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Dòng 19: Dòng 19: =====Đã có một thời==========Đã có một thời=====- ::[[once]] [[famour]] [[artist]]+ ::[[once]] [[famous]] [[artist]]::nghệ sĩ nổi danh một thời::nghệ sĩ nổi danh một thời::[[once]] [[upon]] [[a]] [[time]]::[[once]] [[upon]] [[a]] [[time]]04:10, ngày 8 tháng 1 năm 2008
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Once upon a time, formerly, (at) one time, on a formeroccasion, previously, before, in days gone by, in olden days, inthe (good) old days, long ago, some time ago, years or ages oraeons ago, in days of yore: Your hair is as long as mine oncewas. He was once a famous film star. That once revered leaderhas fallen. 2 one time, on one occasion, a single time: He hasvisited his family only once in all these years.
Once and forall. finally, positively, definitely, decidedly, conclusively,for good: We must settle the itinerary once and for all beforewe can make the bookings. 4 once in a while. occasionally,(every) now and then, now and again, at times, sometimes,periodically, from time to time, at intervals, sporadically: Wego to the theatre once in a while.
At once. a immediately, straight away, right away,directly, without delay, promptly, instantly, post-haste; in awink, in the twinkling of an eye, in a minute or moment orsecond or split second, in no time (at all), before you can turnaround, before you can say 'Jack Robinson', in a trice, Colloqin a jiffy, in two shakes of a lamb's tail: Watson, come hereat once. I'll be there at once. b together, at the same time,simultaneously, at a stroke, in the same instant, in the samebreath, Colloq at one go, at a go, in one go: You cannot be intwo places at once.
Adv., conj., & n.
Simultaneously. for once on this (or that)occasion, even if at no other. once again (or more) anothertime. once and for all (or once for all) (done) in a final orconclusive manner, esp. so as to end hesitation or uncertainty.once (or every once) in a while from time to time; occasionally.once or twice a few times. once-over colloq. a rapidpreliminary inspection or piece of work. once upon a time atsome vague time in the past. [ME anes, ones, genit. of ONE]
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