• Revision as of 02:49, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Dzunglt (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    sự cắt, sự đốn, sự chặt, sự thái; nhát chém, nhát thái, vết đứt, vết xẻ, vết mổ
    a deep cut in the leg
    vết đứt sâu ở chân
    sự giảm, sự hạ, sự cắt bớt
    a cut in prices
    sự giảm giá
    vật cắt ra, miêng; đoạn cắt đi (của một vở kịch, cuốn tiểu thuyết...)
    a cut of beef
    một miếng thịt bò
    kiểu cắt, kiểu may
    the cut of a coat
    kiểu may một chiếc áo choàng
    (thể dục,thể thao) sự cắt bóng, sự cúp bóng
    a cut to the boundary
    sự cắt bóng ra biên
    nhánh đường xe lửa; kênh đào
    bản khắc gỗ ((cũng) wood cut)
    lời nói làm tổn thương tình cảm, hành động làm tổn thương tình cảm
    sự phớt lờ
    to give someone the cut
    phớt lờ ai
    (sân khấu) khe hở để kéo phông

    Ngoại động từ

    cắt, chặt, chém, thái, xén, xẻo, hớt, xẻ, đào, khắc, gọt, chạm
    to cut one's nail
    cắt móng tay
    to cut a canal
    đào kênh
    to cut a road through the hill
    xẻ đường qua đồi
    chia cắt, cắt đứt
    to cut connexion with somebody
    cắt đứt quan hệ với ai
    to cut in two
    chia cắt làm đôi
    cắt nhau, gặp nhau, giao nhau
    two lines cut each other
    hai đường cắt nhau
    giảm, hạ, cắt bớt
    to cut prices
    giảm giá
    to cut a speech short
    cắt bớt một bài nói, rút ngắn một bài nói
    (nghĩa bóng) làm đau lòng, chạm tự ái, làm mếch lòng, làm tổn thương tình cảm
    it cut me to the heart
    cái đó làm tôi đau lòng
    (từ lóng) làm đau đớn, làm buốt, cắt da cắt thịt (gió, rét...)
    the cold wind cuts me to the bone
    gió rét làm tôi buốt tận xương
    cắt, may (quần áo)
    làm, thi hành
    to cut a joke
    làm trò đùa, pha trò
    (thể dục,thể thao) cắt, cúp (bóng)
    (đánh bài) đào (cổ bài)
    phớt lờ, làm như không biết (ai)
    to cut someone dead
    phớt lờ ai đi
    không dự, trốn, chuồn (một buổi họp...)
    to cut a lecture
    không dự buổi diễn thuyết
    mọc (răng)
    baby is cutting his first tooth
    bé mọc cái răng đầu tiên

    Nội động từ

    cắt, gọt, chặt, thái...
    this knife cuts well
    con dao này cắt ngọt
    this cheese cuts easily
    miếng phó mát này dễ cắt
    đi tắt
    to cut through a wood
    đi tắt qua rừng
    to cut across a field
    đi tắt qua cánh đồng
    (từ lóng) chuồn, trốn

    Cấu trúc từ

    a cut above
    sự hơn một bậc
    short cut
    lối đi tắt
    cut and thrust
    cuộc đánh giáp lá cà
    to draw cuts
    rút thăm
    the cut of one's jib

    Xem jib

    to cut away
    cắt, chặt đi
    trốn, chuồn mất
    to cut back
    tỉa bớt, cắt bớt
    (điện ảnh) chiếu lại một đoạn (để làm tăng tính kịch)
    to cut down
    chặt, đốn (cây); gặt (lúa)
    giảm bớt, cắt bớt (chi tiêu...)
    to cut in
    nói xen vào
    (đánh bài) thế chân (một người không được chơi nữa)
    (thể dục,thể thao) chèn ngang
    chèn ngang sau khi đã vượt (xe ô tô)
    to cut off
    chặt phăng ra, cắt, cắt đứt ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
    to cut off all negotiations
    cắt đứt mọi cuộc thương lượng
    to cut off the water supply
    cắt nước
    to cut off all communications
    cắt đứt mọi phương tiện giao thông liên lạc
    kết liễu đột ngột, làm chết đột ngột
    she was cut off in her prime
    cô ta chết đột ngột trong lúc còn thanh xuân
    to cut out
    cắt ra, cắt bớt
    to cut out a passage from a book
    cắt bớt một đoạn trong cuốn sách
    Thôi (làm gì), thôi dùng (cái gì)
    làm mờ, áp đảo; hất cẳng (đối phương)
    to be totally cut out by one's rival
    bị địch thủ hoàn toàn áp đảo; bị địch thủ hất cẳng hắn
    khác nhau
    a huge figure of a lion cut out in the rock
    hình một con sư tử khổng lồ được khắc ở tảng đá
    vạch ra trước, chuẩn bị trước
    he found his work cut out for him
    hắn thấy công việc của hắn đã được vạch ra từ trước
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) tách (súc vật) ra khỏi đàn; bắt (tàu địch) bằng cách len vào giữa nó và bờ; ngáng đường xe sau để vượt xe trước (xe ô tô)
    bị loại ra không được đánh bài nữa
    to cut up
    (quân sự) cắt ra từng mảnh, tiêu diệt (quân địch)
    chỉ trích gay gắt, phê bình nghiêm khắc
    to cut up a writer
    chỉ trích gay gắt một nhà văn
    to cut up a book
    phê bình gay gắt một cuốn sách
    làm đau đớn, làm đau lòng
    to be cut up by a piece of sad news
    đau đớn do được tin buồn
    (thông tục) để lại gia tài
    to cut up well
    để lại nhiều của
    to cut both ways
    đòn xóc hai đầu, lá mặt lá trái
    that argument cuts both ways
    lý lẽ đòn xóc hai đầu
    to cut and come again
    ăn ngon miệng
    mời cứ tự nhiên đừng làm khách
    to cut the Gordian knot

