• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    (Phó từ)
    (Giới từ)
    Dòng 68: Dòng 68:
    ::[[a]] [[street]] [[off]] [[Hue]] [[street]]
    ::[[a]] [[street]] [[off]] [[Hue]] [[street]]
    ::một phố khỏi phố Huế
    ::một phố khỏi phố Huế
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[colour]]
    ::(như) colour
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[duty]]
    ::(như) duty
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[liquor]]
    ::nhịn rượu, bỏ rượu
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[the]] [[mark]]
    ::trượt, không trúng; (nghĩa bóng) lạc đề
    ::[[off]] [[the]] [[map]]
    ::(như) map
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[one's]] [[feed]]
    ::(như) feed
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[one's]] [[games]]
    ::(như) game
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[one's]] [[head]]
    ::(như) head
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[the]] [[point]]
    ::(như) point
    ::[[to]] [[be]] [[off]] [[smoking]]
    ::nhịn thuốc lá, bỏ thuốc lá
    ::[[to]] [[play]] [[off]] [[5]]
    ::chơi chấp năm
    ===Tính từ===
    ===Tính từ===

    04:33, ngày 26 tháng 12 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Phó từ

    is the lamp off?
    đèn đã tắt chưa?
    Đi, đi rồi
    they are off
    họ đã đi rồi
    off with you
    đi đi, cút đi
    Ra khỏi, đứt, rời
    to cut something off
    cắt cái gì rời hẳn ra
    one of the wheels flew off
    một bánh xe long hẳn ra
    to take one's clothes off
    cởi quần áo ra
    Xa cách
    the town is ten kilometers off
    thành phố cách đây 10 kilômét
    Tet is not far off
    Sắp đến tết rồi
    Hẳn, hết
    to finish off a piece of work
    làm xong hẳn một công việc
    to pay off one's debts
    trả hết nợ
    to declare off somebody's service
    tuyên bố thôi không cần sự giúp đỡ của ai
    to leave off work
    nghỉ việc
    Nổi bật
    the picture is set off by the frame
    cái khung làm nổi bật bức tranh
    to show off
    khoe mẽ

    Giới từ

    Khỏi, cách, rời
    the cover has come off the book
    cái bìa tuột khỏi quyển sách
    to drive the enemy off the seas
    đuổi quân thù ra khỏi mặt biển
    the island is off the coast
    đảo cách xa bờ
    to take a matter off someone's hands
    đỡ một việc cho ai
    a street off Hue street
    một phố khỏi phố Huế

    Tính từ

    Phải, bên phải (xe, ngựa)
    to mount a horse on the off side
    lên ngựa bên phải
    Xa, cách, ngoài, bên kia
    to be on the off side of the wall
    ở phía bên kia tường
    Mặt sau, mặt trái tờ giấy
    Mỏng manh
    an off chance
    cơ hội mỏng manh
    Ôi, ương
    the meat is a bit off
    thịt hơi ôi
    Ốm, mệt
    he is rather off today
    hôm nay anh ta hơi mệt
    Nhàn rỗi, nghỉ, vãn
    an off season
    mùa đã vãn
    an off day
    ngày nghỉ
    off time
    thời gian nhàn rỗi
    Phụ, nhỏ, hẻm
    an off streets
    phố hẻm
    an off issue
    vấn đề phụ

    Danh từ

    (thể dục,thể thao) cú đánh về bên phải ( crikê)

    Ngoại động từ

    (thông tục) tỏ ý bỏ, tỏ ý thôi (cuộc đàm phán, sự thoả thuận, công cuộc)
    Rút lui thôi không đàm phán với (ai), rút lời cam kết với ai

    Thán từ

    Cút đi, xéo

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành


    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Unwell, ill, off form, out of sorts, queasy, sick, rundown, awful, seedy, Colloq under the weather, poorly, Slanglousy, rotten: I have been feeling off colour since eating thatfish.
    Indelicate, risqu‚, ribald, bawdy, indecent,suggestive, broad, indelicate, inelegant, improper,inappropriate, unseemly, blue: My mother does not tolerateoff-colour remarks at the dinner table.


    Adv., prep., adj., & n.

    Away; at or to a distance(drove off; is three miles off).
    Out of position; not on ortouching or attached; loose, separate, gone (has come off; takeyour coat off).
    So as to be rid of (sleep it off).
    So asto break continuity or continuance; discontinued, stopped (turnoff the radio; take a day off; the game is off).
    Notavailable as a choice, e.g. on a menu (chips are off).
    To theend; entirely; so as to be clear (clear off; finish off; payoff).
    Situated as regards money, supplies, etc. (is badlyoff; is not very well off).
    Off-stage (noises off).
    (offood etc.) beginning to decay.
    (with preceding numeral)denoting a quantity produced or made at one time (esp. one-off).
    A from; away or down or up from (fell off the chair;took something off the price; jumped off the edge). b not on(was already off the pitch).
    A (temporarily) relieved of orabstaining from (off duty; am off my diet). b not attracted byfor the time being (off their food; off smoking). c notachieving or doing one's best in (off form; off one's game).
    Using as a source or means of support (live off the land).
    Leading from; not far from (a street off the Strand).
    At ashort distance to sea from (sank off Cape Horn).
    Far,further (the off side of the wall).
    (of a part of a vehicle,animal, or road) right (the off front wheel).
    Cricketdesignating the half of the field (as divided lengthways throughthe pitch) to which the striker's feet are pointed.
    Cricket the off side.
    The start of a race.
    Rather annoying or unfair.
    Somewhat unwell (amfeeling a bit off). off and on intermittently; now and then.off-centre not quite coinciding with a central position. theoff chance see CHANCE. off colour 1 not in good health.
    USsomewhat indecent. off the cuff see CUFF(1). off-day a daywhen one is not at one's best. off-drive Cricket drive (theball) to the off side. off one's feet see FOOT. off form seeFORM. off guard see GUARD. off one's hands see HAND. offone's head see HEAD. off-key 1 out of tune.
    Not quitesuitable or fitting. off-licence Brit.
    A shop sellingalcoholic drink for consumption elsewhere.
    A licence forthis. off limits see LIMIT. off-line Computing (of a computerterminal or process) not directly controlled by or connected toa central processor. off of sl. disp. = OFF prep. (picked itoff of the floor). off-peak used or for use at times other thanthose of greatest demand. off the peg see PEG. off-piste (ofskiing) away from prepared ski runs. off the point adj.irrelevant.
    Adv. irrelevantly. off-putting Brit.disconcerting; repellent. off the record see RECORD. off-roadattrib.adj.
    Away from the road, on rough terrain.
    (of avehicle etc.) designed for rough terrain or for cross-countrydriving. off-season a time when business etc. is slack.off-stage adj. & adv. not on the stage and so not visible oraudible to the audience. off-street (esp. of parking vehicles)other than on a street. off-time a time when business etc. isslack. off-the-wall sl. crazy, absurd, outlandish. off-whitewhite with a grey or yellowish tinge. [orig. var. of OF, todistinguish the sense]

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