Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Thông dụng
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- bawl , bawling , bewailing , blubber , blubbering , howl , howling , keening , lament , lamentation , mourning , shedding tears , snivel , snivelling , sob , sobbing , sorrowing , tears , the blues , wailing , weep , whimpering , yowl , acclamation , bark , bay , bellow , cackle , call , caw , chatter , cheer , clack , clamor , cluck , coo , crow , ejaculation , exclamation , expletive , fuss , gobble , groan , grunt , hiss , holler , hoot , hullabaloo , hurrah , meow , mewling , moo , motto , nicker , note , outcry , pipe , quack , report , roar , ruckus , scream , screech , shout , shriek , song , squall , squawk , squeak , trill , uproar , vociferation , wail , whine , whinny , whistle , whoop , yammer , yawp * , yell , yelp , yoo-hoo , tear , weeping , claim , exaction , requisition , battle cry , call to arms , call to battle , rallying cry , war cry , cri de coeur , deploration , halloo , hoot: crying , lachrymation , lacrimation , mewl , plaint whimpering , proclamation , shibboleth , slogan , ululation , yoicks
- bawl , bemoan , bewail , blub , blubber , boohoo * , break down , burst into tears , caterwaul , choke up , complain , crack up * , deplore , dissolve in tears , fret , grieve , groan , howl , keen , lament , let go , let it all out , mewl , moan , mourn , put on the weeps , regret , ring the blues , shed bitter tears , shed tears , sigh , sniff , snivel , sob , sorrow , squall , turn on waterworks , wail , weep , whimper , whine , yammer , yowl , bark , bay , bellow , bleat , cackle , call , caw , chatter , cheer , clack , clamor , cluck , coo , croak , crow , ejaculate , exclaim , gabble , growl , grunt , hail , hiss , holler , holler out , hoot , low , meow , moo , nicker , pipe , quack , roar , scream , screech , shout , shriek , sing out , snarl , squawk , trill , tweet , twitter , vociferate , whinny , whistle , whoop , yawp * , yelp , announce , bark * , broadcast , build up , hawk , hype * , press-agent , proclaim , promulgate , publicize , publish , puff * , trumpet * , blurt , burst out , rap out , bluster , halloo , yawp , yell , ballyhoo , popularize , promote , talk up , acclamation , advertise , blame , boo , boohoo , demand , hurrah , hype , lamentation , ouch , plead , protest , puff , pule , rage , rumor , sound , squeal , tears , ululate , utter , vogue
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