Revision as of 04:49, ngày 13 tháng 10 năm 2008 by (Thảo luận)
Thông dụng
Động từ
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
phục vụ
- refrigerated serve-over counter
- quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
- refrigerated serve-over counter (displaycase)
- quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
- refrigerated serve-over display case
- quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
- self-serve freezer
- máy kem tự phục vụ
- serve-over display showcase
- tủ kính để phục vụ
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Attend (to), wait on or upon, minister to, look after (theneeds of), be at (someone's) beck and call, assist, help, be ofassistance or help, be in the service of, oblige, accommodate,gratify: After a patron is seated and settled, approach him andask, 'May I serve you, Sir (or Madam, as the case may be ) ?' Weserve all customers with equal consideration.
Fulfil or carryout or perform or discharge (a function or a duty or one'sduty), work (for), do (duty) (as or for), do one's part,suffice, be used or of use or useful (to or for), function (asor to), act (as or to), fill the bill, be serviceable (as orfor), be available (for), answer (for), be sufficient oradequate or suitable, suit, be advantageous or of advantage(to); fight (for), be obedient (to), take one's part: Thiscatch will serve to keep the door closed. I had no screw driver,but a coin served just as well. They also serve who only standand wait. 3 distribute, deal out, dole out, give out, present,set out, provide, supply, offer, pass out or about or around,make available, come (a)round with, dish up or out: They willserve hors-d'oeuvres at seven-thirty. Dinner is served, Madam. 4be convenient or opportune or favourable (to): If theopportunity serves me, I shall repay you many times over.
Intr. a (foll. by in) beemployed in (an organization, esp. the armed forces, or a place,esp. a foreign country) (served in the air force). b be amember of the armed forces.
A tr. be useful to or serviceablefor; meet the needs of; do what is required for (serve apurpose; one packet serves him for a week). b intr. meetrequirements; perform a function (a sofa serving as a bed). cintr. (foll. by to + infin.) avail, suffice (his attempt servedonly to postpone the inevitable; it serves to show the folly ofsuch action).
Tr. set out orpresent (food) for those about to eat it (asparagus served withbutter; dinner was then served).
Tr. a attend to (a customer in ashop). b (foll. by with) supply with (goods) (was serving acustomer with apples; served the town with gas).
Tr. treator act towards (a person) in a specified way (has served meshamefully; you may serve me as you will).
Tr. a (oftenfoll. by on) deliver (a writ etc.) to the person concerned in alegally formal manner (served a warrant on him). b (foll. bywith) deliver a writ etc. to (a person) in this way (served herwith a summons).
Tr. Tennis etc. a (also absol.) deliver (aball etc.) to begin or resume play. b produce (a fault etc.) bydoing this.
Tham khảo chung
- serve : Chlorine Online
tác giả
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