(Khác biệt giữa các bản)
Dòng 67: Dòng 67: ==Chuyên ngành====Chuyên ngành==- {|align="right"+ - | __TOC__+ - |}+ === Xây dựng====== Xây dựng========trút xuống như mưa==========trút xuống như mưa======== Kỹ thuật chung ====== Kỹ thuật chung ========mưa==========mưa=====- === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===+ ==Các từ liên quan==- =====N.=====+ ===Từ đồng nghĩa===- =====Precipitation, drizzle,sprinkle,downpour,shower,thunder-shower,cloudburst,rainstorm,squall,deluge,USsunshower: After the rain the sun came out.=====+ =====noun=====- + :[[cat-and-dog weather]] , [[cloudburst]] , [[condensation]] , [[deluge]] , [[drencher]] , [[drizzle]] , [[fall]] , [[flood]] , [[flurry]] , [[hail]] , [[heavy dew]] , [[liquid sunshine]] , [[mist]] , [[monsoon]] , [[pour]] , [[pouring]] , [[precip]] , [[precipitation]] , [[raindrops]] , [[rainfall]] , [[rainstorm]] , [[sheets]] , [[shower]] , [[showers]] , [[sleet]] , [[spate]] , [[spit]] , [[sprinkle]] , [[sprinkling]] , [[stream]] , [[sun shower]] , [[torrent]] , [[volley ]]* , [[wet stuff]] , [[window washer]] , ([[fine rain]]) drizzle , [[cataract]] , [[misle]] , [[mizzle]] , [[precipitate]]- =====Rainfall,precipitation: The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.=====+ =====verb=====- + :[[bestow]] , [[bucket]] , [[come down in buckets]] , [[deposit]] , [[drizzle]] , [[fall]] , [[hail]] , [[lavish]] , [[mist]] , [[patter]] , [[pour]] , [[shower]] , [[sleet]] , [[sprinkle]] , [[storm]] , [[heap]] , [[cloudburst]] , [[deluge]] , [[downpour]] , [[flood]] , [[mizzle]] , [[precipitate]] , [[precipitation]] , [[thunderstorm]]- =====Flood,torrent, shower,volley, stream,outpouring: Arrivinghome,she could barely shield herself from therainofchildren's kisses.=====+ ===Từ trái nghĩa===- + =====noun=====- =====V.=====+ :[[aridity]] , [[dryness]] , [[drought]]- + [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]][[Thể_loại:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]][[Thể_loại: Tham khảo chung ]]- =====Come down,pour,teem,sprinkle, drizzle,spit,Britdialect mizzle,Colloq come down in buckets,rain cats and dogs:The weatherman said it would rain today,so take an umbrella.=====+ - + - =====Trickle, pour,run,fall: Tears rained down her sallow cheeks.6 descend,shower: Blows rained on him from the tiny fists ofthe furious child.=====+ - + - =====Bestow,lavish,shower: He rained kisseson her upturned face.=====+ - === Oxford===+ - =====N. & v.=====+ - =====N.=====+ - + - =====A the condensed moisture of the atmospherefalling visibly in separate drops. b the fall of such drops.=====+ - + - =====(in pl.) a rainfalls. b (prec. by the) the rainy season intropical countries.=====+ - + - =====A falling liquid or solid particles orobjects. b the rainlike descent of these. c a large oroverwhelming quantity (a rain of congratulations).=====+ - + - =====V.=====+ - + - =====Intr. (prec. by it as subject) rain falls (it is raining; if itrains).=====+ - + - =====A intr. fall in showers or like rain (tears raineddown their cheeks; blows rain upon him). b tr. (prec. by it assubject) send in large quantities (it rained blood; it israining invitations).=====+ - + - =====Tr. send down like rain; lavishlybestow (rained benefits on us; rained blows upon him).=====+ - + - =====Intr.(of the sky,the clouds,etc.) send down rain.=====+ - + - =====A promise that an offer will be maintainedthough deferred. rain-cloud a cloud bringing rain. rain forestluxuriant tropical forest with heavy rainfall. rain-gauge aninstrument measuring rainfall. rain-making the action ofattempting to increase rainfall by artificial means. rain off(or US out) (esp. in passive) cause (an event etc.) to beterminated or cancelled because of rain. rain or shine whetherit rains or not. rain-shadow a region shielded from rain bymountains etc. rain-wash 1 loose material carried away by rain.2 the movement of this. rain-worm the common earthworm.=====+ - + - =====Rainless adj. raintight adj. [OE regn, ren, regnian f. Gmc]=====+ - + - == Tham khảo chung ==+ - + - *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=rain rain] : National Weather Service+ - *[http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?p=1&query=rain&submit=Search rain]: amsglossary+ - *[http://foldoc.org/?query=rain rain]: Foldoc+ - *[http://www.bized.co.uk/cgi-bin/glossarydb/search.pl?glossearch=rain&searchtitlesonly=yes rain]: bized+ - Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Xây dựng]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category: Tham khảo chung ]]+ 05:13, ngày 31 tháng 1 năm 2009
Thông dụng
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- cat-and-dog weather , cloudburst , condensation , deluge , drencher , drizzle , fall , flood , flurry , hail , heavy dew , liquid sunshine , mist , monsoon , pour , pouring , precip , precipitation , raindrops , rainfall , rainstorm , sheets , shower , showers , sleet , spate , spit , sprinkle , sprinkling , stream , sun shower , torrent , volley * , wet stuff , window washer , (fine rain) drizzle , cataract , misle , mizzle , precipitate
- bestow , bucket , come down in buckets , deposit , drizzle , fall , hail , lavish , mist , patter , pour , shower , sleet , sprinkle , storm , heap , cloudburst , deluge , downpour , flood , mizzle , precipitate , precipitation , thunderstorm
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