• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    ((điện học) không có thế hiệu)
    (Wouldn't be seen dead in doing sth)
    Dòng 75: Dòng 75:
    =====(điện học) không có thế hiệu=====
    =====(điện học) không có thế hiệu=====
    =====Wouldn't be seen dead in doing sth=====
    =====Thà chết còn hơn làm điều gì=====
    =====Thà chết còn hơn làm điều gì=====

    02:56, ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Chết (người, vật, cây cối)
    to strike somebody dead
    đánh ai chết tươi
    to shoot somebody dead
    bắn chết ai
    Tắt, tắt ngấm
    dead fire
    lửa tắt
    dead volcano
    núi lửa tắt ngấm
    dead valve
    bóng đèn (rađiô) cháy (không dùng được nữa)
    Chết, không hoạt động; không sinh sản; hết hiệu lực; không dùng được nữa
    dead money
    tiền để nằm chết, không sinh lợi
    dead stock
    vốn chết; hàng không bán được
    a dead spring
    lò xo hết đàn hồi
    dead axle
    trục không xoay được nữa
    the motor is dead
    động cơ ngừng chạy
    dead language
    tử ngữ, ngôn ngữ không còn dùng nữa
    dead window
    cửa sổ giả
    Tê cóng, tê bại, tê liệt
    my fingers are dead
    ngón tay tôi tê cóng đi
    Xỉn, không bóng (màu, vàng...); đục, không vang (âm thanh...)
    dead gold
    vàng xỉn
    dead sound
    tiếng đục không vang
    Không màng đến, không biết đến, chai điếng, điếc đặc không chịu nghe
    dead to honours
    không màng danh vọng
    dead to reason
    điếc đặc không chịu nghe lẽ phải
    dead to all sense of honour
    không còn biết thế nào là danh dự nữa
    Thình lình, hoàn toàn
    to come a dead stop
    đứng sững lại
    a dead faint
    sự chết ngất
    dead calm
    sự hoàn toàn lặng gió (biển)
    dead silence
    sự im phăng phắc
    dead failure
    thất bại hoàn toàn
    dead certainty
    sự tin chắc hoàn toàn; điều hoàn toàn chắc chắn
    (điện học) không có thế hiệu
    Thà chết còn hơn làm điều gì
    to be dead set on sth
    dứt khoát làm điều gì cho bằng được

    Danh từ

    ( the dead) những người đã chết, những người đã khuất
    in the dead of winter
    giữa mùa đông
    in the dead of night
    lúc nửa đêm, lúc đêm khuya thanh vắng
    let the dead bury the dead
    hãy để cho quá khứ chôn vùi quá khứ đi; hãy quên quá khứ đi
    on the dead
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) nhất định, kiên quyết
    Đứng đắn, không đùa

    Phó từ

    Đúng vào, ngay vào, thẳng vào
    dead in the centre
    đúng ngay vào giữa
    dead on time
    đúng giờ
    the wind was dead against us
    gió tạt thẳng vào mặt chúng tôi
    Hoàn toàn
    dead asleep
    ngủ say như chết
    dead drunk
    say bí tỉ, say không biết gì trời đất
    dead tired
    mệt rã rời
    Hằn lại, sững lại
    to stop dead
    đứng sững lại
    to be dead against somebody
    kiên quyết phản đối ai

    Xây dựng

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    không điện áp

    Đo lường & điều khiển

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bị chết


    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cắt điện

    Điện lạnh

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    không phóng xạ

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bất động
    dead water space
    vùng nước bất động
    không có điện
    không hoạt động
    dead band error
    lỗi dải không hoạt động
    không mang điện
    lặng (thép)

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Deceased, defunct, extinct, gone, departed, late,lifeless, no more, Colloq done for, Slang Brit gone for aburton: Both his parents are dead, and his only brother livesin Australia. Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime. 2 insensate,insensible, numb, paralysed, benumbed, unfeeling: After theaccident, my left thumb was completely dead.
    Insensible,unconscious, out, dead to the world, deathlike, deathly: At thenews of her son, she fell in a dead faint.
    Insensitive,unemotional, unfeeling, emotionless, apathetic, lukewarm, cool,cold, frigid, unresponsive, unsympathetic, indifferent,unconcerned, uninterested; numb, wooden, callous, hardened,impervious, inured, inert: He has always been dead to others'problems.
    Out, smothered, extinguished: The fire is dead.
    Inanimate, lifeless, inert, inorganic: Dead stones speakvolumes to the geologist.
    Extinct, obsolete, perished, past,outmoded, disused, expired, pass‚: Latin is a dead language.
    Barren, unfruitful, infertile, unproductive: That area off thecoast is dead as far as fishing goes.
    Tired (out), exhausted,worn out, fatigued, tired out, spent, collapsing, in a state ofcollapse, Slang bushed, beat, Brit knackered, US and Canadianpooped: We were completely dead after the hike into town.
    Dull, lustreless, flat, neutral, vapid, empty, bland,colourless, grey, beige, dun: The walls of the prison werepainted a dead white.
    Stagnant, motionless, still, standing,static, inert, unmoving, inactive, quiet, calm: There weresmall pools of dead water covered with a green slime. Without abreath of air stirring, the boat was dead in the water. 12boring, dull, tedious, tiresome, monotonous, prosaic,uninteresting, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, commonplace, dry,insipid, bland, flat, two-dimensional, lifeless, stiff, rigid,stony: The play was bad, the performance dead.
    Dull,muffled, deadened, anechoic, unresounding, non-resonant: Oneroom in the laboratory was built to be dead to all sound.
    Complete, entire, total, absolute, downright, thorough, throughand through, utter, all-out, out-and-out, unqualified,unrelieved, unbroken, categorical, outright: My investment inthe anti-gravity pill has so far been a dead loss. 15 profound,deep: I fell into a dead sleep.
    Sudden, abrupt, complete,full: The train came to a dead stop.
    Certain, sure,unerring, exact, precise, accurate, crack: According to therecords, Calamity Jane was a dead shot.
    Completely, entirely, absolutely, totally, utterly,categorically, thoroughly, unconditionally, unqualifiedly: Youare dead right about Pontefract.
    Completely, entirely,absolutely, totally; abruptly, suddenly: He stopped dead in histracks and stared at me.
    Directly, exactly, precisely: Anenormous maelstrom lay dead ahead of the fragile craft.
    Depth(s), extreme, midst, middle: She used to visithis room in the dead of night.


