• Revision as of 05:06, ngày 22 tháng 12 năm 2008 by Smiling face (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Lớn, to lớn, vĩ đại
    a great wind
    cơn gió lớn
    a great distance
    một khoảng cách lớn
    the Great October Socialist Revolution
    cuộc cách mạng xã hội chủ nghĩa tháng mười vĩ đại
    a great writer
    một nhà văn lớn
    the Great Powers
    các nước lớn mạnh, các cường quốc
    a great scoundrel
    thằng đại bợm
    the great majority
    đại đa số
    at a great pace
    đi rất nhanh
    Hết sức, rất
    with great care
    cẩn thận hết sức
    to pay great attention to
    hết sức chú ý tới
    an antique of great price
    một món đồ cổ rất quý
    Cao quý, ca cả, cao thượng
    he appeared greater in adversity than ever before
    trong lúc hoạn nạn anh ấy tỏ ra cao thượng hơn bao giờ hết
    Tuyệt hay, thật là thú vị
    that is great!
    thật là tuyệt!
    to have great time
    được hưởng một thời gian thú tuyệt
    Giỏi, thạo cừ, hiểu rõ, hiểu tường tận
    to be great on
    hiểu rõ, biết rõ, hiểu tường tận về (cái gì)
    to be great at
    rất giỏi về (cái gì)
    Thân (với ai)
    to be great with somebody
    thân với ai

    Danh từ

    ( the great) những người vĩ đại
    ( số nhiều) kỳ thi tốt nghiệp tú tài văn chương tại trường đại học Ôc-phớt

    Cấu trúc từ

    to be great with child
    (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) có mang, có chửa
    great dozen
    tá mười ba
    great many
    to have a great mind to
    Xem mind
    to live to a great age
    sống đến tận lúc tuổi già, sống lâu
    to take a great interest in
    rất quan tâm đến
    to be no great shakes
    không thích hợp, không phù hợp
    going great guns
    sinh động và đạt hiệu quả cao
    great and small
    giàu nghèo, mạnh yếu
    to make great strides
    tiến bộ, tiến triển theo chiều hướng tốt
    your need is greater than mine
    anh cần cái đó hơn là tôi cần

    Hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng

    vĩ đại

    Kỹ thuật chung


    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Big, large, huge, immense, enormous, gigantic, giant,grand, extensive, prodigious, colossal, massive, vast,tremendous; spacious, capacious, mammoth, gargantuan, monstrous,titanic, Cyclopean, Brobdingnagian: Europe was covered by agreat forest. A great castle loomed before me. 2 large, huge,immense, enormous, gigantic, prodigious, vast, tremendous,abundant, countless: Plague killed a great number of people.
    Extreme, considerable, marked, pronounced, inordinate,extraordinary, significant; excess, excessive: I have somethingof great importance to tell you. Your news created greatconfusion. 4 critical, important, crucial, momentous,significant, serious, weighty, consequential: Those were greatdays for the history of England.
    Important, prominent, major,eminent, celebrated, distinguished, famous, famed, renowned,notable, noteworthy, illustrious, outstanding, well-known,weighty, influential, Rare eximious: What of the greatuniversities, like Oxford and Cambridge? Our mayor thinks ofhimself as a great man. 6 talented, gifted, excellent,outstanding, exceptional, major, superlative, superior, leading,best, incomparable, matchless, peerless, skilful, artistic,brilliant, first-rate, remarkable, top, accomplished: Flaubertwas one of the greatest writers of his age. Tamara is a gooddancer, but not a great dancer. 7 lofty, elevated, exalted,noble, high-minded, grand: Great thoughts come from greatminds.
    Talented, skilled, skilful, adroit, clever, adept,able, proficient, expert: Daphne is really great at playingbridge.
    Keen, zealous, eager, active, enthusiastic, devoted,ardent, passionate: Frank is a great stamp collector.
    Close, devoted, dedicated, fast, faithful, true, loyal,intimate, loving: Graham and Pembroke quickly became greatfriends.
    Terrible, bad, awful, unforgivable, horrendous,heinous, grievous, horrific, horrible, terrific, huge, colossal,enormous, gigantic, significant, cardinal, egregious, basic,profound, flagrant, glaring, arrant, consummate, out-and-out:Inviting her at the same time as her ex-husband was a greatmistake.
    Spectacular, marvellous, outstanding, excellent,superb, grand, wonderful, fine Colloq fantastic, terrific,stupendous, marvy, smashing, fantabulous, Old-fashioned Brittickety-boo: He says that we missed a truly great show.


    Adj. & n.
    A of a size, amount, extent, or intensityconsiderably above the normal or average; big (made a greathole; take great care; lived to a great age). b also withimplied surprise, admiration, contempt, etc., esp. inexclamations (you great idiot!; great stuff!; look at that greatwasp). c reinforcing other words denoting size, quantity, etc.(a great big hole; a great many).
    Important, pre-eminent;worthy or most worthy of consideration (the great thing is notto get caught).
    Grand, imposing (a great occasion; the greathall).
    A (esp. of a public or historic figure) distinguished;prominent. b (the Great) as a title denoting the most importantof the name (Alfred the Great).
    A (of a person) remarkable inability, character, achievement, etc. (great men; a greatthinker). b (of a thing) outstanding of its kind (the GreatFire).
    (foll. by at, on) competent, skilled, well-informed.7 fully deserving the name of; doing a thing habitually orextensively (a great reader; a great believer in tolerance; nota great one for travelling).
    (also greater) the larger of thename, species, etc. (great auk; greater celandine).
    (Greater)(of a city etc.) including adjacent urban areas (GreaterManchester).
    Colloq. a very enjoyable or satisfactory;attractive, fine (had a great time; it would be great if wewon). b (as an exclam.) fine, very good.
    (in comb.) (innames of family relationships) denoting one degree furtherremoved upwards or downwards (great-uncle;great-great-grandmother).
    A great or outstanding personor thing.
    (in pl.) (Greats) colloq. (at Oxford University) anhonours course or final examinations in classics and philosophy.
    Adj. of or relating to thispeople or language. great tit a Eurasian songbird, Parus major,with black and white head markings. great toe the big toe.Great War the world war of 1914-18. to a great extent largely.
    Greatness n. [OE great f. WG]

    Tham khảo chung

    • great : National Weather Service
    • great : amsglossary
    • great : Corporateinformation
    • great : Chlorine Online
    • great : Foldoc

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