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    ==Thông dụng==
    ==Thông dụng==
    ===Danh từ===
    =====Mắt, con mắt=====
    =====Mắt, con mắt=====
    ::[[An]] [[eye]] [[for]] [[an]] [[eye]]
    ::Ăn miếng trả miếng
    ::[[he]] [[who]] [[brought]] [[up]] [[a]] [[crow]] [[to]] [[pick]] [[out]] [[his]] [[own]] [[eyes]]
    ::nuôi ong tay áo
    ::[[the]] [[eye]] [[of]] [[day]]
    :: mặt trời
    ::[[in]] [[the]] [[eye]] [[of]] [[the]] [[wind]]
    :: ngược gió
    ::[[naked]] [[eye]]
    ::người trần mắt thịt
    ::[[to]] [[throw]] [[dust]] [[in]] [[somebody's]] [[eye]]s
    :: lòe ai
    ::[[in]] [[the]] ::[[twinkling]] [[of]] [[an]] [[eye]]
    :: trong nháy mắt
    ::[[to]] [[wipe]] [[someone's]] [[eyes]]
    :: phỗng tay trên
    ::[[a]] [[gleam]] [[in]] [[sb's]] [[eye]]
    :: niềm hy vọng trong suy nghĩ của ai
    ::[[to]] [[see]] [[eye]] [[to]] [[eye]] [[with]] [[somebody]]
    :: đồng ý với ai
    == Xây dựng==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    ===Toán & tin===
    =====cửa nhỏ=====
    =====mắt || nhìn, xem=====
    =====lỗ cửa nhìn=====
    == Kỹ thuật chung ==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====vòng (búa)=====
    =====vòng móc=====
    =====vòng treo=====
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    =====Eyeball, orb, Colloq optic: The eye of the eagle isnearly as large as that of an elephant.=====
    =====Vision, (eye)sight,visual acuity, perception: Her eyes are weakened by so muchreading.=====
    =====Discernment, perception, taste, judgement,discrimination, percipience, perspicacity, appreciation,sensitivity; knowledge, recognition, comprehension: Shirley hasa good eye for Chinese antiques. Walmsley has the eye of anartist. 4 liking, affection, fondness, partiality, appreciation;lustfulness: Old Bisley still has an eye for the girls.=====
    =====Ogle, leer, look, wink, glad eye, sidelong glance: The barmaidgave me the eye as soon as I walked in.=====
    =====View, respect,regard, aim, intention, purpose, design, plan, idea, notion: Helent me the money with an eye to asking a favour in return.=====
    =====Attention, regard, look, scrutiny, view, examination,observation; supervision: All our comings and goings were underthe watchful eye of Scotland Yard. 8 guard, lookout, watch,vigil: The class monitor is expected to keep an eye on theyounger children.=====
    =====Examine, scrutinize, look at, regard: My futuremother-in-law eyed me up and down.=====
    =====Behold, gaze or look orpeer at or upon, contemplate, study, regard, view, inspect;watch, observe: The doctor eyed the wound with concern.=====
    == Oxford==
    ===N. & v.===
    =====A the organ of sight in man and other animals.b the light-detecting organ in some invertebrates.=====
    =====The eyecharacterized by the colour of the iris (has blue eyes).=====
    =====Theregion round the eye (eyes red from weeping).=====
    =====A glass orplastic ball serving as an artificial eye (his eye fell out).=====
    =====(in sing. or pl.) sight; the faculty of sight (demonstrate tothe eye; need perfect eyes to be a pilot).=====
    =====A particularvisual faculty or talent; visual appreciation (a straight eye;cast an expert eye over).=====
    =====(in sing. or pl.) a look, gaze, orglance, esp. as indicating the disposition of the viewer (afriendly eye).=====
    =====Mental awareness; consciousness.=====
    =====A personor animal etc. that sees on behalf of another.=====
    =====A = electriceye. b = private eye.=====
    =====A thing like an eye, esp.: a a spoton a peacock's tail (cf. EYELET n.=====
    =====). b the leaf bud of apotato.=====
    =====The centre of something circular, e.g. a flower ortarget.=====
