Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- able-bodied , active , all right , athletic , blooming , bright-eyed , bushy-tailed , chipper * , firm , fit , flourishing , fresh , full of life , hale , hardy , healthful , hearty , husky , in fine feather , in fine fettle , in good shape , in the pink , lively , lusty , muscular , normal , physically fit , potent , restored , robust , rosy-cheeked , safe and sound , sound , stout , strong , sturdy , tough , trim , unimpaired , vigorous , virile , well , whole , right , wholesome , healthsome , hygienic , salubrious , salutary , considerable , extensive , good , great , large , large-scale , sizable , nourishing , nutritious , prosperous , spry
tác giả
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