Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- abode , bar , clubhouse , cubbyhole * , den , dwelling , gathering place , habitat , hangout * , headquarters , home , lair , living quarters , locality , meeting place , niche , place , purlieu , range , rendezvous , resort , retreat , site , stomping ground , trysting place , watering hole , stamping ground , apparition , bogey , bogeyman , bogle , eidolon , phantasm , phantasma , phantom , revenant , shade , shadow , specter , spirit , visitant , wraith , haven , milieu , oasis
- agitate , agonize , annoy , appall , appear , bedevil , be ever present , beset , besiege , come back , disquiet , dwell , float , frighten , harass , harrow , hound * , hover , infest , inhabit , intrude , madden , manifest , materialize , molest , nettle , obsess , overrun , permeate , pervade , pester , plague , possess , prey on , rack * , reappear , recur , return , rise , spook * , stay with , tease , terrify , terrorize , torment , trouble , vex , voodoo * , walk , weigh on , worry , affect , frequent , habituate , hang about , hang around * , hang out * , repair , resort , tarry at , visit , hang around , clubhouse , custom , den , dive , ghost , habitat , hang out , lair , nest , skill , spirit , spook , wraith
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