• Revision as of 09:10, ngày 3 tháng 1 năm 2008 by Justmyluck.10 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    an old man
    một ông già
    my old man
    (thông tục) bà nhà tôi
    an old woman
    bà già; người nhút nhát; người hay làm rối lên, người nhặng xị
    an old maid
    gái già; bà cô, người kỹ tính và hay lo lắng
    Già giặn, có kinh nghiệm, lão luyện
    old head on young shoulders
    ít tuổi nhưng già giặn
    old in diplomacy
    có kinh nghiệm về ngoại giao
    an old bird
    cáo già
    an old hand
    tay lão luyện
    Lên... tuổi, thọ
    he is ten years old
    nó lên mười (tuổi)
    Cũ, nát, rách, cổ
    old clothes
    quần áo cũ
    old friends
    những bạn cũ
    old as the hills
    cổ như những trái đồi
    Xưa, ngày xưa
    old Hanoi
    Hà nội ngày xưa

    Danh từ

    Người già
    the old feel the cold weather more than the young
    người già cảm thấy thời tiết lạnh hơn người trẻ

    Cấu trúc từ

    the Old World
    đông bán cầu
    the good old times
    thời oanh liệt xưa, thời đẹp đẽ xưa, thời huy hoàng xưa
    old man of the sea
    người bám như đỉa
    any old thing
    (từ lóng) bất cứ cái gì
    to have a good (fine, high) old time
    (từ lóng) nghỉ rất thoải mái
    my old bones
    Xem bone
    the old man
    cái thân này, cái thân già này
    the men of old
    người xưa
    I have heard it of old
    tôi nghe thấy vấn đề đó từ lâu rồi
    any old how
    không cẩn thận, không ngăn nắp
    a chip off the old block
    như chip
    a dirty old man
    như dirty
    for old times'sake
    vì quá khứ hay những hồi ức êm dịu
    the good/bad old days
    xưa kia
    the grand old man
    như grand
    have/give sb a high old time
    như high
    money for jam/old rope
    như money
    no fool like an old fool
    như fool
    of old
    ngày xưa
    as old as the hills
    rất cũ, cổ xưa
    old beyond one's years
    già trước tuổi
    old boy, chap, man,etc
    cách gọi thân mật
    look here, old man!
    này!, ông bạn thân mến!
    (be) old enough to be sb's father/mother
    đáng tuổi cha/mẹ
    (be) old enough to know better
    khá chính chắn (hành động)
    old hat
    cũ rích
    have an old head on young shoulders
    già giặn trước tuổi
    an old trout
    bà già cau có
    an old wives'tale
    chuyện bà già
    one of the old school
    người theo lối cổ, bảo thủ
    pay/settle an old score
    trả được thù về một việc làm sai trái của ai trong quá khứ
    rake over old ashes
    như rake
    ring out the old year and ring in the new
    như ring
    the same old story
    như same
    teach an old dog new tricks
    như teach
    tough as old boots
    nbư tough
    young and old
    như young
    the old country
    quê hương cũ
    the old guard
    vệ binh già
    the Old Testament
    kinh Cựu ước (nói về lịch sử và tín ngưỡng của người Do Thái)

    hình thái từ

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Elderly, ageing, aged, advanced in years or age,long-lived, past one's prime, grey, full of years, getting on(in years), hoary, superannuated, Colloq over the hill, past it:Bill is too old to continue working in the mine.
    Ancient,antiquated, antediluvian, fossil, prehistoric, Noachian,obsolete, antique, outdated, out of date, old-time, dated,archaic, stale, out-moded, pass‚, Literary Ogygian: Thearchaeological dig has turned up some interesting old artefacts.3 time-worn, decayed, dilapidated, ramshackle, disintegrated,crumbling, shabby, worn out, dusty, broken-down, tumbledown,disused, unused, cast off, cast aside: They have torn down theold mill near the river.
    Long-standing, well-established,enduring, lasting, age-old, time-honoured: It is hard to see anold friendship die.
    Former, olden, bygone, early, primordial,primitive: In the old days, it took a week to travel fromLondon to Edinburgh.
    Previous, preceding, prior, former,quondam, erstwhile, one-time, ex-: The West End was my oldstamping-ground when I lived in London.
    Experienced, veteran,practised, (well-)versed, knowledgeable, proficient,accomplished, adept, skilled, expert, old-time: Charles is anold hand at steam engines.
    Dear, beloved, loved, esteemed,valued, precious, well-known, intimate, close, familiar:Penelope is an old friend of the family's.



