• Revision as of 04:11, ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Ngochung2301 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Đôi, hai, kép
    double chin
    cằm hai ngấn, cằm xị
    double bed
    giường đôi
    double note
    (âm nhạc) nốt đôi
    Gập đôi
    Nước đôi, hai mặt, hai nghĩa; giả dối, không thành thật, lá mặt lá trái
    to play a double game
    (thể dục,thể thao) đấu một trận kép (quần vợt, bóng bàn); chơi nước đôi, chơi lá mặt lá trái
    Gấp đôi, to gấp đôi, mạnh gấp đôi, có giá trị gấp đôi
    double ale
    suất bia đôi
    (thực vật học) kép (hoa)

    Danh từ

    Cái gấp đôi, lượng gấp đôi
    Bản giống hệt, bản sao y, cái giống hệt cái khác; người giống hệt người khác
    (thể dục,thể thao) trận đánh đôi (bóng bàn, quần vợt)
    mixed doubles
    trận đánh đôi nam nữ
    (sân khấu) người diễn thay một vai
    Bóng ma, hồn ma
    Sự chạy ngoặt thình lình (thú bị săn đuổi); khúc ngoặt đột ngột của dòng sông
    (quân sự), (thể dục,thể thao) bước chạy đều
    to advance at the double
    tiến lên theo bước chạy đều

    Phó từ

    Đôi, gấp đôi, gấp hai
    to ride double
    cưỡi ngựa hai người (chung một ngựa)
    to see double
    nhìn hoá hai
    to pay double for something
    trả gấp đôi giá phải trả
    Gập đôi, còng gập lại
    bent double with age
    lưng còng gập lại vì tuổi tác

    Ngoại động từ

    Làm gấp đôi, tăng gấp đôi, nhân gấp đôi
    to double someone's wages
    tăng lương gấp đôi cho ai
    to double the work
    làm gấp đôi công việc
    ( (thường) + up) gập đôi
    to double up a sheet of paper
    xếp tờ giấy làm đôi
    Xếp (một hành khách...) vào cùng phòng với một người khác
    (âm nhạc) tăng đôi
    (sân khấu); (điện ảnh) đóng thay thế
    to double a part
    đóng thế một vai
    to double parts
    đóng hai vai trong cùng một vở, đóng hai vai trong cùng một phim
    Nắm chặt (nắm tay)
    to double one's fist
    nắm chặt tay
    (hàng hải) đi quanh (mũi biển)

    Nội động từ

    Gấp đôi, tăng gấp đôi
    ( (thường) + up) bị gập đôi (tờ giấy...); gập người làm đôi
    to double up with pain
    đau gập người lại
    Rẽ ngoặt thình lình, chạy ngoằn ngoèo (trong khi chạy trốn...)
    (quân sự); (thể dục,thể thao) đi bước rào, chạy bước chạy đều

    Cấu trúc từ

    double or quits
    một ăn hai thua; được ăn cả, ngã về không

    hình thái từ

    Giao thông & vận tải

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đi vòng qua

    Điện lạnh

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bội hai

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đôi, hai, kép

    Giải thích EN: Having two sides, two like parts, two simultaneous effects, and so on. Used to form a wide variety of compound terms, including the following entries and many others.

    Giải thích VN: Có 2 mặt, 2 phần giống nhau, 2 tác động đồng thời, v.v…dùng để tạo ra các thứ có thể ghép lại với nhau.

    nhân đôi
    voltage double
    mạch nhân đôi điện áp
    làm gấp đôi
    double diode
    đèn lưỡng cực đôi
    double injection method
    phương pháp hai luồng phun
    double purpose
    lưỡng dụng
    double refracting
    lưỡng chiết
    double-doublet antenna
    ăng ten lưỡng cực kép
    double-lane lock
    âu thuyền hai luồng
    double-pass boiler
    nồi hơi hai luồng
    double-track rail
    đường sắt hai luồng
    double-weight paper
    giấy trọng lượng kép
    gấp đôi
    Double Multiplexer (DMUX)
    bộ ghép kênh kép
    double of a Riemannian surface
    mặt ghép của một diện Riman
    double-key system
    mối ghép hai then

