• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    (Ở trong trạng thái (tinh thần hay vật chất) tốt)
    (Phó từ)
    Dòng 114: Dòng 114:
    =====(trong một số danh vị, hàm ý tất cả)=====
    =====(trong một số danh vị, hàm ý tất cả)=====
    ::[[the]] [[Right]] [[Reverend]]
    ::Đức giám mục
    =====Về bên phải=====
    ::[[to]] [[hit]] [[out]] [[right]] [[and]] [[left]]
    ::đánh bên phải đánh bên trái, đánh từ phía
    ::[[right]] [[away]]
    ::ngay tức thì
    ::[[right]] [[here]]
    ::ngay ở đây
    ::[[right]] [[now]]
    ::ngay bây giờ
    ::[[right]] [[off]]
    ::(như) right away
    ===Ngoại động từ===
    ===Ngoại động từ===

    08:59, ngày 21 tháng 12 năm 2007


    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Điều tốt, điều phải, điều đứng đắn; điều thiện
    to make no difference between right and wrong
    không phân biệt phải trái thiện ác
    to be in the right
    lẽ phải về mình, có chính nghĩa
    to have a (the) right to do something
    có quyền làm việc gì
    right to self-determination
    quyền tự quyết
    right of work
    quyền lao động, quyền có công ăn việc làm
    right to vote
    quyền bỏ phiếu
    Quyền lợi
    rights and duties
    quyền lợi và nhiệm vụ
    ( số nhiều) thứ tự
    to put (set) something to rights
    sắp đặt vật gì cho có thứ tự
    ( (thường) số nhiều) thực trạng
    to know the rights of a case
    biết thực trạng của một trường hợp
    Bên phải, phía tay phải
    to keep to the right
    đi bên phía tay phải
    from right to left
    từ phải sang trái
    (chính trị) ( the right) phe hữu, phái hữu
    (thể dục,thể thao) cú đánh tay phải (quyền anh)
    (săn bắn) phát súng bắn phía tay phải

    Tính từ

    a right line
    một đường thẳng
    (toán học) vuông
    right angle
    góc vuông
    Tốt, đúng, phải, có lý
    to be right in one's reokonings
    tính toán đúng
    to do what is right
    làm điều phải
    to be right
    có lý, đúng phải
    to set one's watch
    right vặn đồng hồ lại cho đúng
    to set oneself right with someone
    tự mình làm cho người nào hiểu đúng về người nào hiểu cho đúng về mình
    Phái hữu (đối với trái)
    the right arm
    cánh tay phải
    on (at) the right hand
    ở phía tay phải; mặt phải (vải...)
    Thích hợp, cần phải có
    the right size
    cỡ thích hợp, cỡ cần phải có
    to wait for the right moment
    chờ thời cơ thích hợp
    Ở trong trạng thái (tinh thần hay vật chất) tốt
    see if the brakes are all right
    hãy xem phanh có hoàn toàn tốt không
    not right in one's head
    gàn gàn, hâm hâm

    Phó từ

    right ahead of us
    thẳng về phía trước chúng ta
    Ngay, chính
    right in the middle
    ở chính giữa
    Đúng, phải
    if I remember right
    nếu tôi nhớ đúng
    Tốt, đúng như ý muốn
    if everything goes right
    nếu tất cả đều như ý muốn
    Đáng, xứng đáng
    it serves him right!
    thật đáng đời hắn ta!
    (trước tính từ hay phó từ) rất, hoàn toàn
    you know right well that
    anh biết rất rõ ràng
    (trong một số danh vị, hàm ý tất cả)

    Ngoại động từ

    Lấy lại cho ngay, lấy lại cho thẳng (hướng đi của ô tô, tàu thuỷ...)
    to right the car
    lấy lại hướng đi của chiếc ô tô cho thẳng
    to right onself
    lấy lại thăng bằng
    Sửa sai, chỉnh đốn lại, uốn nắn lại
    to right a mistake
    sửa một lỗi lầm
    to right a wrong
    uốn nắn lại một sự bất công (một điều sai trái)
    Bênh vực
    to right the oppressed
    bênh vực những người bị áp bức