    (older, oldest) (cf. ELDER, ELDEST).
    A advanced inage; far on in the natural period of existence. b not young ornear its beginning.
    Made long ago.
    Long in use.
    Worn ordilapidated or shabby from the passage of time.
    Having thecharacteristics (experience, feebleness, etc.) of age (thechild has an old face).
    Practised, inveterate (an oldoffender; old in crime).
    Belonging only or chiefly to thepast; lingering on; former (old times; haunted by old memories).8 dating from far back; long established or known; ancient,primeval (old as the hills; old friends; an old family).
    (appended to a period of time) of age (is four years old; afour-year-old boy; a four-year-old).
    (of language) as usedin former or earliest times.
    Colloq. as a term of affectionor casual reference (good old Charlie; old shipmate).
    Theformer or first of two or more similar things (our old house;wants his old job back).
    Colloq.a an elderly man. b an affectionate form of address to a boy orman. old boy network Brit. colloq. preferment in employmentof those from a similar social background, esp. fellow ex-pupilsof public schools. the old country the native country ofcolonists etc. Old English the English language up to c.1150.old-fashioned in or according to a fashion or tastes no longercurrent; antiquated. Old French the French language of theperiod before c.1400. old fustic see FUSTIC. old girl 1 aformer female pupil of a school.
    Colloq. a an elderly woman.b an affectionate term of address to a girl or woman. Old GloryUS the US national flag. old gold a dull brownish-gold colour.old guard the original or past or conservative members of agroup. old hand a person with much experience. old hat colloq.something tediously familiar or out of date. Old High GermanHigh German (see GERMAN) up to c.1200. old lady colloq. one'smother or wife. old lag see LAG(3). old maid 1 derog. anelderly unmarried woman.
    A prim and fussy person.
    Acard-game in which players try not to be left with an unpairedqueen. old-maidish like an old maid. old man colloq.
    One'shusband or father.
    One's employer or other person inauthority over one.
    An affectionate form of address to a boyor man. old man's beard a wild clematis, Clematis vitalba, withgrey fluffy hairs round the seeds: also called traveller's joy(see TRAVELLER). old master 1 a great artist of former times,esp. of the 13th-17th c. in Europe.
    A painting by such apainter. old moon the moon in its last quarter, before the newmoon. Old Nick colloq. the Devil. Old Norse see NORSE. anold one a familiar joke. Old Pals Act Brit. the principle thatfriends should always help one another. Old Pretender JamesStuart (1688-1766), son of James II and claimant to the Britishthrone. old retainer see RETAINER 3b. old school 1 traditionalattitudes.
    People having such attitudes. old school tieBrit.
    A necktie with a characteristic pattern worn by thepupils of a particular (usu. public) school.
    The principle ofexcessive loyalty to traditional values. old soldier anexperienced person, esp. in an arduous activity. old stager anexperienced person, an old hand. old style of a date reckonedby the Julian calendar. Old Testament the part of the ChristianBible containing the scriptures of the Hebrews. old-timebelonging to former times. old-timer US a person with longexperience or standing. old wives' tale a foolish orunscientific tradition or belief. old woman colloq.
    One'swife or mother.
    A fussy or timid man. old-womanish fussy andtimid. Old World Europe, Asia, and Africa. old-world belongingto or associated with old times. old year the year just endedor about to end.
    Oldish adj. oldness n. [OE ald f. WG]

    Tham khảo chung

    • old : National Weather Service
    • old : amsglossary
    • old : Corporateinformation
    • old : Chlorine Online
    • old : Foldoc
    • old : bized

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