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Thông dụng
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- join communications
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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Unite, connect, couple, link, marry, yoke, combine, fastenor tie or glue or weld or solder (together), unify: These twopieces should be joined for greater strength.
Ally or leaguewith, associate (oneself) with, team up with, throw (one's lot)in with, enlist (in), sign (up) (with), enrol (in), enter: Shewas invited to join the bridge club.
V. & n.
Tr. (often foll. by to, together) put together;fasten, unite (one thing or person to another or severaltogether).
Tr. a come into the company of (a person). b (foll.by in) take part with (others) in an activity etc. (joined me incondemnation of the outrage). c (foll. by for) share thecompany of for a specified occasion (may I join you for lunch?).6 intr. (often foll. by with, to) come together; be united.
Join battle beginfighting. join forces combine efforts. join hands 1 a claspeach other's hands. b clasp one's hands together.
Combine inan action or enterprise. join up 1 enlist for military service.2 (often foll. by with) unite, connect.
Joinable adj. [ME f.OF joindre (stem joign-) f. L jungere junct- join: cf. YOKE]
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