Thông dụng
Danh từ
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) sự thử thách, sự thử; đá thử
- to put to the touch
- đem thử thách
- true as touch
- rất chính xác
- at a touch
- nếu như đụng nhẹ vào
- the machine stops and starts at a touch
- chiếc máy dó chỉ cần chạm nhẹ vào là khởi động hoặc tắt ngay
- in/out of touch (with somebody)
- còn/không còn liên lạc
- in/out of touch with something
- có/không có tin tức về cái gì
- a touch
- hỏi, một chút
Ngọai động từ
Sánh kịp, bằng, ngang tài, ngang phẩm chất
- nobody can touch him in causticity
- không ai có thể sánh kịp ông ta về lối châm biếm chua cay
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Sometimes, touch (up)against. be in contact (with), border, adjoin, meet, come up orbe (up) against, push or press or lean (up) against, brush orrub (up) against, come or be together, abut: The ladder istouching the freshly painted wall.
Lay a hand or finger on;meddle with, have to do with, interfere with, come near,approach: If you touch me, I'll scream.
Drink, eat, consume,partake of, take, use, taste, have to do with: He swore that hewould never touch alcohol again.
Affect, impress, influence,disturb, move, stir, arouse, excite, impassion, stimulate,strike, Colloq get to: We were touched by your sympatheticnote.
Rival, match, equal, compare with, come up to, be on apar with, be a match for, be in the same league or class as orwith, be on an equal footing with, reach, come or get near orclose to, hold a candle to, measure up to or against, Colloq USstack up to or with or against: No other car can touch our newmodel for speed and safety.
Usually, touch on or upon. referto, have reference to, pertain to, relate to, have a bearing on,regard, mention, allude to, speak or write of, tell of, bring upor in, raise, deal with, cover: I must now touch upon adelicate matter.
Have access to, access, use, employ, makeuse of, put to use, avail (oneself) of, take, get, takeadvantage of: I do not touch the principal, but try to live offthe interest.
Touch off. adetonate, spark (off), set alight, set off, ignite, light, fire,put a match to: We touched off the gunpowder and blew up thearsenal. b instigate, initiate, begin, start, set in motion,ignite, set off, trigger, provoke, foment, cause, give rise to:Her offhand remark touched off a family row that lasted foryears.
Touch up. retouch, patch up; beautify, enhance,titivate, renovate, spruce up: She said that the painting hadrecently been touched up. Mandy is upstairs touching up hermake-up.
Pat, tap, blow, hit, stroke,brush, caress: She hated him so much that she cringed at thetouch of his hand.
Dash, hint, intimation, suggestion,soup‡on, bit, intimation, pinch, jot, spot, trace, tinge, taste,suspicion, smattering, colouring, smack, speck, drop, whiff,odour, scent, smell: Cynthia has a touch of hypocrisy abouther. The salad dressing could use a touch more garlic. 16ability, deftness, expertise, dexterity, adroitness, facility,skill, skilfulness, knack, capability, genius, talent, gift,flair: Richard has a master's touch in everything he does.
Response, feel, responsiveness, feeling, movement, operation,performance level: This piano action has an excellent touch.18 signature, trade mark, characteristic, influence, approach,style, manner, technique, execution, method: I thought Irecognized your touch in the furniture selection. A woman'stouch might have helped.
V. & n.
Tr. (often foll. bywith) bring the hand etc. into contact with (touched her arm).3 a intr. (of two things etc.) be in or come into contact withone another (the balls were touching). b tr. bring (two things)into mutual contact (they touched hands).
Tr.(usu. with neg.) a disturb or harm (don't touch my things). bhave any dealings with (won't touch bricklaying). c consume;use up; make use of (dare not touch alcohol; has not touched herbreakfast; need not touch your savings). d cope with; affect;manage (soap won't touch this dirt).
Tr. a deal with (asubject) lightly or in passing (touched the matter of theirexpenses). b concern (it touches you closely).
Tr. a reachor rise as far as, esp. momentarily (the thermometer touched90ø). b (usu. with neg.) approach in excellence etc. (can'ttouch him for style).
Tr. a strike (the keys,strings, etc. of a musical instrument). b strike the keys orstrings of (a piano etc.).
Tr. (usu. foll. by for) sl. askfor and get money etc. from (a person) as a loan or gift(touched him for œ5).
A the faculty of perception throughphysical contact, esp. with the fingers (has no sense of touchin her right arm). b the qualities of an object etc. asperceived in this way (the soft touch of silk).
Aa musician's manner of playing keys or strings. b the manner inwhich the keys or strings respond to touch. c an artist's orwriter's style of workmanship, writing, etc. (has a delicatetouch).
(esp. in pl.) a a light stroke with a pen, pencil,etc. b a slight alteration or improvement (speech needs a fewtouches).
Sl. a the act of asking for and getting moneyetc. from a person. b a person from whom money etc. is soobtained.
Aware, conscious, empathetic (not in touch with herown feelings). keep in touch (often foll. by with) 1 remaininformed (kept in touch with the latest developments).
Cease to correspondwith or be in contact with another person. lose one's touch notshow one's customary skill. the Nelson touch a masterly orsympathetic approach to a problem (from Horatio Nelson, Admiralat Trafalgar). out of touch (often foll. by with) 1 not incorrespondence.
Lacking inawareness or sympathy (out of touch with his son's beliefs).personal touch a characteristic or individual approach to asituation. soft touch = easy touch (see TOUCH). to the touchwhen touched (was cold to the touch). touch-and-go uncertainregarding a result; risky (it was touch-and-go whether we'dcatch the train). touch at (of a ship) call at (a port etc.).touch bottom 1 reach the bottom of water with one's feet.
Be in possession of the fullfacts. touch down 1 Rugby Football & Amer. Football touch theground with the ball behind one's own or the opponent's goal.
(of an aircraft) make contact with the ground in landing. touchfootball US football with touching in place of tackling.touch-hole a small hole in a gun for igniting the charge.touch-in-goal Football each of the four corners enclosed bycontinuations of the touch-lines and goal-lines. touch-judgeRugby Football a linesman. touch-line (in various sports)either of the lines marking the side boundaries of the pitch.touch-mark the maker's mark on pewter. touch-me-not any ofvarious plants of the genus Impatiens, with ripe seed-capsulesjerking open when touched. touch-needle a needle of gold orsilver alloy of known composition used as a standard in testingother alloys on a touchstone. touch off 1 represent exactly (ina portrait etc.).
Colloq. an exhibition ofhuman feeling with which others sympathize (from amisinterpretation of Shakesp. Troilus and Cressida III. iii.169). touch of the sun 1 a slight attack of sunstroke.
Verge on (that toucheson impudence). touch-paper paper impregnated with nitre, forfiring gunpowder, fireworks, etc. touch the spot colloq. findout or do exactly what was needed. touch-type type withoutlooking at the keys. touch-typing this skill. touch-typist aperson who touch-types. touch up 1 give finishing touches to orretouch (a picture, writing, etc.).
Strike (a horse)lightly with a whip. touch wood touch something wooden with thehand to avert ill luck. would not touch with a bargepole seeBARGEPOLE.
Touchable adj. [ME f. OF tochier, tuchier (v.),touche (n.): prob. imit., imitating a knock]
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há»™i, PigPoker, Zdenek, ke co don, dung, Admin, Đặng Bảo Lâm, Luong Nguy Hien, Alexi, ho luan, KyoRin, Khách
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