Call down
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Cards .
- a demand for a card or a showing of hands.
- Poker . an equaling of the preceding bet.
- Bridge . a bid or pass.
Sports . a judgment or decision by an umpire, a referee, or other official of a contest, as on a shot, pitch, or batter
Verb phrases
call back,
- to summon or bring back; recall
- He called back the messenger. The actor was called back for a second audition.
- to revoke; retract
- to call back an accusation.
call down,
- to request or pray for; invoke
- to call down the wrath of God.
- to reprimand; scold
- The boss called us down for lateness.
call for,
- to go or come to get; pick up; fetch.
- to request; summon.
- to require; demand; need
- The occasion calls for a cool head.
call in,
- to call for payment; collect.
- to withdraw from circulation
- to call in gold certificates.
- to call upon for consultation; ask for help
- Two specialists were called in to assist in the operation.
- to inform or report by telephone
- Did he call in his decision this morning?
- to participate in a radio or television program by telephone.
call off,
- to distract; take away
- Please call off your dog.
- to cancel (something) that had been planned for a certain date
- The performance was called off because of rain.
call on or upon,
- to ask; appeal to
- They called on him to represent them.
- to visit for a short time
- to call on friends.
call out,
- to speak in a loud voice; shout.
- to summon into service or action
- Call out the militia!
- to bring out; elicit
- The emergency called out her hidden abilities.
- to direct attention to with a callout
- to call out each detail in an illustration.
- Informal . to challenge to a fight.
call up,
- to bring forward for consideration or discussion.
- to cause to remember; evoke.
- to communicate or try to communicate with by telephone.
- to summon for action or service
- A large number of Army reservists were called up.
- Computers . to summon (information) from a computer system for display on a video screen
- She called up the full text.
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