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    Dòng 62: Dòng 58:
    ::yêu thích, chuộng
    ::yêu thích, chuộng
    == Xây dựng==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====khác thường=====
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    =====Ornate, decorative, decorated, ornamental, ornamented,elaborate, embellished, embroidered, fanciful, extravagant,rococo, baroque, gingerbread, Byzantine, complicated, intricate,complex: The modern trend has been away from fancyarchitecture.=====
    =====Illusory, capricious, fanciful, extravagant,fantastic, far-fetched, delusive, whimsical, visionary,unrealistic, grandiose: He has some fancy ideas about buildingan undersea city.=====
    =====De luxe, luxury, luxurious, choice, select,prime, special, elegant, superior, quality, high-class; posh:They stock only fancy fruits and vegetables. She has a fancysuite at the Cardigan Hotel. 4 high, exorbitant, inflated,outrageous: One has to pay very fancy prices for haute couture.=====
    =====Imagination, creation, conception, inventiveness,creativeness, creativity: These chimeras are entirely a productof his fancy.=====
    =====Imagination, fantasy, hallucination, delusion,illusion, unreality, make-believe, dream, day-dream, pipedream,mirage, phantasm, phantom, figment (of the imagination),impression: Our plans for the future must be based on fact, notfancy.=====
    =====Liking, inclination, fondness, taste, penchant,attraction, preference, partiality, predilection, yearning,craving, hankering, wish, desire, longing: Miss Crow's fancyfor younger men often causes her some embarrassment.=====
    =====Idea,whim, caprice, whimsy, urge, impulse, notion, vagary, quirk,crotchet, peculiarity: His fancy today is that he inventedelectricity.=====
    =====Imagine, conceive, picture, visualize, envisage, thinkor make up, conjure up, US envision, Colloq dream up: Hefancies himself on a big yacht in the Mediterranean.=====
    =====Think,imagine, understand, believe, suspect, guess, conjecture,presume, surmise, assume, take it, suppose, infer, reckon: Fromhis costume I fancy he must be Superman. Fancy Kim winning theNobel prize! 11 like, be attracted to, take (a liking) to,desire, want, crave, long or pine for, have a yen or cravingfor, have an eye for, wish for, hunger for, favour, prefer, lustafter: Terry has always fancied tall women. I wouldn't fancybeing 40 feet up a swaying ladder like that.=====
    == Oxford==
    ===N., adj., & v.===
    =====N. (pl. -ies) 1 an individual taste orinclination (take a fancy to).=====
    =====A caprice or whim.=====
    =====A thingfavoured, e.g. a horse to win a race.=====
    =====An arbitrarysupposition.=====
    =====A the faculty of using imagination or ofinventing imagery. b a mental image.=====
    =====Delusion; unfoundedbelief.=====
    =====(prec. by the) those who have a certain hobby;fanciers, esp. patrons of boxing.=====
    =====Adj. (usu. attrib.)(fancier, fanciest) 1 ornamental; not plain.=====
    =====Capricious,whimsical, extravagant (at a fancy price).=====
    =====Based onimagination, not fact.=====
    =====US (of foods etc.) above averagequality.=====
    =====(of flowers etc.) particoloured.=====
    =====(of an animal)bred for particular points of beauty etc.=====
    =====V.tr. (-ies, -ied)1 (foll. by that + clause) be inclined to suppose; rather think.2 Brit. colloq. feel a desire for (do you fancy a drink?).=====
    =====Brit. colloq. find sexually attractive.=====
    =====Colloq. have anunduly high opinion of (oneself, one's ability, etc.).=====
    =====(inimper.) an exclamation of surprise (fancy their doing that!).=====
    =====Picture to oneself; conceive, imagine.=====
    =====Awoman's lover.=====
    =====A pimp. fancy woman sl. derog. a mistress.fancy-work ornamental sewing etc.=====
    =====Fanciable adj. (in sense 3of v.). fancily adv. fanciness n. [contr. of FANTASY]=====
    == Tham khảo chung ==
    *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=fancy fancy] : National Weather Service
    === Xây dựng===
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=fancy fancy] : Corporateinformation
    =====khác thường=====
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Xây dựng]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category: Tham khảo chung ]]
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    :[[adorned]] , [[baroque]] , [[beautifying]] , [[chichi ]]* , [[complicated]] , [[cushy]] , [[custom]] , [[decorated]] , [[decorative]] , [[deluxe]] , [[elaborate]] , [[elegant]] , [[embellished]] , [[fanciful]] , [[florid]] , [[frilly]] , [[froufrou]] , [[garnished]] , [[gaudy]] , [[gingerbread]] , [[intricate]] , [[lavish]] , [[ornate]] , [[ostentatious]] , [[resplendent]] , [[rich]] , [[rococo]] , [[showy]] , [[special]] , [[spiffy ]]* , [[sumptuous]] , [[unusual]] , [[fantastic]] , [[fantastical]] , [[imaginative]] , [[whimsical]] , [[posh]] , [[swank]] , [[swanky]] , [[capricious]] , [[chimerical]] , [[ethereal]] , [[exorbitant]] , [[extravagant]] , [[fabulous]] , [[imaginary]] , [[ornamental]] , [[premium]] , [[quixotic]] , [[romantic]] , [[utopian]] , [[vaporous]]
    :[[caprice]] , [[conceit]] , [[conception]] , [[contrariness]] , [[creation]] , [[cup of tea ]]* , [[desire]] , [[druthers]] , [[flash]] , [[fool]]’s paradise , [[groove ]]* , [[humor]] , [[idea]] , [[image]] , [[imagination]] , [[impression]] , [[inclination]] , [[irrationality]] , [[liking]] , [[mind]] , [[notion]] , [[perverseness]] , [[pleasure]] , [[thing ]]* , [[thought]] , [[vagary]] , [[velleity]] , [[visualization]] , [[weakness for]] , [[whim]] , [[will]] , [[big eyes]] , [[chimera]] , [[daydream]] , [[delusion]] , [[envisagement]] , [[envisioning]] , [[eyes for]] , [[fabrication]] , [[fantasy]] , [[figment]] , [[fondness]] , [[hallucination]] , [[hankering]] , [[illusion]] , [[imaginativeness]] , [[invention]] , [[itch ]]* , [[mirage]] , [[nightmare]] , [[partiality]] , [[penchant]] , [[phantasm]] , [[picture]] , [[pie in the sky ]]* , [[pipe dream ]]* , [[predilection]] , [[preference]] , [[relish]] , [[reverie]] , [[romancing]] , [[sweet tooth ]]* , [[vision]] , [[yearning]] , [[yen]] , [[fiction]] , [[phantasma]] , [[bee]] , [[boutade]] , [[freak]] , [[impulse]] , [[megrim]] , [[whimsy]] , [[amorousness]] , [[passion]] , [[romance]] , [[apprehension]] , [[capriccio]] , [[crotchet]] , [[ethereality]] , [[fad]] , [[fata morgana]] , [[kickshaw]] , [[maggot]] , [[opinion]] , [[phantasy]] , [[taste]] , [[tidbit]] , [[vaporosity]] , [[whimsey]]
    :[[be inclined to think]] , [[believe]] , [[conceive]] , [[conjecture]] , [[dream up]] , [[envisage]] , [[envision]] , [[fantasize]] , [[feature ]]* , [[guess]] , [[head trip]] , [[image]] , [[infer]] , [[make up]] , [[make up off top of one]]’s head , [[phantom]] , [[picture]] , [[realize]] , [[reckon]] , [[spark]] , [[spitball]] , [[suppose]] , [[surmise]] , [[think]] , [[think likely]] , [[think up]] , [[trump up]] , [[vision]] , [[visualize]] , [[approve]] , [[be attracted to]] , [[be captivated by]] , [[be enamored of]] , [[be in love with]] , [[care for]] , [[crave]] , [[crazy about ]]* , [[desire]] , [[dream of]] , [[endorse]] , [[fall for]] , [[favor]] , [[like]] , [[long for]] , [[lust after]] , [[mad for]] , [[prefer]] , [[relish]] , [[sanction]] , [[set one]]’s heart on , [[take a liking to]] , [[take to]] , [[wild for]] , [[wish for]] , [[yearn for]] , [[see]] , [[admire]] , [[apprehend]] , [[capriccio]] , [[caprice]] , [[chimera]] , [[conceit]] , [[decorative]] , [[deluxe]] , [[dream]] , [[elaborate]] , [[elegant]] , [[embellished]] , [[expensive]] , [[fad]] , [[fantasy]] , [[humor]] , [[idea]] , [[illusion]] , [[imagination]] , [[imagine]] , [[impression]] , [[inclination]] , [[lavish]] , [[liking]] , [[love]] , [[notion]] , [[ornamental]] , [[ornate]] , [[pleasure]] , [[preference]] , [[romance]] , [[taste]] , [[vagary]] , [[whim]] , [[whimsy]]
    ===Từ trái nghĩa===
    :[[plain]] , [[unfancy]] , [[unornamented]]
    :[[dislike]] , [[hate]] , [[certainty]] , [[fact]] , [[reality]] , [[truth]]
    :[[dislike]] , [[hate]]
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]][[Thể_loại: Tham khảo chung ]]

