Thông dụng
Tính từ
Danh từ
Chỗ tập trung nhất, chỗ hoạt động nhất
- the thick of the fight
- chỗ (lúc) ác liệt nhất của cuộc chiến đấu
- in the thick of it
- chính đang lúc (đánh nhau...)
- through thick and thin
- bất chấp mọi khó khăn
- to go through thick and thin for someone
- mạo hiểm vì người nào
- in the thick of something
- ở chỗ nhộn nhịp nhất, ở chỗ đông đúc nhất của cái gì
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Broad, wide, solid, thickset, burly, ample, solid,bulky, substantial, beamy: He sank his teeth into the thickestsandwich I have ever seen. She is a bit thicker in themid-section than I had remembered, but a good ketch nonetheless.2 Usually, thick with. dense, solid, compact, concentrated,condensed, packed, close-packed, compressed, crowded, choked,filled, full, deep, clotted, chock-full or choke-full orchuck-full, chock-a-block, teeming, swarming, alive, bristling,crawling, bursting, crammed, jammed, brimming, Colloq lousywith: The gallery was thick with visitors.
Compact,condensed, compressed, choking, packed, impenetrable,impassable, dense; pea-soup, soupy, murky, misty, foggy, smoggy,smoky, opaque, obscure, obscuring, hazy: We plunged deeper intothe thick jungle. A thick fog blanketed the valley. 4 abundant,plentiful, bushy, luxuriant: Her thick red hair tumbled downover her shoulders.
Dense, viscid, viscous, gelatinous,mucilaginous, gluey, glutinous, ropy, coagulated, clotted,congealed, jelled, jellied, inspissated, stiffish; stiff, firm,rigid, solid: For a thicker sauce, use cornflour.
Thickheaded, thick-witted, thick-skulled, dense, stupid, slow,slow-witted, dull, dull-witted, stolid, obtuse, gormless,boneheaded, fat-headed, pin-headed, wooden-headed, addle-pated,halfwitted, block-headed, doltish, Boeotian, cretinous,imbecilic, moronic, US thimble-witted; insensitive,thick-skinned; Colloq dim-witted, Slang dopey: How could anyoneso thick have become an executive?
Guttural, hoarse, throaty,raspy, rasping, rough, husky, grating, gravelly, indistinct,distorted, inarticulate; gruff, raucous: 'I need you,' hemoaned, his voice thick with emotion.
Adj., n., & adv.
A of great or specified extentbetween opposite surfaces (a thick wall; a wall two metresthick). b of large diameter (a thick rope).
A firm inconsistency; containing much solid matter; viscous (a thickpaste; thick soup). b made of thick material (a thick coat).
Heavily occupied with. thick ear Brit. sl.the external ear swollen as a result of a blow (esp. give aperson a thick ear). thick-skinned not sensitive to reproach orcriticism. thick-skulled (or -witted) stupid, dull; slow tolearn. through thick and thin under all conditions; in spite ofall difficulties.
Thickish adj. thickly adv. [OE thicce(adj. & adv.) f. Gmc]
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