• Revision as of 04:49, ngày 13 tháng 10 năm 2008 by (Thảo luận)


    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    (thể dục,thể thao) cú giao bóng; lượt giao bóng (quần vợt...)
    whose serve is it?
    đến lượt ai giao bóng?

    Động từ

    Phục vụ, phụng sự
    to serve one's country
    phục vụ tổ quốc
    to serve in the army
    phục vụ trong quân đội
    to serve at table
    đứng hầu bàn ăn
    Đáp ứng, có lợi cho, thoả mãn, hợp với
    to serve a purpose
    đáp ứng một mục đích
    to serve some private ends
    có lợi cho những mục đích riêng
    1 kg serves him for a week
    một kilôgam có thể đủ cho anh ta trong một tuần
    nothing would serve him
    chẳng có gì hợp với anh ta cả
    Dọn ăn, dọn bàn
    to serve up dinner
    dọn cơm ăn
    to serve somebody with soup
    dọn cháo cho ai ăn
    to serve chicken three days running
    cho ăn thịt gà ba ngày liền
    Cung cấp, tiếp tế; phân phát
    to serve ammunition
    tiếp đạn; phân phát đạn
    to serve ration
    phân chia khẩu phần
    to serve the town with water
    cung cấp nước cho thành phố
    to serve a battery
    tiếp đạn cho một khẩu đội
    to serve a customer with something
    bán cái gì cho một khách hàng
    (thể dục,thể thao) giao bóng; giao (bóng)
    to serve the ball
    giao bóng
    Đối xử, đối đãi
    you may serve me as you will
    anh muốn đối với tôi thế nào cũng được
    to serve somebody a trick
    chơi xỏ ai một vố
    (pháp lý) tống đạt, gửi
    to serve a writ on someone; to serve someone with a writ
    tống đạt trát đòi người nào ra toà
    Dùng (về việc gì)
    a sofa serving as a bed
    một ghế xôfa dùng làm giường
    Nhảy (cái) (ngựa giống)
    (như) to serve one's sentence
    to serve somebody with the same sauce
    o serve somebody out
    Trả thù ai, ăn miếng trả miếng ai

    Cấu trúc từ

    as occasion serves
    khi có điều kiện thuận lợi, lúc thuận lợi
    as memory serves
    mỗi khi nhớ đến
    to serve the devil
    độc ác, nham hiểm
    to serve God (the Lord)
    ngoan đạo
    if my memory serves me right
    nếu tôi không nhầm
    to serve an office
    làm hết một nhiệm kỳ
    to serve one's sentence
    chịu hết hạn tù
    to serve one's time
    giữ chức vụ hết nhiệm kỳ

    Hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Toán & tin

    điều khiển (máy)

    Xây dựng

    thụ ủy
    thụ ủy viên

    Kỹ thuật chung

    phục vụ
    refrigerated serve-over counter
    quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
    refrigerated serve-over counter (displaycase)
    quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
    refrigerated serve-over display case
    quầy lạnh bán hàng (có nhân viên phục vụ)
    self-serve freezer
    máy kem tự phục vụ
    serve-over display showcase
    tủ kính để phục vụ
    thỏa mãn

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Attend (to), wait on or upon, minister to, look after (theneeds of), be at (someone's) beck and call, assist, help, be ofassistance or help, be in the service of, oblige, accommodate,gratify: After a patron is seated and settled, approach him andask, 'May I serve you, Sir (or Madam, as the case may be ) ?' Weserve all customers with equal consideration.
    Fulfil or carryout or perform or discharge (a function or a duty or one'sduty), work (for), do (duty) (as or for), do one's part,suffice, be used or of use or useful (to or for), function (asor to), act (as or to), fill the bill, be serviceable (as orfor), be available (for), answer (for), be sufficient oradequate or suitable, suit, be advantageous or of advantage(to); fight (for), be obedient (to), take one's part: Thiscatch will serve to keep the door closed. I had no screw driver,but a coin served just as well. They also serve who only standand wait. 3 distribute, deal out, dole out, give out, present,set out, provide, supply, offer, pass out or about or around,make available, come (a)round with, dish up or out: They willserve hors-d'oeuvres at seven-thirty. Dinner is served, Madam. 4be convenient or opportune or favourable (to): If theopportunity serves me, I shall repay you many times over.
    Notfail, not play tricks (on), work or function (for), be accurateor correct: If memory serves, he was last here about ten yearsago.
    Go through, complete, spend, last, endure, survive:Henryson served ten years in Dartmoor for that crime.


    V. & n.
    Tr. do a service for (a person, community,etc.).
    Tr. (also absol.) be a servant to.
    Intr. carry outduties (served on six committees).
    Intr. a (foll. by in) beemployed in (an organization, esp. the armed forces, or a place,esp. a foreign country) (served in the air force). b be amember of the armed forces.
    A tr. be useful to or serviceablefor; meet the needs of; do what is required for (serve apurpose; one packet serves him for a week). b intr. meetrequirements; perform a function (a sofa serving as a bed). cintr. (foll. by to + infin.) avail, suffice (his attempt servedonly to postpone the inevitable; it serves to show the folly ofsuch action).
    Tr. go through a due period of (office,apprenticeship, a prison sentence, etc.).
    Tr. set out orpresent (food) for those about to eat it (asparagus served withbutter; dinner was then served).
    Intr. (in full serve attable) act as a waiter.
    Tr. a attend to (a customer in ashop). b (foll. by with) supply with (goods) (was serving acustomer with apples; served the town with gas).
    Tr. treator act towards (a person) in a specified way (has served meshamefully; you may serve me as you will).
    Tr. a (oftenfoll. by on) deliver (a writ etc.) to the person concerned in alegally formal manner (served a warrant on him). b (foll. bywith) deliver a writ etc. to (a person) in this way (served herwith a summons).
    Tr. Tennis etc. a (also absol.) deliver (aball etc.) to begin or resume play. b produce (a fault etc.) bydoing this.
    Tr. Mil. keep (a gun, battery, etc.) firing.14 tr. (of an animal, esp. a stallion etc. hired for thepurpose) copulate with (a female).
    Tr. distribute (servedthe ammunition out; served the rations round).
    Tr. renderobedience to (a deity etc.).
    Eccl. a intr. act as a server.b tr. act as a server at (a service).
    Intr. (of a tide) besuitable for a ship to leave harbour etc.
    Tr. Naut. bind (arope etc.) with thin cord to strengthen it.
    Tr. play (atrick etc.) on.
    Tennis etc. a the act or an instance ofserving. b a manner of serving. c a person's turn to serve.
    Austral. sl. a reprimand.
    (alsoserve time) undergo imprisonment, apprenticeship, etc. serveone's (or the) turn be adequate. serve up offer for acceptance.[ME f. OF servir f. L servire f. servus slave]

    Tham khảo chung

    • serve : Chlorine Online

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