    Hiện nay


    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Sự tưởng tượng
    Sự võ đoán
    Tính đồng bóng
    Ý muốn nhất thời
    Sở thích, thị hiếu
    the fancy
    những người hâm mộ (một môn thể thao gì); những người thích (một thú riêng gì); những người hâm mộ quyền Anh

    Tính từ

    Có trang hoàng, có trang trí
    fancy dress
    quần áo cải trang
    fancy goods
    hàng hoá có trang trí đẹp
    Nhiều màu (hoa)
    Lạ lùng, vô lý
    at a fancy price
    với giá đắt lạ lùng
    Đồng bóng
    Tưởng tượng
    a fancy picture
    bức tranh tưởng tượng
    Để làm cảnh, để trang hoàng
    fancy pigeon
    chim bồ câu nuôi làm cảnh

    Ngoại động từ

    Tưởng tượng, cho rằng, nghĩ rằng
    never fancy yourself as a king
    mày đừng bao giờ tự cho mình là ông vua
    Mến, thích
    Nuôi (súc vật) làm cảnh, trồng (cây) làm cảnh
    fancy his believing it!
    hắn lại tin cái đó mới lạ chứ
    to catch someone's fancy
    làm cho ai thích thú
    a flight of fancy
    ý nghĩ viễn vông
    to take a fancy to somebody/something
    yêu thích, chuộng

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng

    khác thường

    Các từ liên quan

    Từ đồng nghĩa

    Từ trái nghĩa

    plain , unfancy , unornamented
    dislike , hate

    tác giả

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