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Dòng 1: Dòng 1: - {|align="right"- | __TOC__- |}- =====/'''<font color="red">giv</font>'''/ <!-- BaamBoo-Tra Từ cho rằng phần phiên âm này chưa hoàn thiện, bạn hãy cùng xây dựng bằng cách thêm vào giữa /..../ phần phiên âm của từ. VD: phiên âm của help là /help/ --> ==========/'''<font color="red">giv</font>'''/ <!-- BaamBoo-Tra Từ cho rằng phần phiên âm này chưa hoàn thiện, bạn hãy cùng xây dựng bằng cách thêm vào giữa /..../ phần phiên âm của từ. VD: phiên âm của help là /help/ --> =====Dòng 274: Dòng 270: *PP: [[given]]*PP: [[given]]- ==Kỹ thuật chung==+ ==Chuyên ngành==- ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===+ {|align="right"+ | __TOC__+ |}+ === Kỹ thuật chung ========cho==========cho=====- =====đưa=====+ =====đưa=====- + === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===- == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==+ =====V.=====- ===V.===+ - + =====And taken. compromise, cooperation, reciprocity, interaction, fairexchange, teamwork, joint effort, synergy: There is a lot ofgive and take in our relationship - I give and she takes.==========And taken. compromise, cooperation, reciprocity, interaction, fairexchange, teamwork, joint effort, synergy: There is a lot ofgive and take in our relationship - I give and she takes.=====- + === Oxford===- == Oxford==+ =====V. & n.=====- ===V. & n.===+ - + =====V. (past gave; past part. given) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.; often foll. by to) transfer the possession of freely;hand over as a present (gave them her old curtains; gives tocancer research).==========V. (past gave; past part. given) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.; often foll. by to) transfer the possession of freely;hand over as a present (gave them her old curtains; gives tocancer research).=====02:16, ngày 8 tháng 7 năm 2008
Thông dụng
Động từ.gave, .given
(đi đôi với danh từ thanh một cụm từ)
- to give a cry
- kêu lên
- to give a loud laugh
- cười to, cười vang
- to give a look
- nhìn
- to give a jump
- nhảy lên
- to give a sigh
- thở dài
- to give a push
- đẩy
- to give a groan
- rên rỉ
- to give a start
- giật mình
- to give encouragement
- động viên, khuyến khích
- to give permission
- cho phép
- to give an order
- ra lệnh
- to give birth to
- sinh ra
- to give one's attention to sth
- chú ý đến cái gì
tổ chức, mở, thết (một buổi dạ hội...); biểu diễn, diễn (kịch), đóng (một vai tuồng); hát dạo (một bản nhạc...), ngâm (một bài thơ...)
Cấu trúc từ
to give out
- chia, phân phối
- toả ra, phát ra, làm bay ra, bốc lên, xông lên (hơi nóng, mùi...)
- bị hư, bị hỏng (máy móc); mệt, quỵ, kiệt đi (sức)
Chuyên ngành
V. (past gave; past part. given) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.; often foll. by to) transfer the possession of freely;hand over as a present (gave them her old curtains; gives tocancer research).
Tr. a transfer the ownership of with orwithout actual delivery; bequeath (gave him œ200 in her will).b transfer, esp. temporarily or for safe keeping; hand over;provide with (gave him the dog to hold; gave them a drink). cadminister (medicine). d deliver (a message) (give her my bestwishes).
Tr. aconfer; grant (a benefit, an honour, etc.). b accord; bestow(one's affections, confidence, etc.). c award; administer(one's approval, blame, etc.); tell, offer (esp. somethingunpleasant) (gave him a talking-to; gave him my blessing; gavehim the sack). d pledge, assign as a guarantee (gave his word).5 tr. a effect or perform (an action etc.) (gave him a kiss;gave a jump). b utter (gave a shriek).
Tr.yield as a product or result (the lamp gives a bad light; thefield gives fodder for twenty cows).
Intr. a yield topressure; become relaxed; lose firmness (this elastic doesn'tgive properly). b collapse (the roof gave under the pressure).10 intr. (usu. foll. by of) grant; bestow (gave freely of histime).
Tr. a commit, consign, or entrust (gave him intocustody; give her into your care). b sanction the marriage of(a daughter etc.).
Tr. Theatr.read, recite, perform, act, etc. (gave them Hamlet's soliloquy).16 tr. impart; be a source of (gave him my sore throat; gave itsname to the battle; gave me much pain; gives him a right tocomplain).
N. an exchange of words etc.; acompromise. give as good as one gets retort adequately in wordsor blows. give away 1 transfer as a gift.
A free gift; a low price. give back return (something) to itsprevious owner or in exchange. give a person the best see BEST.give birth (to) see BIRTH. give chase pursue a person, animal,etc.; hunt. give down (often absol.) (of a cow) let (milk)flow. give forth emit; publish; report. give the game (orshow) away reveal a secret or intention. give a hand see HAND.give a person (or the devil) his or her due acknowledge, esp.grudgingly, a person's rights, abilities, etc. give in 1 ceasefighting or arguing; yield.
Hand in (a document etc.) to anofficial etc. give in marriage sanction the marriage of (one'sdaughter etc.). give it to a person colloq. scold or punish.give me I prefer or admire (give me the Greek islands). giveoff emit (vapour etc.). give oneself (of a woman) yieldsexually. give oneself airs act pretentiously or snobbishly.give oneself up to 1 abandon oneself to an emotion, esp.despair.
Addict oneself to. give on to (or into) (of awindow, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead into. give or takecolloq. add or subtract (a specified amount or number) inestimating. give out 1 announce; emit; distribute.
(ofhounds) bark, esp. on finding a scent. give a person tounderstand inform authoritatively. give up 1 resign; surrender.2 part with.
Renounce or cease(an activity). give up the ghost archaic or colloq. die. giveway see WAY. give a person what for colloq. punish or scoldseverely. give one's word (or word of honour) promise solemnly.not give a damn (or monkey's or toss etc.) colloq. not care atall. what gives? colloq. what is the news?; what's happening?would give the world (or one's ears, eyes, etc.) for covet orwish for desperately.
tác giả
nguyenlena, ♚, Dat, Black coffee, Admin, dzunglt, Khách, Luong Nguy Hien, Kareftu, Trang , Thuha2406
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