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cái gấp đôi
    gấp đôi
    gấp hai
    nước đôi
    tăng gấp đôi

    Nguồn khác

    • double : Corporateinformation

    Nguồn khác

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Twofold, paired, coupled, duplicate(d), doubled: Theforms banned and banning are spelt with a double n .
    Foldedor doubled or bent over, overlapped, two-ply: This wound needsa double bandage.
    Dual, twofold, ambiguous, double-barrelled:He pronounced it 'de-seat', giving deceit a double meaning.
    Twice: The plant had grown to double its size.
    Deceitful,dishonest, treacherous, traitorous, insincere, hypocritical,double-dealing, false: It was Maria who exposed Fernando as adouble agent.
    Duplicate, replicate; copy; increase, enlarge; magnify:We'll have to double our milk order.
    Twin, duplicate, copy, replica, facsimile, clone, copy,counterpart, doppelg„nger, look-alike, stand-in, understudy,Slang (dead) ringer, spitting image or spit and image: He couldbe Clint Eastwood's double.
    At or on the double. quickly, onthe run, at full speed or tilt, briskly, immediately, at once,without delay, Slang p.d.q. (= 'prety damned quick'): Put downthat book and come over here on the double!


    Adj., adv., n., & v.

    A consisting of two usu. equalparts or things; twofold. b consisting of two identical parts.2 twice as much or many (double the amount; double the number;double thickness).
    Having twice the usual size, quantity,strength, etc. (double whisky).
    Designed for two people(double bed).
    A having some part double. b (of a flower)having more than one circle of petals. c (of a domino) havingthe same number of pips on each half.
    Having two differentroles or interpretations, esp. implying confusion or deceit(double meaning; leads a double life).
    Mus. lower in pitch byan octave (double bassoon).
    At or to twice the amountetc. (counts double).
    Two together (sleep double).
    Aa double quantity or thing; twice as much or many. b colloq. adouble measure of spirits.
    A a counterpart of a person orthing; a person who looks exactly like another. b anunderstudy. c a wraith.
    (in pl.) Sport (in lawn tennis) agame between two pairs of players.
    Sport a pair of victoriesover the same team, a pair of championships at the same game,etc.
    A system of betting in which the winnings and stake fromthe first bet are transferred to a second.
    Bridge thedoubling of an opponent's bid.
    Darts a hit on the narrow ringenclosed by the two outer circles of a dartboard, scoringdouble.
    A sharp turn, esp. of the tracks of a hunted animal,or the course of a river.
    Tr. & intr. make or becometwice as much or many; increase twofold; multiply by two.
    Tr.amount to twice as much as.
    A tr. fold or bend (paper, cloth,etc.) over on itself. b intr. become folded.
    A tr. (of anactor) play (two parts) in the same piece. b intr. (often foll.by for) be understudy etc.
    Intr. (usu. foll. by as) play atwofold role.
    Intr. turn sharply in flight or pursuit; take atortuous course.
    Tr. Naut. sail round (a headland).
    Tr.Bridge make a call increasing the value of the points to be wonor lost on (an opponent's bid).
    Mus. a intr. (often foll. byon) play two or more musical instruments (the clarinettistdoubles on tenor sax). b tr. add the same note in a higher orlower octave to (a note).
    Tr. clench (a fist).
    Intr.move at twice the usual speed; run.
    Billiards a intr.rebound. b tr. cause to rebound.
    Austral. & NZ riding two ona horse etc. double-barrelled 1 (of a gun) having two barrels.2 Brit. (of a surname) having two parts joined by a hyphen.
    Twofold. double-bass 1 the largest and lowest-pitchedinstrument of the violin family.
    Its player. double bill aprogramme with two principal items. double bind a dilemma.double-blind adj. (of a test or experiment) in which neitherthe tester nor the subject has knowledge of identities etc. thatmight lead to bias.
    N. such a test or experiment. doublebluff an action or statement intended to appear as a bluff, butin fact genuine. double boiler a saucepan with a detachableupper compartment heated by boiling water in the lower one.double bond Chem. a pair of bonds between two atoms in amolecule. double-book accept two reservations simultaneouslyfor (the same seat, room, etc.). double-breasted (of a coatetc.) having two fronts overlapping across the body.double-check verify twice or in two ways. double chin a chinwith a fold of loose flesh below it. double-chinned having adouble chin. double concerto a concerto for two soloinstruments. double cream thick cream with a high fat-content.double-cross v.tr. deceive or betray (a person one issupposedly helping).
