Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Thông dụng
Danh từ
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- affiance , affirmation , agreement , asseveration , assurance , avowal , betrothal , bond , commitment , compact , consent , contract , covenant , earnest , engagement , espousal , guarantee , insurance , marriage , oath , obligation , pact , parole , pawn , pledge , plight , profession , promissory note , sacred word , security , stipulation , swear , swearing , token , troth , undertaking , vow , warrant , warranty , word , word of honor , ability , aptitude , capability , capacity , encouragement , flair , good omen , outlook , potential , talent , guaranty , solemn word , iou , mutuality , quid pro quo , reciprocity , recognizance
- accede , affiance , affirm , agree , answer for , assent , asservate , assure , bargain , betroth , bind , commit , compact , consent , contract , covenant , cross heart , declare , engage , ensure , espouse , guarantee , hock * , insure , live up to , mortgage , obligate , pass , pawn * , pledge , plight , profess , say so , secure , stipulate , string along * , subscribe , swear , swear on bible , swear up and down , take an oath , undertake , underwrite , vouch , vow , warrant , augur , bespeak , betoken , bode , denote , encourage , forebode , foreshadow , foretoken , give hope , hint , hold out hope , hold probability , indicate , lead to expect , like , look , omen , portend , presage , seem likely , show signs of , suggest , ability , assurance , band , commitment , declaration , grant , oath , obligation , outlook , pawn , potential , redeem , troth , warranty , word
Từ điển: Thông dụng | Xây dựng | Kinh tế
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