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Dòng 1: Dòng 1: - =====/'''<font color="red">wa:t</font>'''/ <!-- BaamBoo-Tra Từ cho rằng phần phiên âm này chưa hoàn thiện, bạn hãy cùng xây dựng bằng cách thêm vào giữa /..../ phần phiên âm của từ. VD: phiên âm của help là /help/ --> =====+ =====/'''<font color="red">wat</font>'''/ <!-- BaamBoo-Tra Từ cho rằng phần phiên âm này chưa hoàn thiện, bạn hãy cùng xây dựng bằng cách thêm vào giữa /..../ phần phiên âm của từ. VD: phiên âm của help là /help/ --> =======Thông dụng====Thông dụng==22:55, ngày 5 tháng 12 năm 2008
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Chuyên ngành
Asking for a choice froman indefinite number or for a statement of amount, number, orkind (what books have you read?; what news have you?).
Pron. (corresp. to the functions of the adj.) 1 what thing orthings? (what is your name?; I don't know what you mean).
Asking for confirmation or agreement of something not completelyunderstood (you did what?; what, you really mean it?).
(as rel.pron.) that orthose which; a or the or any thing which (what followed wasworse; tell me what you think).
What about what is the news or position oryour opinion of (what about me?; what about a game of tennis?).what-d'you-call-it (or what's-its-name) a substitute for a namenot recalled. what ever what at all or in any way (what ever doyou mean?) (see also WHATEVER). what for colloq.
A severe reprimand (esp. give a person what for).what have you colloq. (prec. by or) anything else similar. whatif?
What would it matter if.what is more and as an additional point; moreover. what next?colloq. what more absurd, shocking, or surprising thing ispossible? what not (prec. by and) other similar things. whatof? what is the news concerning? what of it? why should thatbe considered significant? what's-his (or -its) -name =what-d'you-call-it. what's what colloq. what is useful orimportant etc. what with colloq. because of (usu. severalthings). [OE hw‘t f. Gmc]
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