• Revision as of 11:50, ngày 30 tháng 11 năm 2007 by Ami 150190 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Sự bày tỏ
    to vote by show of hands
    biểu quyết bằng giơ tay
    Sự trưng bày; cuộc triển lãm
    Sự phô trương, sự khoe khoang
    a fine show of blossom
    cảnh muôn hoa khoe sắc
    (thông tục) cuộc biểu diễn
    a film show
    một buổi chiếu phim
    Bề ngoài, hình thức, sự giả đò, sự giả bộ
    to do something for show
    làm việc gì để lấy hình thức
    to be fond of show
    chuộng hình thức
    his sympathy is mere show
    vẻ thiện cảm của anh ta chỉ là giả đồ
    (từ lóng) cơ hội, dịp
    to have no show at all
    không gặp dịp
    (y học) nước đầu ối
    (từ lóng) việc, công việc kinh doanh, việc làm ăn
    to run (boss) the show
    điều khiển mọi việc
    (quân sự), (từ lóng) trận đánh, chiến dịch
    to give away the show x give good show!
    khá lắm!, hay lắm!

    Ngoại động từ showed; showed, .shown

    Cho xem, cho thấy, trưng bày, đưa cho xem; tỏ ra
    an aperture show the inside
    một khe hở cho ta thấy phía bên trong
    to show trained tress
    trưng bày cây cảnh
    to show neither joy nor anger
    không tỏ ra vui mà cũng không tỏ ra giận
    to favour to somebody
    tỏ sự chiếu cố đối với ai
    Tỏ ra, tỏ rõ
    to show intelligence
    tỏ ra thông minh
    to show the authenticity of the tale
    tỏ rõ câu chuyện là có thật
    Chỉ, bảo, dạy
    to show someone the way
    chỉ đường cho ai
    to show someone how to read
    dạy ai đọc
    Dẫn, dắt
    to show someone round the house
    dẫn ai đi quanh nhà
    to show someone to his room
    dẫn ai về phòng

    Nội động từ

    Hiện ra, xuất hiện, trông rõ, ra trước công chúng, (thông tục) ló mặt, lòi ra
    bud are just showing
    nụ hoa đang nhú ra
    he never show up at big meeting
    hắn không bao giờ ló mặt ra ở các cuộc họp lớn
    your shirt's tails are showing
    đuôi áo sơ mi anh lòi ra
    to show in
    đưa vào, dẫn vào
    to whow off
    khoe khoang, phô trương (của cải, tài năng)
    to show out
    đưa ra, dẫn ra
    to show up
    để lộ ra, lộ mặt nạ (ai)
    (thông tục) xuất hiện, ló mặt ra, xuất đầu lộ diện; có mặt
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) vượt xa, hơn nhiều
    to show a clean pair of heels

    Xem heel

    to show the cloven hoof

    Xem hoof

    to show one's colours
    để lộ bản chất của mình; để lộ đảng phái của mình
    to show fight

    Xem fight

    to show one's hands
    để lộ ý đồ của mình
    to show a leg

    Xem leg

    to show the white feather

    Xem feather

    Hình thái từ

    Cơ khí & công trình

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    hiện rõ (đường vạch dấu)
    sự trình bầy

    Hóa học & vật liệu

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    điểm lộ (dầu, khí)
    sự biểu lộ dầu khí (kỹ thuật khoan)

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    chỉ ra
    chứng tỏ
    dấu hiệu
    sự tháo rỡ

    Nguồn khác

    • show : Chlorine Online

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cuộc triển lãm (hàng hóa)
    triển lãm
    agricultural show
    triển lãm nông nghiệp
    air show
    triển lãm hàng không
    của hàng bán triển lãm
    cửa hàng bán triển lãm
    showroom (show-room)
    phòng triển lãm
    trade show
    triển lãm thương mại

    Nguồn khác

    • show : Corporateinformation

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Display, present, expose, demonstrate, indicate, exhibit,manifest, (lay) bare, disclose, reveal, betray, make known,divulge, register, express, make clear or plain or manifest,elucidate, clarify, explain: Show your identification as youenter. Your persistent refusal to associate with Dominic showshow you feel very clearly. They showed me how the new machineworks. 2 escort, accompany, conduct, usher, lead, guide, direct;steer: Please show Mr Sorenson to his table.
    Prove,demonstrate, confirm, corroborate, verify, substantiate, bearout, certify, authenticate: This signature shows that the willwas signed personally by your father. 4 teach, instruct, tell,inform, let (someone) in on, give (someone) an idea of: Wouldyou please show me how to use this washing-machine?
    Appear,become or be visible, peek through, can or may be seen: Thefloor was showing through a hole in the carpet.
    Exhibit,reveal, indicate, display, register: A thermometer shows thetemperature, a barometer the atmospheric pressure. 7 make anappearance, appear, show up, arrive, come: Do you really thinkthat the Jack Nicholson will show at the club tonight? 8represent, symbolize, depict, portray, picture, illustrate:This drawing shows what happens to children who bite theirfingernails.
    Present, play, put on, stage, screen; be (being)presented or played or playing or put on or staged or screened:They are showing The Maltese Falcon at the local cinema. What isshowing there tomorrow?
    Grant, accord, bestow: They finallyshowed mercy and let the hostages go.
    Show off. make anexhibit or a spectacle of, flaunt, advertise, display, parade;pose, swagger, posture, boast, brag, US and Canadian grandstand:They invited us to show off their new house. Quilty shows offtoo much for my taste. 12 show up. a expose, give away, reveal:His collection of animal trophies shows him up for what hereally is. b stand out, be conspicuous, be noticeable, contrast:The white dress shows up nicely against your suntan. cembarrass, (put to) shame, mortify, upstage, overshadow,outshine, eclipse: John only runs in the marathon to show meup.
    Display, demonstration, exhibition, exposition, fair,presentation, Colloq expo: There will be a computer show at theconvention centre next week.
    Production, presentation,drama, musical, entertainment: We flew to New York for a weekto see a few Broadway shows.
    Ostentation, display,appearance, pretentiousness, pretension, affectation: Thosepaintings are there just for show, not because they enjoy art.