    Nội động từ

    Lại đứng thẳng lên được; không ngả nghiêng tròng trành (tàu thuỷ)

    Toán & tin

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    phải, bên phải

    Nguồn khác

    Xây dựng

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đích thực

    Điện lạnh

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành


    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bên phải
    lấy thăng bằng
    mạn phải
    phía bên phải
    quyền lợi
    vuông góc

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    quyền lợi

    Nguồn khác

    • right : Corporateinformation

    Nguồn khác

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Just, moral, good, proper, correct, legal, lawful,licit, honest, upright, righteous, virtuous, ethical, fair,true, honourable, right-minded, principled, open, above-board:There is no doubt in my mind that Simon can be relied on to dothe right thing. 2 correct, fitting, suitable, proper, accurate,exact, precise, perfect; factual, truthful, veracious, valid,sound, Colloq Brit bang on, spot on: Have you bought the rightkind of nail to go into plaster? Jennie had nine right answersout of ten. How many of yours are right? 3 propitious,convenient, strategic, advantageous, beneficial, favourable,auspicious, preferred, preferable, promising: It is criticalfor the mixture to reach the boiling point at exactly the righttime. 4 sound, sane, normal, rational, lucid, healthy: Is sheright in the head, letting him drive in his condition?
    Right-hand, dextral, dexter, Nautical starboard: In the UnitedKingdom, drivers sit on the right side.
    Rightist, right-wing,conservative, reactionary, Tory: The right wing of the liberalparty is not so very different from the left wing of theconservatives. 7 face, upper, principal, front: Have you laidthe tablecloth right side up?
    Utter, complete, perfect,unmitigated, unalloyed, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing,24-carat or esp. US 24-karat, dyed in the wool, pure, absolute,real, Brit proper: I've been a right idiot not to realize thathe loved only her.
    Privilege, prerogative, licence, power, claim, title,freedom, liberty: We must allow nothing to interfere with ourdemocratic rights, such as our right to vote. 10 justice,reason, fact, truth, fairness, equity, good, goodness,integrity, virtue, virtuousness, honesty, honourableness,morality, propriety, rectitude, right-mindedness,high-mindedness, nobility, uprightness: He believes that he hasright on his side.
    Right side or hand or fist, Nauticalstarboard: She stood on his right. She gave him a quick rightto the jaw.
    By rights. properly, fairly, justly, to be just,to be fair, in fairness, honestly, in all honesty, to be honest:By rights, because I paid for it, the house is mine.
    Directly, straight, straightaway, right away or off,in a beeline, as the crow flies, forthwith; unhesitatingly,immediately, promptly, at once, instantly, without hesitating orhesitation, without delay, quickly, swiftly, speedily, Colloqpronto, straight off: The minute he walked into the room, hewent right to the wall-safe. Please come over right now. 14exactly, precisely, unerringly, accurately; just: She hung thepaintings right where they belonged.
    Just, only: I stoppedright now - when you walked in.
    Well, satisfactorily,advantageously, profitably, favourably, opportunely: I hopethat everything turns out right for you.
    Correctly,accurately, properly, precisely, well, sensibly, fittingly,suitably, aptly: If you can't do it right, why bother doing itat all!
    Straighten (up or out), set upright or aright: Irighted all the chairs the children had knocked over.
    Put orset or make right, put or set to rights, correct, straightenout, redress, amend, make up for, rectify, sort out, repair,fix: She has always felt that her mission in life was to rightwrongs.
    Avenge, retaliate for, vindicate, repay, revenge,settle, Colloq get even for: Langdon swore that he would rightthe injury done to his father's name.


    Adj., n., v., adv., & int.

