Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- abundant , bountiful , copious , effusive , exaggerated , excessive , extravagant , exuberant , first-class , free , generous , gorgeous , grand , immoderate , impressive , improvident , inordinate , intemperate , liberal , lush , luxuriant , luxurious , munificent , openhanded , opulent , plentiful , plush , posh , prodigal , profligate , profusive , prolific , riotous , ritzy , sumptuous , swanky , thriftless , unreasonable , unrestrained , unsparing , unstinging , wasteful , wild , palatial , rich , profuse , spendthrift , superabundant , freehanded , handsome , unstinting , affluent , babylonian , exorbitant , magnificent , unstinted
- be generous , be wasteful , deluge , dissipate , expend , fritter , give , go through , heap , pour , run through * , scatter , spend , spend money like water , squander , thrust upon , waste , rain , bestow , bestow with profusion , bountiful , copious , excessive , expensive , extravagant , exuberant , free , generous , gorgeous , grand , immoderate , impetuous , lush , luxurious , magnificent , munificent , opulent , overdo , overindulge , plush , princely , prodigal , profuse , reckless , shower , spend lavishly , splendid , unrestrained , unstinting , wild
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