Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- admonishment , admonition , affliction , bawling-out , berating , blame , castigation , censure , chewing-out , chiding , comeuppance , condemnation , correction , disapproval , dressing-down * , earful , expostulation , going-over , hard time , kick in the teeth , lecture , lesson , objurgation , ostracism , punishment , put-down , rap * , rating , rebuff , refusal , remonstrance , reprehension , reproach , reproof , reproval , repulse , row , scolding , slap in the face , snub , talking-to , telling-off , tongue-lashing , upbraiding , reprimand , animadversion , chastisement , deserts , just deserts
- admonish , bawl out * , berate , blame , call on the carpet , carp on , castigate , censure , chew out * , chide , climb all over , dress down * , fry * , go after , jawbone , jump down one’s throat , jump on , lay into * , lean on , lecture , lesson , monish , oppose , pay , rake , read * , reprehend , reprimand , reproach , reprove , rip * , scold , sit on * , sound off , take to task , tear apart , tell off * , tick off * , upbraid , zap * , call down , chastise , dress down , rap , tax , admonition , animadvert , beat , check , criticize , objurgate , repress , reproof , restrain , slap , snub , vituperate
tác giả
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