    V. & n.

    V. (past part. shown or showed) 1 intr. & tr. be,or allow or cause to be, visible; manifest; appear (the buds arebeginning to show; white shows the dirt).
    Tr. (often foll. byto) offer, exhibit, or produce (a thing) for scrutiny etc. (showyour tickets please; showed him my poems).
    Tr. a indicate(one's feelings) by one's behaviour etc. (showed mercy to him).b indicate (one's feelings to a person etc.) (showed himparticular favour).
    Intr. (of feelings etc.) be manifest (hisdislike shows).
    Tr. a demonstrate; point out; prove (hasshown it to be false; showed that he knew the answer). b (usu.foll. by how to + infin.) cause (a person) to understand or becapable of doing (showed them how to knit).
    Tr. (refl.)exhibit oneself as being (showed herself to be fair).
    Tr. &intr. (with ref. to a film) be presented or cause to bepresented.
    Tr. exhibit (a picture, animal, flower, etc.) in ashow.
    Tr. (often foll. by in, out, up, etc.) conduct or lead(showed them to their rooms).
    Intr. = show up 3 (waited buthe didn't show).
    Intr. US finish in the first three in arace.
    The act or an instance of showing; the state ofbeing shown.
    A a spectacle, display, exhibition, etc. (a fineshow of blossom). b a collection of things etc. shown forpublic entertainment or in competition (dog show; flower show).3 a a play etc., esp. a musical. b a light entertainmentprogramme on television etc. c any public entertainment orperformance.
    A an outward appearance, semblance, or display(made a show of agreeing; a show of strength). b emptyappearance; mere display (did it for show; that's all show).
    Colloq. an undertaking, business, etc. (sold the whole show).
    Colloq. an opportunity of acting, defending oneself, etc. (gavehim a fair show; made a good show of it).
    Med. a discharge ofblood etc. from the vagina at the onset of childbirth.
    Thatwas well (or badly) done.
    That was lucky (or unlucky).nothing to show for no visible result of (effort etc.). on showbeing exhibited. show business colloq. the theatricalprofession. show-card a card used for advertising. show one'scards = show one's hand. show cause Law allege withjustification. show a clean pair of heels colloq. retreatspeedily; run away. show one's colours make one's opinionclear. show a person the door dismiss or eject a person. showone's face make an appearance; let oneself be seen. show fightbe persistent or belligerent. show the flag see FLAG(1). showforth archaic exhibit; expound. show one's hand 1 discloseone's plans.
    Reveal one's cards. show house (or flat etc.) afurnished and decorated house (or flat etc.) on a new estateshown to prospective buyers. show in see sense 9 of v. show aleg colloq. get out of bed. show off 1 display to advantage.2 colloq. act pretentiously; display one's wealth, knowledge,etc. show-off n. colloq. a person who shows off. show offorce proof that one is prepared to use force. show of handsraised hands indicating a vote for or against, usu. withoutbeing counted. show oneself 1 be seen in public.
    See sense 6of v. show out see sense 9 of v. show-piece 1 an item of workpresented for exhibition or display.
    An outstanding exampleor specimen. show-place a house etc. that tourists go to see.show round take (a person) to places of interest; act as guidefor (a person) in a building etc. show-stopper colloq. aperformance receiving prolonged applause. show one's teethreveal one's strength; be aggressive. show through 1 be visiblealthough supposedly concealed.
    (of real feelings etc.) berevealed inadvertently. show trial esp. hist. a judicialtrial designed by the State to terrorize or impress the public.show up 1 make or be conspicuous or clearly visible.
    Expose(a fraud, impostor, inferiority, etc.).
    Colloq. appear; bepresent; arrive.
    Colloq. embarrass or humiliate (don't showme up by wearing jeans). show the way 1 indicate what has to bedone etc. by attempting it first.
    Show others which way to goetc. show the white feather appear cowardly (see also whitefeather). show willing display a willingness to help etc.show-window a window for exhibiting goods etc. [ME f. OEsceawian f. WG: cf. SHEEN]

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