    Xem Gordian knot

    to cut it fat
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) lên mặt ta đây; làm bộ, làm tịch, nói thánh nói tướng
    cut it out!
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) thôi đi!
    to cut it fine

    Xem fine

    to cut a loss
    tránh được sự thua lỗ (do kịp thời thôi không đầu cơ nữa)
    to cut no ice
    không ăn thua gì, không nước mẹ gì
    to cut and run

    Xem run

    to cut short
    ngắt, thu ngắn, rút ngắn
    to cut somebody off with a shilling
    cắt hết phần gia tài của ai chỉ để lại cho một siling
    cut stick (dirt)
    (từ lóng) chuồn, tẩu, chạy trốn
    To cut one's wisdom-teeth (eye-teeth)
    mọc răng khôn; (nghĩa bóng) đã khôn ra, đã chín chắn hơn, đã có kinh nghiệm hơn
    to cut up rough (lóng)
    cut up rusty
    nổi giận, phát cáu
    to cut up savage (ugly)
    nổi cơn thịnh nộ, phát khùng

    Hình thái từ

    Cơ khí & công trình

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    khuyết rãnh cắt
    mạch xẻ

    Giao thông & vận tải

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đường đào

    Hóa học & vật liệu

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành


    Giải thích EN: Any of various processes considered to be analogous to the action of a knife; specific uses include: a petroleum or chemical fraction obtained by a distillation process..

    Giải thích VN: Các quy trình được cho là tương tự với hoạt động của một lưỡi dao, sử dụng trong việc đạt được phân đoạn bởi quy trình lọc.

    Nguồn khác

    • cut : Chlorine Online

    Xây dựng

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cắt (gỗ)
    đường tránh tắt
    rạch đào
    rửa trôi (đất)

    Điện lạnh

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    chuyển mạch nhanh

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đất đào
    đường hào
    nhát cắt
    lỗ phá mở
    mặt cắt
    sự băm
    sự cắt gọt
    sự chặt
    sự chọc thủng
    sự đánh rạch
    sự đào hố
    rãnh cắt
    sự khấu
    sự khía (giũa)
    sự ngắt
    tiết diện
    vết cắt
    vết đục
    vết khắc

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bản khắc
    cắt bớt
    cắt giảm
    giảm hạ
    phần cắt

