Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- adipose , big , bulky , chubby * , corpulent , dense , fleshy , great , heavy , hulking , husky , lumpish , massive , obese , overweight , porcine , portly , stout , thick , unwieldy , weighty , aggregate , all , before deductions , before tax , complete , entire , in sum , outright , total , whole ball of wax , whole enchilada , whole nine yards , whole schmear , whole shebang , barnyard * , boorish , breezy , callous , carnal , cheap , coarse , corporeal , crass , dull , fleshly , foul , ignorant , improper , impure , indecent , indelicate , inelegant , insensitive , in the gutter , lewd , loudmouthed , low , low-minded , lustful , obscene , offensive , rank , raunchy , raw , ribald , rough , rude , scatological , sensual , sexual , sleazy * , smutty * , swinish , tasteless , ugly , uncouth , uncultured , undiscriminating , unfeeling , unrefined , unseemly , unsophisticated , voluptuous , absolute , arrant , blatant , capital , downright , egregious , excessive , exorbitant , extreme , flagrant , glaring , grievous , heinous , immoderate , inordinate , manifest , out-and-out * , outrageous , outright * , perfect , plain , serious , shameful , sheer , shocking , unmitigated , unqualified , utter , barbarian , barbaric , churlish , crude , ill-bred , philistine , uncivilized , uncultivated , unpolished , vulgar , barnyard , bawdy , broad , dirty , fescennine , filthy , nasty , profane , scatologic , scurrilous , smutty , fatty , overblown , barbarous
- aggregate , all , entirety , sum , sum total , totality , everything , total , barbarity , crassitude , crassness , grossness , indecency , scurrility , vulgarity
- earn , make , take in , bring in , clear , draw , gain , net , pay , produce , realize , repay , yield , all , apparent , beastly , big , brutal , brutish , bulk , burly , callous , carnal , cloddish , coarse , crass , crude , dense , egregious , entire , filthy , flagrant , foul , glaring , greasy , great , heavy , impure , indecent , large , lewd , mass , massive , obese , obscene , obvious , offensive , outrageous , plain , rank , repulsive , rough , rude , scurrilous , sleazy , sum , swinish , thick , total , ugly , uncouth , unrefined , vulgar , whole
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