    =====The relatively calm region at the centre of a stormor hurricane.=====
    =====An aperture in an implement, esp. a needle,for the insertion of something, e.g. thread.=====
    =====A ring or loopfor a bolt or hook etc. to pass through.=====
    =====V.tr. (eyes, eyed,eyeing or eying) watch or observe closely, esp. admiringly orwith curiosity or suspicion.=====
    =====All eyes 1 watching intently.=====
    ::[[electric]] ([[al]]) [[eye]]
    ::con mắt điện; quang tử
    =====General attention (all eyes were on us). before one's (or one'svery) eyes right in front of one. do a person in the eyecolloq. defraud or thwart a person. eye-bolt a bolt or barwith an eye at the end for a hook etc. eye-catching colloq.striking, attractive. eye contact looking directly into anotherperson's eyes. an eye for an eye retaliation in kind (Exodus21:24). eye language the process of communication by theexpression of the eyes. eye-level the level seen by the eyeslooking horizontally (eye-level grill). eye-liner a cosmeticapplied as a line round the eye. eye mask 1 a covering of softmaterial saturated with a lotion for refreshing the eyes.=====
    ===Cơ - Điện tử===
    =====Mắt, lỗ, vòng, khuyên=====
    =====Acovering for the eyes. eye-opener colloq.=====
    === Xây dựng===
    =====cửa nhỏ=====
    =====An enlighteningexperience; an unexpected revelation.=====
    =====lỗ cửa nhìn=====
    === Kỹ thuật chung ===
    =====US an alcoholic drinktaken on waking up. eye-rhyme a correspondence of words inspelling but not in pronunciation (e.g. love and move). eyesfront (or left or right) Mil. a command to turn the head in thedirection stated. eye-shade a device to protect the eyes, esp.from strong light. eye-shadow a coloured cosmetic applied tothe skin round the eyes. eye-spot 1 a a light-sensitive area onthe bodies of some invertebrate animals, e.g. flatworms,starfish, etc.; an ocellus. b Bot. an area of light-sensitivepigment found in some algae etc.=====
    =====Any of several fungusdiseases of plants characterized by yellowish oval spots on theleaves and stems. eye-stalk Zool. a movable stalk carrying theeye, esp. in crabs, shrimps, etc. eye strain fatigue of the(internal or external) muscles of the eye. eye-tooth a caninetooth just under or next to the eye, esp. in the upper jaw.eye-worm a nematode worm, Loa loa, parasitic on man and otherprimates in Central and West Africa. get (or keep) one's eye inSport accustom oneself (or keep oneself accustomed) to theconditions of play so as to judge speed, distance, etc. have aneye for be capable of perceiving or appreciating. have one'seye on wish or plan to procure. have eyes for be interested in;wish to acquire. have an eye to have as one's objective;prudently consider. hit a person in the eye (or between theeyes) colloq. be very obvious or impressive. keep an eye on 1pay attention to.=====
    =====Look after; take care of. keep an eye open(or out) (often foll. by for) watch carefully. keep one's eyesopen (or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on the alert. lowerone's eyes look modestly or sheepishly down or away. make eyes(or sheep's eyes) (foll. by at) look amorously or flirtatiouslyat. my (or all my) eye sl. nonsense. one in the eye (foll. byfor) a disappointment or setback. open a person's eyes beenlightening or revealing to a person. raise one's eyes lookupwards. see eye to eye (often foll. by with) be in fullagreement. set eyes on catch sight of. take one's eyes off(usu. in neg.) stop watching; stop paying attention to. underthe eye of under the supervision or observation of. up to the(or one's) eyes in 1 deeply engaged or involved in; inundatedwith (up to the eyes in work).=====
