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    ==Thông dụng==
    ==Thông dụng==
    ===Tính từ===
    ===Tính từ===
    =====hay thay đổi (tâm trạng)=====
    =====Buồn rầu, ủ rũ=====
    =====Buồn rầu, ủ rũ=====
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    =====Sullen, melancholy, blue, sad, unhappy, dejected,depressed, crestfallen, downcast, despondent, chap-fallen, inthe doldrums, downhearted, gloomy, glum, moping, mopy, mopish,sulky, sulking, morose, brooding, broody, heavy-hearted, dour,cheerless, dismal, desolate, disconsolate, lugubrious,disheartened, saturnine, Colloq down in the mouth, (down) in thedumps, out of sorts, US off (one's) feed: He's been moody thepast few days, and I don't know how to cheer him up. 2 testy,crotchety, short-tempered, abrupt, short, curt, impatient,crabby, crusty, huffy, huffish, crabbed, cantankerous,curmudgeonly, ill-humoured, ill-tempered, cranky, petulant,waspish, temperamental, snappish, snappy, irritable, peevish,cranky, touchy, piqued; in a (fit of) pique, in high dudgeon:If I were you, I shouldn't ask her for a favour today as she'svery moody. 3 fickle, volatile, capricious, mercurial, unstable,fitful, flighty, unsteady, changeable, erratic, uneven,inconstant, undependable, unreliable, unpredictable: Beingartists, they are moody, and there's no telling if they willwant to be interviewed today.=====
    :[[angry]] , [[cantankerous]] , [[capricious]] , [[changeable]] , [[crabbed]] , [[crestfallen]] , [[cross]] , [[dismal]] , [[doleful]] , [[dour]] , [[downcast]] , [[down in the dumps]] , [[down in the mouth ]]* , [[erratic]] , [[fickle]] , [[fitful]] , [[flighty]] , [[frowning]] , [[gloomy]] , [[glum]] , [[huffy]] , [[ill-humored]] , [[ill-tempered]] , [[impulsive]] , [[in a huff]] , [[in the doldrums]] , [[introspective]] , [[irascible]] , [[irritable]] , [[lugubrious]] , [[melancholy]] , [[mercurial]] , [[miserable]] , [[moping]] , [[morose]] , [[offended]] , [[out of sorts ]]* , [[pensive]] , [[petulant]] , [[piqued]] , [[sad]] , [[saturnine]] , [[short-tempered]] , [[splenetic]] , [[sulky]] , [[sullen]] , [[testy]] , [[touchy]] , [[temperamental]] , [[sour]] , [[surly]] , [[atrabiliar]] , [[brooding]] , [[crabby]] , [[depressed]] , [[grumpy]]
    ===Từ trái nghĩa===
    == Oxford==
    :[[balanced]] , [[cheerful]] , [[happy]] , [[overjoyed]]
    <BODY BGCOLOR="9C8772" TOPMARGIN="5" MARGINHEIGHT="0" BACKGROUND="/webdict/texture.gif" LEFTMARGIN=8 MARGINWIDTH="10" onLoad="writeFirst()">
    <H2><font color=003D84>moody</FONT></H2>
    <LI><font color=0000A0>adj. & n.</font>
    <LI><font color=0000A0>adj. (moodier, moodiest) given to changes of mood;gloomy, sullen.</font>
    <LI><font color=0000A0>n. colloq. a bad mood; a tantrum. </font>
    <LI><font color=005555>moodilyadv. moodiness n. [OE modig brave (as MOOD(1))]</font>
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]]

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