Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- atrocious , audacious , bold , careless , dangerous , daring , death-defying , determined , devil-may-care , foolhardy , frantic , frenzied , furious , hasty , hazardous , headlong , headstrong , heinous , impetuous , incautious , madcap , monstrous , precipitate , rash , risky , scandalous , shocking , venturesome , violent , wild , acute , climacteric , concentrated , critical , crucial , dire , drastic , exquisite , fierce , great , terrible , urgent , vehement , very grave , vicious , at end of one’s rope , back to the wall , can’t win , dead duck , despairing , despondent , desponding , downcast , forlorn , futile , gone * , goner , hard up * , inconsolable , in the soup , in the toilet , irrecoverable , irremediable , irretrievable , no-chance , no-way , no-win , running out of time , sad , sunk , up against it , up the creek , useless , vain , wretched , hopeless , extreme , incurable , lost , outrageous , reckless , remediless
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