    =====To the utmost limit (mortgagedup to the eyes). with one's eyes open deliberately; with fullawareness. with one's eyes shut (or closed) 1 easily; withlittle effort.=====
    =====vòng (búa)=====
    =====Without awareness; unobservant (goes aroundwith his eyes shut). with an eye to with a view to; prudentlyconsidering. with a friendly (or jealous etc.) eye with afeeling of friendship, jealousy, etc. with one eye on directingone's attention partly to. with one eye shut colloq. easily;with little effort (could do this with one eye shut).=====
    =====vòng móc=====
    == Tham khảo chung ==
    =====vòng treo=====
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    :[[appreciation]] , [[belief]] , [[conviction]] , [[discernment]] , [[discrimination]] , [[eagle eye ]]* , [[feeling]] , [[mind]] , [[perception]] , [[persuasion]] , [[point of view]] , [[recognition]] , [[scrutiny]] , [[sentiment]] , [[surveillance]] , [[tab]] , [[taste]] , [[view]] , [[viewpoint]] , [[watch]] , [[baby blue]] , [[blinder ]]* , [[eyeball]] , [[headlight]] , [[lamp ]]* , [[ocular]] , [[oculus]] , [[optic]] , [[peeper]] , [[pie ]]* , [[orb]] , [[eyesight]] , [[seeing]] , [[sight]] , [[acumen]] , [[astuteness]] , [[clear-sightedness]] , [[keenness]] , [[nose]] , [[penetration]] , [[perceptiveness]] , [[percipience]] , [[percipiency]] , [[perspicacity]] , [[sagacity]] , [[sageness]] , [[shrewdness]] , [[wit]] , [[angle]] , [[outlook]] , [[slant]] , [[standpoint]] , [[vantage]] , [[ring]] , [[midst]] , [[investigator]] , [[sleuth]] , [[fixation]] , [[oeillade]] , [[peripheral vision]]
    :[[check out]] , [[consider]] , [[contemplate]] , [[eyeball]] , [[gape]] , [[give the eye]] , [[glance at]] , [[have a look]] , [[inspect]] , [[keep eagle eye on]] , [[leer]] , [[look at]] , [[ogle]] , [[peruse]] , [[regard]] , [[rubberneck ]]* , [[scan]] , [[size up ]]* , [[stare at]] , [[study]] , [[survey]] , [[take a look]] , [[take in]] , [[view]] , [[watch]] , [[gawk]] , [[goggle]] , [[peer]] , [[stare]] , [[observe]] , [[scrutinize]] , [[areola]] , [[avert]] , [[blinker]] , [[cornea]] , [[dilate]] , [[iris]] , [[lamp]] , [[orb]] , [[orbit]] , [[peeper]] , [[pupil]] , [[retina]]
    ===Từ trái nghĩa===
    :[[look away]]
    *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=eye eye] : National Weather Service
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]]
    *[http://www.eurochlor.org/search/index.asp?q=eye eye] : Chlorine Online
    [[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]]
    *[http://foldoc.org/?query=eye eye] : Foldoc
    [[Thể_loại:Cơ - Điện tử]]
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Xây dựng]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category: Tham khảo chung ]]
    [[Thể_loại:Toán & tin]]

    Hiện nay


    Thông dụng

    Mắt, con mắt


    An eye for an eye
    Ăn miếng trả miếng
    he who brought up a crow to pick out his own eyes
    nuôi ong tay áo
    the eye of day
    mặt trời
    in the eye of the wind
    ngược gió
    naked eye
    người trần mắt thịt
    to throw dust in somebody's eyes
    lòe ai
    in the ::twinkling of an eye
    trong nháy mắt
    to wipe someone's eyes
    phỗng tay trên
    a gleam in sb's eye
    niềm hy vọng trong suy nghĩ của ai
    to see eye to eye with somebody
    đồng ý với ai

    Chuyên ngành

    Toán & tin

    mắt || nhìn, xem
    electric (al) eye
    con mắt điện; quang tử

    Cơ - Điện tử

    Mắt, lỗ, vòng, khuyên

    Xây dựng

    cửa nhỏ
    lỗ cửa nhìn

    Kỹ thuật chung

    vòng (búa)
    vòng móc
    vòng treo

    tác giả

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