    Adj., adv., & n.

    No longer alive.
    Colloq.extremely tired or unwell.
    Benumbed; affected by loss ofsensation (my fingers are dead).
    (foll. by to) unappreciativeor unconscious of; insensitive to.
    No longer effective or inuse; obsolete, extinct.
    (of a match, of coal, etc.) no longerburning; extinguished.
    A lacking force orvigour; dull, lustreless, muffled. b (of sound) not resonant.c (of sparkling wine etc.) no longer effervescent.
    A quiet;lacking activity (the dead season). b motionless, idle.
    A(of a microphone, telephone, etc.) not transmitting any sound,esp. because of a fault. b (of a circuit, conductor, etc.)carrying or transmitting no current; not connected to a sourceof electricity (a dead battery).
    (of the ball in a game) outof play.
    Abrupt, complete, exact, unqualified, unrelieved(come to a dead stop; a dead faint; a dead calm; in deadsilence; a dead certainty).
    Without spiritual life.
    Adv.1 absolutely, exactly, completely (dead on target; dead level;dead tired).
    Colloq. very, extremely (dead good; dead easy).

    N. (prec. by the) 1 (treated as pl.) those who have died.

    Atime of silence or inactivity (the dead of night).
    Dead-and-alive Brit. (of a place, person, activity, etc.)dull, monotonous; lacking interest. dead as the dodo see DODO.dead as a doornail see DOORNAIL. dead bat Cricket a bat heldloosely so that it imparts no motion to the ball when struck.dead beat 1 colloq. exhausted.
    Physics (of an instrument)without recoil. dead-beat n.
    Colloq. a penniless person.
    US sl. a person constantly in debt. dead centre 1 the exactcentre.
    The position of a crank etc. in line with theconnecting-rod and not exerting torque. dead cert see CERT.dead duck sl. an unsuccessful or useless person or thing. deadend 1 a closed end of a road, passage, etc.
    (often (withhyphen) attrib.) a situation offering no prospects of progressor advancement. dead-eye Naut. a round flat three-holed blockfor extending shrouds. dead from the neck up colloq. stupid.dead hand an oppressive persisting influence, esp. posthumouscontrol. dead heat 1 a race in which two or more competitorsfinish exactly level.
    The result of such a race. dead-heatv.intr. run a dead heat. dead language a language no longercommonly spoken, e.g. Latin. dead letter a law or practice nolonger observed or recognized. dead lift the exertion of one'sutmost strength to lift something. dead loss 1 colloq. auseless person or thing.
    A complete loss. dead man's fingers1 a kind of orchis, Orchis mascula.
    Any soft coral of thegenus Alcyonium, with spongy lobes.
    The finger-like divisionsof a lobster's or crab's gills. dead man's handle (or pedaletc.) a controlling-device on an electric train, allowing powerto be connected only as long as the operator presses on it.dead march a funeral march. dead men colloq. bottles after thecontents have been drunk. dead-nettle any plant of the genusLamium, having nettle-like leaves but without stinging hairs.dead-on exactly right. dead reckoning Naut. calculation of aship's position from the log, compass, etc., when observationsare impossible. dead ringer see RINGER. dead shot one who isextremely accurate. dead time Physics the period after therecording of a pulse etc. when the detector is unable to recordanother. dead to the world colloq. fast asleep; unconscious.dead weight (or dead-weight) 1 a an inert mass. b a heavyweight or burden.
    A debt not covered by assets.
    The totalweight carried on a ship. dead wood colloq. one or moreuseless people or things. make a dead set at see SET(2).wouldn't be seen dead in (or with etc.) colloq. shall havenothing to do with; shall refuse to wear etc.
    Deadness n.[OE dead f. Gmc, rel. to DIE(1)]

    Tham khảo chung

    • dead : National Weather Service
    • dead : amsglossary
    • dead : Corporateinformation
    • dead : Chlorine Online
    • dead : Foldoc

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