will know it sooner or later
    sớm hay muộn thế nào anh cũng biết việc ấy
    had sooner
    thà... hơn, thích hơn
    least said soonest mended

    Xem least

    no sooner said than done
    nói xong là làm ngay

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Before long, presently, ere long; in the near future,any minute (now), before you know it, in good time, in a littlewhile, in a minute or a moment, momentarily, shortly, anon, in asecond, Colloq in a jiffy: Soon another year will have passed.The doctor will be with you soon. 2 quickly, speedily, at once,promptly, immediately, directly, without delay, straightway,straight away, right away, forthwith, in short order, on thedouble, in two shakes (of a lamb's tail), in a wink, tout desuite, without delay, Colloq pronto, US and Canadianlickety-split: If he doesn't come soon, dinner will be spoilt.3 quickly, speedily, promptly, swiftly: I'll be there as soonas I can.
    Willingly, lief, gladly, happily, readily: I'djust as soon be left alone, if you don't mind.
    Sooner orlater. at some time or other, some time, one day, in time, indue course, eventually, ultimately, in the end, when all is saidand done, at the end of the day, in the last or final analysis,at bottom: Don't worry, she'll come home sooner or later.Sooner or later they will have to yield.



    After no long interval of time (shall soon know theresult).
    Relatively early (must you go so soon?).
    (prec.by how) early (with relative rather than distinctive sense) (howsoon will it be ready?).
    Readily or willingly (in expressingchoice or preference: which would you sooner do?; would as soonstay behind).
    Soonish adv. [OE sonaf. WG]

    Tham khảo chung

    • soon : Corporateinformation
    • soon : Chlorine Online

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