Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
(đổi hướng từ Easiest)Thông dụng
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- accessible , apparent , basic , child’s play , cinch , clear , easily done , effortless , elementary , evident , facile , inconsiderable , light , little , manageable , manifest , mere , no bother , no problem , no sweat , not burdensome , nothing to it * , no trouble , obvious , painless , paltry , picnic * , piece of cake * , plain , plain sailing * , pushover * , royal , simple , simple as abc , slight , smooth , snap , straightforward , uncomplicated , undemanding , uninvolved , untroublesome , wieldy , yielding , at ease , calm , carefree , comfortable , comfy , commodious , composed , content , contented , cozy , cursive , cushy , easeful , flowing , fluent , forthright , gentle , in clover , languid , mild , moderate , peaceful , pleasant , prosperous , quiet , running , satisfied , secure , serene , slow , snug , soft , spontaneous , substantial , successful , temperate , thriving , tranquil , undisturbed , unexacting , unhurried , untroubled , unworried , well-to-do , accommodating , amenable , benign , biddable , charitable , clement , compassionate , compliant , condoning , deceivable , deludable , dupable , easygoing , excusing , exploitable , fleeceable , flexible , forbearing , forgiving , gullible , humoring , indulgent , kindly , lax , lenient , liberal , merciful , mollycoddling , naive , pampering , pardoning , spoiling , submissive , susceptible , sympathetic , tractable , trusting , unburdensome , unoppressive , unsuspicious , affable , amiable , casual , complaisant , diplomatic , familiar , friendly , good-natured , good-tempered , graceful , gracious , gregarious , informal , natural , obliging , open , polite , relaxed , sociable , suave , tolerant , unaffected , unanxious , unforced , unpretentious , urbane , fluid , well-heeled , well-off , unceremonious , unrestrained , credulous , fast , libertine , loose , whorish , affluent , careless , glib , independent , unconcerned , unconstrained
Từ trái nghĩa
- arduous , complex , complicated , demanding , difficult , hard , intricate , involved , laborious , uneasy , exhausting , oppressive , trying , unleisurely , unrelaxed , impossible , intolerant , onery , strict , unpermissive , unhappy
tác giả
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