Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- article , composition , discussion , disquisition , dissertation , explication , exposition , manuscript , paper , piece , study , theme , thesis , tract , treatise , aim , bid , dry run * , effort , endeavor , exertion , experiment , hassle , labor , one’s all , one’s level best , shot * , striving , struggle , test , toil , travail , trial , try on * , tryout , undertaking , venture , whack * , work , assay , proof , crack , go , offer , stab , try , attempt , belles lettres , discourse , exegesis , festschrift
- aim , assay , endeavor , have a crack , have a go , have a shot , have at it , labor , make a run at , offer , put to the test , seek , strive , struggle , take a stab at , take a whack at , take on , test , toil , travail , try out , undertake , venture , work , try , check , examine , prove , article , composition , critique , dissertation , editorial , exposition , narrative , paper , piece , story , theme , thesis , treatise , writing
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