Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- accommodate , attune , be guided by , clean up act , comply , coordinate , don’t make waves , don’t rock the boat , fall in with , fit , follow , follow beaten path , follow the crowd , go by the book , go with the flow , harmonize , integrate , keep , make room , meet halfway , mind , move over , obey , observe , play the game , proportion , quadrate , reconcile , reconciliate , roll with punches , run with the pack , shape up , square , straighten up , suit , tailor , tailor-make , toe the line * , tune , yield , accord , agree , assimilate , be regular , dovetail , fit in , fit the pattern , go , jibe , tally , check , chime , comport with , consist , correspond , match , become , befit , go with , acclimate , acclimatize , adjust , fashion , abide by , adhere , carry out , stylize , acquiesce , adapt , apply , assent , compose , settle , submit , toe the line
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