Thông dụng
Danh từ
Ngọn lửa ( (nghĩa bóng)), sự hăng hái, nhiệt tình, sự sốt sắng, sự vui vẻ hoạt bát
- the fire of patriotism
- ngọn lửa yêu nước
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
hỏa hoạn
- electric fire risk
- mối nguy hỏa hoạn do điện
- evaluate the loss occasioned by a fire
- đánh giá thiệt hại do hỏa hoạn gây ra
- fire alarm
- báo động hỏa hoạn
- fire cut
- lát cắt hạn chế hỏa hoạn
- fire detector
- bộ phát hiện hỏa hoạn
- fire detector
- máy phát hiện hỏa hoạn
- fire escape
- cửa thoát hiểm khi hỏa hoạn
- fire escape
- lối thoát khi hỏa hoạn
- fire hazard
- nguy cơ hỏa hoạn
- fire isolated stairway
- cầu thang cách ly hỏa hoạn
- fire line
- tuyến hỏa hoạn
- fire regulation
- quy tắc phòng hỏa hoạn
- fire rescue path
- đường cứu hộ hỏa hoạn
- fire rescue path
- đường thoát hiểm hỏa hoạn
- fire-alarm signaling device
- thiết bị báo hỏa hoạn
- fire-escape stair
- thang phòng hỏa hoạn
- pit fire
- hỏa hoạn ở mỏ
- preventive fire protection
- sự phòng ngừa hỏa hoạn
- protection against fire
- sự bảo vệ phòng hỏa hoạn
đốt cháy
Giải thích EN: To ignite with explosives..
Giải thích VN: Đốt cháy bằng chất nổ.
- fire point
- điểm đốt cháy
sự cháy
- fire behavior
- biểu diễn của sự cháy
- fire behaviour
- biểu diễn của sự cháy
- structural fire
- sự cháy kết cấu
- structural fire
- sự cháy nhà
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Feeling, passion, ardour,ardency, fervour, fervency, intensity, vigour, spirit, energy,vim, vivacity, sparkle, animation, liveliness, verve, pep, ‚lan,‚clat, dash, vitality, eagerness, enthusiasm, fever,feverishness: I have never seen the role of Carmen performedwith such fire.
Firing, fusillade, volley, barrage,bombardment, salvo, cannonade, shelling, broadside, flak: Thefire from the guns shook the house.
Hang fire. delay, bedelayed, be in abeyance, be suspended, be shelved, be put off,be postponed, be up in the air, Colloq be put on hold, be (put)on the back burner: The decision is hanging fire till tomorrow.5 on fire. afire, burning, blazing, alight, aflame, flaming;ardent, passionate, fervent, fervid, hot-blooded, intense,aroused, stirred, stimulated, enthusiastic, fired up, eager,inspired, excited: The building is on fire: you must leave atonce. My very soul is on fire when I think of you. 6 play withfire. undertake a risk or hazard or peril, run a risk, risk(something or everything), imperil or endanger (something),tempt fate, live dangerously: He warned people not to play withfire by stirring up racial hatred.
A set fire to, set afire, set on fire, ignite, setalight, kindle, spark (off), put to the torch, burn, Slang UStorch: Arsonists fired our headquarters last night. bSometimes, fire up. inflame, impassion, incite, excite, provoke,foment, whip up, arouse, rouse, work up, fire up, enkindle,light a fire under, stimulate, inspirit, motivate, move, stir,animate, inspire, awaken, energize, vitalize, vivify: She firedthe crowd's emotions with her impassioned speech.
Discharge,shoot, let go (with), launch, propel, throw, catapult, hurl: Hefired the missile towards the enemy.
Detonate, set off,ignite, set fire to, light, let off: It is against the law tofire any explosives in this area.
Discharge, dismiss, oust,let go, cashier, give (someone) notice, Brit make or declareredundant, Colloq Brit ask for or get (someone's) cards, US give(someone) a pink slip; Slang bounce, give (someone) the bounce,axe, give (someone) the axe, show (someone) the door, can, give(someone) the (old) heave-ho, give (someone) his or her (Brit)marching orders or (US) walking papers, Brit sack, give(someone) the sack, boot (someone) out, give (someone) the boot:They fired me last month and I can't find work.
A the state or process of combustion, in whichsubstances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and usu.give out bright light and heat. b the active principleoperative in this. c flame or incandescence.
V.1 a tr. discharge (a gun etc.). b tr. propel (a missile) from agun etc. c intr. (often foll. by at, into, on) fire a gun ormissile. d tr. produce (a broadside, salute, etc.) by dischargeof guns. e intr. (of a gun etc.) be discharged.
Mil. hist. a ball filled with combustibles. fire-balloon aballoon made buoyant by the heat of a fire burning at its mouth.fire-blight a disease of plants, esp. hops and fruit trees,causing a scorched appearance. fire-bomb an incendiary bomb.fire-break an obstacle to the spread of fire in a forest etc.,esp. an open space. fire-brick a fireproof brick used in agrate. fire brigade esp. Brit. an organized body of firementrained and employed to extinguish fires. fire-bug colloq. apyromaniac. fire company 1 = fire brigade.
A fire-insurancecompany. fire-control a system of regulating the fire of aships or a forts guns. fire department US = fire brigade.fire door a fire-resistant door to prevent the spread of fire.fire-drake (in Germanic mythology) a fiery dragon. fire-drill 1a rehearsal of the procedures to be used in case of fire.
Aprimitive device for kindling fire with a stick and wood.fire-eater 1 a conjuror who appears to swallow fire.
A personfond of quarrelling or fighting. fire-engine a vehicle carryingequipment for fighting large fires. fire-escape an emergencystaircase or apparatus for escape from a building on fire. fireextinguisher an apparatus with a jet for discharging liquidchemicals, water, or foam to extinguish a fire. fire-fighter aperson whose task is to extinguish fires. fire-guard 1 aprotective screen or grid placed in front of a fireplace.
US a fire-break. fire-hose a hose-pipe usedin extinguishing fires. fire-irons tongs, poker, and shovel,for tending a domestic fire. fire-lighter Brit. a piece ofinflammable material to help start a fire in a grate.fire-office a fire-insurance company. fire-opal girasol.fire-plug a hydrant for a fire-hose. fire-power 1 thedestructive capacity of guns etc.
Financial, intellectual, oremotional strength. fire-practice a fire-drill. fire-raiserBrit. an arsonist. fire-raising Brit. arson. fire-screen 1 ascreen to keep off the direct heat of a fire.
A fire-guard.3 an ornamental screen for a fireplace. fire-ship hist. a shiploaded with combustibles and sent adrift to ignite an enemysships etc. fire station the headquarters of a fire brigade.fire-step = firing-step. fire-stone stone that resists fire,used for furnaces etc. fire-storm a high wind or stormfollowing a fire caused by bombs. fire-tongs tongs for pickingup pieces of coal etc. in tending a fire. fire-trap a buildingwithout proper provision for escape in case of fire. fire upshow sudden anger. fire-walking the (often ceremonial) practiceof walking barefoot over white-hot stones, wood-ashes, etc.fire warden US a person employed to prevent or extinguish fires.fire-watcher a person keeping watch for fires, esp. those causedby bombs. fire-water colloq. strong alcoholic liquor. go onfire Sc. & Ir. catch fire. go through fire and water face allperils. on fire 1 burning.
Excited. set fire to (or set onfire) ignite, kindle, cause to burn. set the world (or Thames)on fire do something remarkable or sensational. take fire catchfire. under fire 1 being shot at.
Fireless adj. firer n. [OE fyr,fyrian, f. WG]
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