    N. an act of doing this. double-crossera person who double-crosses. double dagger Printing = doubleobelus. double-dealer a deceiver. double-dealing n. deceit,esp. in business.
    Adj. deceitful; practising deceit.double-decker 1 esp. Brit. a bus having an upper and lowerdeck.
    Colloq. anything consisting of two layers.double-declutch see DECLUTCH. double decomposition Chem. achemical reaction involving exchange of radicals between tworeactants: also called METATHESIS. double density Computingdesignating a storage device, esp. a disk, having twice thebasic capacity. double dummy Bridge play with two handsexposed, allowing every card to be located. double Dutch Brit.colloq. incomprehensible talk. double-dyed deeply affectedwith guilt. double eagle 1 a figure of a two-headed eagle.
    US Golf = ALBATROSS.
    US a coin worth twenty dollars.double-edged 1 having two functions or (often contradictory)applications.
    (of a knife etc.) having two cutting-edges.double entry a system of bookkeeping in which each transactionis entered as a debit in one account and a credit in another.double exposure Photog. the accidental or deliberate repeatedexposure of a plate, film, etc. double-faced 1 insincere.
    (of a fabric or material) finished on both sides so that eithermay be used as the right side. double fault (in lawn tennis)two consecutive faults in serving. double feature a cinemaprogramme with two full-length films. double figures thenumbers from 10 to 99. double first Brit.
    First-classhonours in two subjects or examinations at a university.
    Aperson achieving this. double-fronted (of a house) withprincipal windows on either side of the front door.double-ganger = DOPPELGŽNGER. double glazing 1 a windowconsisting of two layers of glass with a space between them,designed to reduce loss of heat and exclude noise.
    Theprovision of this. double Gloucester a kind of hard cheeseorig. made in Gloucestershire. double header 1 a train pulledby two locomotives coupled together.
    US two games etc. insuccession between the same opponents.
    Austral. colloq. acoin with a head on both sides. double helix a pair of parallelhelices with a common axis, esp. in the structure of the DNAmolecule. double-jointed having joints that allow unusualbending of the fingers, limbs, etc. double-lock lock by adouble turn of the key. double negative Gram. a negativestatement containing two negative elements (e.g. didn't saynothing). °Considered ungrammatical in standard English.double obelus (or obelisk) Printing a sign used to introduce areference. double or quits a gamble to decide whether aplayer's loss or debt be doubled or cancelled. double-park park(a vehicle) alongside one that is already parked at theroadside. double play Baseball putting out two runners. doublepneumonia pneumonia affecting both lungs. double-quick veryquick or quickly. double refraction Optics refraction formingtwo separate rays from a single incident ray. double rhyme arhyme including two syllables. double salt Chem. a saltcomposed of two simple salts and having different crystalproperties from either. double saucepan Brit. = double boiler.double shuffle Dancing a shuffle executed twice with one footand then twice with the other. double standard 1 a rule orprinciple applied more strictly to some people than to others(or to oneself).
    Bimetallism. double star two stars actuallyor apparently very close together. double-stopping Mus. thesounding of two strings at once on a violin etc. double take adelayed reaction to a situation etc. immediately after one'sfirst reaction. double-talk verbal expression that is (usu.deliberately) ambiguous or misleading. double-think the mentalcapacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same timeesp. as a result of political indoctrination. double time 1payment of an employee at twice the normal rate.
    Mil. theregulation running-pace. double-tonguing rapid articulation inplaying a wind instrument. double top Darts a score of doubletwenty. double up 1 a bend or curl up. b cause to do this,esp. by a blow.
    Be overcome with pain or laughter.
    Shareor assign to a room, quarters, etc., with another or others.
    Fold or become folded.
    Use winnings from a bet as stake foranother.
    Doubler n. doubly adv. [ME f. OF doble, duble(n.), dobler, dubler (v.) f. L duplus DUPLE]

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