    (of conduct etc.) just,morally or socially correct (it is only right to tell you; Iwant to do the right thing).
    True, correct; not mistaken (theright time; you were right about the weather).
    Less wrong ornot wrong (which is the right way to town?).
    More or mostsuitable or preferable (the right person for the job; along theright lines).
    In a sound or normal condition; physically ormentally healthy; satisfactory (the engine doesn't sound right).6 a on or towards the side of the human body which correspondsto the position of east if one regards oneself as facing north.b on or towards that part of an object which is analogous to aperson's right side or (with opposite sense) which is nearer toa spectator's right hand.
    (of a side of fabric etc.) meantfor display or use (turn it right side up).
    Colloq. orarchaic real; properly so called (made a right mess of it; aright royal welcome).
    That which is morally or sociallycorrect or just; fair treatment (often in pl.: the rights andwrongs of the case).
    (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) ajustification or fair claim (has no right to speak like that).3 a thing one may legally or morally claim; the state of beingentitled to a privilege or immunity or authority to act (a rightof reply; human rights).
    The right-hand part or region ordirection.
    Boxing a the right hand. b a blow with this.
    (often Right) Polit. a a group or section favouringconservatism (orig. the more conservative section of acontinental legislature, seated on the president's right). bsuch conservatives collectively.
    The side of a stage which isto the right of a person facing the audience.
    (esp. inmarching) the right foot.
    The right wing of an army.
    V.tr.1 (often refl.) restore to a proper or straight or verticalposition.
    A correct (mistakes etc.); set in order. b avenge(a wrong or a wronged person); make reparation for or to. cvindicate, justify, rehabilitate.
    Straight (go righton).
    Colloq. immediately; without delay (I'll be right back;do it right now).
    A (foll. by to, round, through, etc.) allthe way (sank right to the bottom; ran right round the block).b (foll. by off, out, etc.) completely (came right off itshinges; am right out of butter).
    Exactly, quite (right in themiddle).
    Justly, properly, correctly, truly, satisfactorily(did not act right; not holding it right; if I remember right).6 on or to the right side.
    Archaic very; to the full (amright glad to hear it; dined right royally).
    Int. colloq.expressing agreement or assent.
    As right as rain perfectlysound and healthy. at right angles placed to form a rightangle. by right (or rights) if right were done. do right byact dutifully towards (a person). in one's own right throughone's own position or effort etc. in the right having justiceor truth on one's side. in one's right mind sane; competent tothink and act. of (or as of) right having legal or moral etc.entitlement. on the right side of 1 in the favour of (a personetc.).
    Somewhat less than (a specified age). put (or set)right 1 restore to order, health, etc.
    Correct the mistakenimpression etc. of (a person). put (or set) to rights makecorrect or well ordered. right about (or about-turn orabout-face) 1 a right turn continued to face the rear.
    Areversal of policy.
    A hasty retreat. right and left (orright, left, and centre) on all sides. right angle an angle of90ø, made by lines meeting with equal angles on either side.right-angled 1 containing or making a right angle.
    Involvingright angles, not oblique. right arm one's most reliablehelper. right ascension see ASCENSION. right away (or off)immediately. right bank the bank of a river on the right facingdownstream. right bower see BOWER(3). right field Baseball thepart of the outfield to the right of the batter as he faces thepitcher. right hand 1 = right-hand man.
    The most importantposition next to a person (stand at God's right hand).right-hand adj.
    On or towards the right side of a person orthing (right-hand drive).
    Done with the right hand(right-hand blow).
    (of a screw) = RIGHT-HANDED 4b.right-hand man an indispensable or chief assistant. RightHonourable Brit. a title given to certain high officials, e.g.Privy Counsellors. right-minded (or -thinking) having soundviews and principles. right of search Naut. see SEARCH. rightof way 1 a right established by usage to pass over another'sground.
    A path subject to such a right.
    The right of onevehicle to proceed before another. right oh! (or ho!) =RIGHTO. right on! colloq. an expression of strong approval orencouragement. a right one Brit. colloq. a silly or foolishperson. Right Reverend see REVEREND. right sphere Astron. seeSPHERE. right turn a turn that brings one's front to face asone's right side did before. right whale any large-headed whaleof the family Balaenidae, rich in whalebone and easily captured.right wing 1 the right side of a football etc. team on thefield.
    The conservative section of a political party orsystem. right-wing adj. conservative or reactionary.right-winger a person on the right wing. right you are!colloq. an exclamation of assent. she's (or she'll be) rightAustral. colloq. that will be all right. too right sl. anexpression of agreement. within one's rights not exceedingone's authority or entitlement.
    Rightable adj. righter n.rightish adj. rightless adj. rightlessness n. rightness n.[OE riht (adj.), rihtan (v.), rihte (adv.)]

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