    Nguồn khác

    • cut : Corporateinformation

    Nguồn khác

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Gash, slash, slit; open: I cut my finger on the glass.
    Slice, cut off, carve: Please cut me a thick piece of steak.
    Often, cut up. hurt, wound, pain, upset, grieve, distress,aggrieve, slight, insult, offend, affront: I was really all cutup by her nasty remarks.
    Trim, snip, lop, clip, crop,shorten, shear, chop off; mow; dock: The barber has cut toomuch off the sides.
    Abbreviate, shorten, crop, condense,abridge, edit, cut back, reduce, cut down; epitomize, abstract,digest, summarize, curtail: Cut this script to make it fit intothe allotted time.
    Dilute, thin, water (down), weaken;degrade, adulterate: They cut the rum with water to make grog.7 avoid, fail to attend, eschew: Cynthia cut classes three daysthis week.
    Lower, reduce, lessen, cut back (on), cut down(on), slash, diminish, decrease, retrench (on), curtail: Weshall have to cut expenses if the company is to survive.
    Conclude, settle, agree: Once the deal was cut, there was nogoing back on it.
    Prepare, draw, write, sign: We'll haveaccounting cut your cheque and send it at once.
    Cut back. aSee 5, above. b See 8, above.
    Often, cut dead. snub,slight, spurn, shun, ignore, give the cold shoulder (to):Cornelia had the gall to cut Jason dead at his own party.
    Cut down. a fell, chop or hew down: Don't cut down that tree!b kill, cut off, murder, assassinate: He was cut down in hisprime.
    Cut in. interrupt, intrude, interfere, Colloq buttin: Please don't cut in on our conversation.
    Cut off. acleave, sever, chop or lop or hack off: Cut the branch off nearthe trunk. b intercept, interrupt, discontinue, end, stop,terminate, break off: There was a click and our phoneconversation was cut off. c separate, sever, split, estrange:He's been cut off from the family for years. d disinherit,disown, reject: She was cut off with a shilling.
    Cut out.a delete, remove, excise, strike or cross out, edit out, omit,cut, kill, Technical dele: The publishers made me cut out partsof the book that they were advised might be libellous. bextract, excise, remove, resect: My appendix was cut out yearsago. c stop, cease, desist (from), quit: Whenever it rains theengine cuts out. Cut out the clowning around. d suit, equip,fit: I don't think Cyril's cut out to be a lumberjack. e plan,prepare, ready, organize, destine: He certainly has his workcut out for him!
    Cut up. a chop (up), dice, cube, mince,cut, divide (up), carve (up): Cut the celery up very small. bmisbehave: The football supporters began to cut up rough.
    Cut up rough. get angry, lose one's temper, show resentment:The driver began to cut up rough when I refused to pay.
    Gash, slash, incision, nick, wound: I got a nasty cutfrom that razor.
    Share, portion, percentage, piece,dividend, commission: Blatchley gets a cut on every car wesell.
    Reduction, cut-back, curtailment, decrease: Thegovernment's cuts in spending affect us all.
    Deletion,excision, omission: The author refuses to approve the cuts inthe script.
    Affront, insult, offence, slight, snub, dig,jibe, slap in the face, cold shoulder: The unkindest cut wasthe accusation of cheating.
    Engraving, plate: This cut istoo badly worn for use now.
    Artwork, picture, illustration,plate, drawing, line cut, line engraving, half-tone: The bookhas 300 cuts and only 20 pages of text.
    Separated, detached, severed: I prefer cut flowersto a plant.
    Abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened,edited, curtailed: The magazine published a cut version of thenovel.
    Reduced, diminished, lowered, discounted: This shopsells everything at cut prices.
    Cut and dried. a clear-cut,settled, arranged, decided, predetermined, prearranged:Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is not cut anddried. b stale, unoriginal, trite, hackneyed, old; dull,boring: His suggestions for improvement are always cut anddried. c manufactured, automatic, unchanging, unchanged: MrMackay will again present his old cut and dried plan.


