Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- addition , advance , breakthrough , expansion , hike , improvement , increment , jump , lift , raise , rise , step-up , up , upgrade , wax , aid , assistance , backup , buildup , goose * , hand * , handout , help , helping hand , leg * , leg up , praise , promotion , shot in the arm , support , heave , hoist , shove , thrust , aggrandizement , amplification , augment , augmentation , enlargement , escalation , growth , multiplication , proliferation , swell , upsurge , upswing , upturn
- advance , advertise , assist , encourage , foster , inspire , plug , praise , promote , push , support , sustain , elevate , heave , heighten , hoist , lift , raise , shove , thrust , upraise , uprear , add to , aggrandize , amplify , augment , beef up * , develop , enlarge , expand , extend , hike , jack up , jump , magnify , multiply , put up , up , pick up , rear , take up , uphold , uplift , build , build up , burgeon , escalate , grow , mount , proliferate , rise , run up , snowball , soar , swell , upsurge , wax , jack , abet , aid , relieve , succor , ballyhoo , enhance , publicize , puff , talk up , tout , back , commend , endorse , exalt , further , help , improve , increase , laud , promotion , upgrade
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