Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- adventuresome , adventurous , any which way , audacious , brash , breakneck , carefree , careless , daredevil , daring , desperate , devil-may-care * , fast and loose , feckless , foolhardy , harebrained , hasty , headlong , heedless , helter-skelter , hopeless , hotheaded * , ill-advised , imprudent , inattentive , incautious , inconsiderate , indiscreet , kooky , madcap , mindless , negligent , overventuresome , playing with fire , precipitate , rash , regardless , temerarious , thoughtless , uncareful , venturesome , venturous , wild , irresponsible , unconcerned , unmindful , unthinking , harum-scarum , hotheaded , ill-considered , impetuous , improvident , impulsive , precipitant , slapdash , unconsidered , bold , dangerous , devil-may-care , foolish , indifferent , neglectful , prodigal , remiss , scatterbrain , slack , unadvised , uncircumspect , unheeding
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