Thông dụng
Động từ bất quy tắc .beat; .beaten, .beat
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
- audible interfering beat note
- âm phách bị nhiễu
- audible beat note
- âm phách nghe được
- beat frequency oscillator
- bộ dao động phách
- beat frequency oscillator (BFO)
- bộ dao động tần số phách
- beat note
- số phách
- beat note detector
- bộ dò nốt phách
- beat note detector
- bộ tách sóng âm phách
- beat product
- sản phẩm phách
- carrier-frequency beat
- phách sóng mạng
- Composite Triple Beat (CTB)
- phách bậc ba hỗn hợp
- dead beat
- phách chết
- dead beat
- phách không dao động
- dead beat mechanism
- cơ cấu phách chết
- frequency beat
- phách tần số
- heterodyne beat
- phách ngoại sai
- phase of the beat frequencies
- pha các tần số phách
- precise zero beat
- sự hủy bỏ chính xác phách
- zero beat
- phách không
- zero beat
- phách zêro
- zero beat
- triệt phách
- zero beat indicator
- bộ chỉ báo phách triệt tiêu
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Strike, pound, bash, smite, batter, pummel or pommel,belabour, pelt, clout, thrash, give (someone) a thrashing orbeating, drub, manhandle, thump, whack, cane, scourge, whip,bludgeon, club, cudgel, fustigate; whip, flog, lash , Colloqclobber, wallop, give (someone) a once-over: At first herefused to tell them, but then they beat it out of him. 2defeat, best, worst, win (out) over, vanquish, trounce, rout,outdo, subdue, overcome, overwhelm, pre-empt; surpass, conquer,crush, master, US beat out: Can they beat Manchester United forthe cup? He first beat the Danes, then the Russians. 3 throb,pulsate, palpitate, pound, thump: I could feel my heart beatingagainst my ribs.
Nautical tack: Close-hauled, the sloop wasbeating to windward against the howling gale. 5 hammer, forge,shape, form, fashion, make, mould: They shall beat their swordsinto ploughshares.
Beat it. depart,leave, abscond, run off or away, Slang US take it on the lam,lam out of here, US hit the road: You'd better beat it beforethe cops come.
Rhythm, tempo, measure; pulse, throb,stress, pulsation: In boogie-woogie the beat is eight to thebar.
V. (past beat; past part. beaten) 1 tr. astrike (a person or animal) persistently or repeatedly, esp. toharm or punish. b strike (a thing) repeatedly, e.g. to removedust from (a carpet etc.), to sound (a drum etc.).
Intr.(foll. by against, at, on, etc.) a pound or knock repeatedly(waves beat against the shore; beat at the door). b = beat down3.
Tr. a overcome; surpass; win a victory over. b completean activity before (another person etc.). c be too hard for;perplex.
Tr. (often foll. by out) aindicate (a tempo or rhythm) by gestures, tapping, etc. b sound(a signal etc.) by striking a drum or other means (beat atattoo).
A a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or verse(three beats to the bar; missed a beat and came in early). bthe indication of rhythm by a conductor's movements (watch thebeat). c (in popular music) a strong rhythm. d (attrib.)characterized by a strong rhythm (beat music).
A a stroke orblow (e.g. on a drum). b a measured sequence of strokes (thebeat of the waves on the rocks). c a throbbing movement orsound (the beat of his heart).
Physics apulsation due to the combination of two sounds or electriccurrents of similar but not equivalent frequencies.
(of the sun,rain, etc.) radiate heat or fall continuously and vigorously.beat the drum for publicize, promote. beaten at the postdefeated at the last moment. beat generation the members of amovement of young people esp. in the 1950s who rejectedconventional society in their dress, habits, and beliefs. beatin crush. beat it sl. go away. beat off drive back (an attacketc.). beat a retreat withdraw; abandon an undertaking. beattime indicate or follow a musical tempo with a baton or othermeans. beat a person to it arrive or achieve something beforeanother person. beat up give a beating to, esp. with punchesand kicks. beat-up adj. colloq. dilapidated; in a state ofdisrepair. it beats me I do not understand (it).
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