    V. & n.

    V. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.) penetrate or wound with a sharp-edged instrument (cuthis finger; the knife won't cut).
    Tr. & intr. (often foll. byinto) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (cut the bread; cutthe cloth into metre lengths).
    Tr. a trim or reduce thelength of (hair, a hedge, etc.) by cutting. b detach all or thesignificant part of (flowers, corn, etc.) by cutting.
    Tr.(foll. by loose, open, etc.) make loose, open, etc. by cutting.5 tr. (esp. as cutting adj.) cause sharp physical or mental painto (a cutting remark; a cutting wind; was cut to the quick).
    Tr. (often foll. by down) a reduce (wages, prices, time, etc.).b reduce or cease (services etc.).
    Tr. a shape or fashion (acoat, gem, key, record, etc.) by cutting. b make (a path,tunnel, etc.) by removing material.
    Tr. perform, execute,make (cut a caper; cut a sorry figure).
    Tr. (also absol.)cross, intersect (the line cuts the circle at two points; thetwo lines cut).
    Intr. (foll. by across, through, etc.) passor traverse, esp. in a hurry or as a shorter way (cut across thegrass).
    Tr. a ignore or refuse to recognize (a person). brenounce (a connection).
    Tr. esp. US deliberately fail toattend (a class etc.).
    Cards a tr. divide (a pack) into twoparts. b intr. select a dealer etc. by dividing the pack.
    Cinematog. a tr. edit (a film or tape). b intr. (often inimper.) stop filming or recording. c intr. (foll. by to) goquickly to (another shot).
    Tr. switch off (an engine etc.).16 tr. a hit (a ball) with a chopping motion. b Golf slice(the ball).
    Tr. US dilute, adulterate.
    Tr. (as cutadj.) Brit. sl. drunk.
    Intr. Cricket (of the ball) turnsharply on pitching.
    Intr. sl. run.
    Tr. castrate.
    N.1 an act of cutting.
    A division or wound made by cutting.
    A stroke with a knife, sword, whip, etc.
    A a reduction (inprices, wages, etc.). b a cessation (of a power supply etc.).5 an excision of part of a play, film, book, etc.
    A woundingremark or act.
    The way or style in which a garment, the hair,etc., is cut.
    A piece of meat etc. cut from a carcass.
    Colloq. commission; a share of profits.
    Tennis & Cricketetc. a stroke made by cutting.
    Ignoring of or refusal torecognize a person.
    A an engraved block for printing. b =WOODCUT.
    A railway cutting.
    A new channel made for ariver.
    See sense 10 of v. cut-and-come-again abundance.cut and dried 1 completely decided; prearranged; inflexible.
    (of opinions etc.) ready-made, lacking freshness. cut and runsl. run away. cut and thrust 1 a lively interchange ofargument etc.
    The use of both the edge and the point of asword. cut back 1 reduce (expenditure etc.).
    Prune (a treeetc.).
    Cinematog. repeat part of a previous scene fordramatic effect. cut-back n. an instance or the act of cuttingback, esp. a reduction in expenditure. cut both ways 1 serveboth sides of an argument etc.
    (of an action) have both goodand bad effects. cut one's coat according to one's cloth 1adapt expenditure to resources.
    Limit ambition to what isfeasible. cut a corner go across and not round it. cut cornersdo a task etc. perfunctorily or incompletely, esp. to save time.cut a dash see DASH. cut dead completely refuse to recognize (aperson). cut down 1 a bring or throw down by cutting. b killby means of a sword or disease.
    See sense 6 of v.
    Reducethe length of (cut down the trousers to make shorts).
    (oftenfoll. by on) reduce one's consumption (tried to cut down onbeer). cut a person down to size colloq. ruthlessly expose thelimitations of a person's importance, ability, etc. cut one'seye-teeth attain worldly wisdom. cut glass glass with patternsand designs cut on it. cut in 1 interrupt.
    Pull in tooclosely in front of another vehicle (esp. having overtaken it).3 give a share of profits etc. to (a person).
    Connect (asource of electricity).
    Join in a card-game by taking theplace of a player who cuts out.
    Interrupt a dancing couple totake over from one partner. cut into 1 make a cut in (they cutinto the cake).
    Interfere with and reduce (travelling cutsinto my free time). cut it fine see FINE(1). cut it out (usu.in imper.) sl. stop doing that (esp. quarrelling). cut theknot solve a problem in an irregular but efficient way.cut-line 1 a caption to an illustration.
    The line in squashabove which a served ball must strike the wall. cut loose 1begin to act freely.
    See sense 4 of v. cut one's losses (ora loss) abandon an unprofitable enterprise before losses becometoo great. cut the mustard US sl. reach the required standard.cut no ice sl.
    Have no influence or importance.
    Achievelittle or nothing. cut off 1 remove (an appendage) by cutting.2 a (often in passive) bring to an abrupt end or (esp. early)death. b intercept, interrupt; prevent from continuing (cut offsupplies; cut off the gas). c disconnect (a person engaged in atelephone conversation) (was suddenly cut off).
    A preventfrom travelling or venturing out (was cut off by the snow). b(as cut off adj.) isolated, remote (felt cut off in thecountry).
    Disinherit (was cut off without a penny). cut-offn.
    The point at which something is cut off.
    A device forstopping a flow.
    US a short cut. cut out 1 remove from theinside by cutting.
    Make by cutting from a larger whole.
    Omit; leave out.
    Colloq. stop doing or using (something)(managed to cut out chocolate; let's cut out the arguing).
    Cease or cause to cease functioning (the engine cut out).
    Outdo or supplant (a rival).
    US detach (an animal) from theherd.
    Cards be excluded from a card-game as a result ofcutting the pack. cut-out 1 a figure cut out of paper etc.
    Adevice for automatic disconnection, the release of exhaustgases, etc. cut-out box US = fuse-box (see FUSE(1)). cut-price(or -rate) selling or sold at a reduced price. cut short 1interrupt; terminate prematurely (cut short his visit).
    Makeshorter or more concise. cut one's teeth on acquire initialpractice or experience from (something). cut a tooth have itappear through the gum. cut up 1 cut into pieces.
    (usu. in passive) distress greatly (was very cut upabout it).
    Criticize severely.
    US behave in a comical orunruly manner. cut up rough Brit. sl. show anger orresentment. cut up well sl. bequeath a large fortune. haveone's work cut out see WORK. [ME cutte, kitte, kette, perh. f.OE cyttan (unrecorded)]

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