(Khác biệt giữa các bản)n (sửa phiên âm)
Dòng 152: Dòng 152: ==Chuyên ngành====Chuyên ngành==- {|align="right"+ - | __TOC__+ - |}+ ===Cơ - Điện tử======Cơ - Điện tử========Lửa, ngọn lửa, sự đánh lửa, (v) đốt, đánh lửa==========Lửa, ngọn lửa, sự đánh lửa, (v) đốt, đánh lửa=====Dòng 160: Dòng 158: === Toán & tin ====== Toán & tin ========cháy đốt mồi==========cháy đốt mồi=====- ===== Tham khảo =====- *[http://foldoc.org/?query=fire fire] : Foldoc=== Xây dựng====== Xây dựng========đám cháy==========đám cháy=====Dòng 290: Dòng 286: =====sự đốt==========sự đốt=====- ===== Tham khảo =====+ ==Các từ liên quan==- *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=fire fire] : Corporateinformation+ ===Từ đồng nghĩa===- ===ĐồngnghĩaTiếng Anh===+ =====noun=====- =====N.=====+ :[[blaze]] , [[bonfire]] , [[campfire]] , [[charring]] , [[coals]] , [[combustion]] , [[conflagration]] , [[devouring]] , [[element]] , [[embers]] , [[flame and smoke]] , [[flames]] , [[flare]] , [[glow]] , [[hearth]] , [[heat]] , [[holocaust]] , [[hot spot]] , [[incandescence]] , [[inferno]] , [[luminosity]] , [[oxidation]] , [[phlogiston]] , [[pyre]] , [[rapid oxidation]] , [[scintillation]] , [[scorching]] , [[sea of flames]] , [[searing]] , [[sparks]] , [[tinder]] , [[up in smoke]] , [[warmth]] , [[attack]] , [[bombarding]] , [[bombardment]] , [[bombing]] , [[cannonade]] , [[cannonading]] , [[crossfire]] , [[explosion]] , [[fusillade]] , [[hail]] , [[round]] , [[salvo]] , [[shelling]] , [[sniping]] , [[volley]] , [[ardor]] , [[brio]] , [[calenture]] , [[dash]] , [[drive]] , [[eagerness]] ,- =====Flame(s),blaze; conflagration,holocaust,inferno: Wegathered round the roaring fire.=====+ [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]][[Thể_loại:Cơ - Điện tử]]- + - =====Feeling,passion,ardour,ardency,fervour,fervency,intensity,vigour,spirit,energy,vim,vivacity,sparkle,animation,liveliness,verve,pep,‚lan,‚clat,dash,vitality,eagerness,enthusiasm,fever,feverishness: I have never seen the role of Carmen performedwith such fire.=====+ - + - =====Firing,fusillade, volley, barrage,bombardment, salvo, cannonade, shelling, broadside, flak: Thefire from the guns shook the house.=====+ - + - =====Hang fire. delay, bedelayed, be in abeyance, be suspended, be shelved, be put off,be postponed, be up in the air, Colloq be put on hold, be (put)on the back burner: The decision is hanging fire till tomorrow.5 on fire. afire, burning, blazing, alight, aflame, flaming;ardent, passionate, fervent, fervid, hot-blooded, intense,aroused, stirred, stimulated, enthusiastic, fired up, eager,inspired, excited: The building is on fire: you must leave atonce. My very soul is on fire when I thinkofyou. 6 play withfire. undertake a risk or hazard or peril,run a risk,risk(something or everything),imperil or endanger (something),tempt fate, live dangerously: He warned people not to play withfire by stirringupracial hatred.=====+ - + - =====Set fire to. See 8, below.=====+ - + - =====V.=====+ - + - =====A set fire to, set afire, set on fire, ignite, setalight, kindle, spark (off), put to the torch, burn, Slang UStorch: Arsonists fired our headquarters last night. bSometimes, fire up. inflame, impassion, incite, excite, provoke,foment, whip up, arouse, rouse, work up, fire up, enkindle,light a fire under, stimulate, inspirit, motivate, move, stir,animate, inspire, awaken, energize, vitalize, vivify: She firedthe crowd's emotions with her impassioned speech.=====+ - + - =====Discharge,shoot, let go (with), launch, propel, throw, catapult, hurl: Hefired the missile towards the enemy.=====+ - + - =====Detonate, set off,ignite, set fire to, light, let off: It is against the law tofire any explosivesinthis area.=====+ - + - =====Discharge,dismiss,oust,let go,cashier,give (someone) notice,Brit make or declareredundant,Colloq Brit ask for or get (someone's) cards,US give(someone) a pink slip; Slang bounce,give (someone) the bounce,axe, give (someone) the axe, show (someone) the door, can, give(someone) the (old) heave-ho, give (someone) his or her (Brit)marching orders or (US) walking papers, Brit sack, give(someone) the sack, boot (someone) out, give (someone) the boot:They fired me last month and I can't find work.=====+ - === Oxford===+ - =====N. & v.=====+ - =====N.=====+ - + - =====A the state or process of combustion, in whichsubstances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and usu.give out bright light and heat. b the active principleoperative in this. c flame or incandescence.=====+ - + - =====Aconflagration, a destructive burning (forest fire).=====+ - + - =====A burningfuel in a grate, furnace, etc. b = electric fire. c = gasfire.=====+ - + - =====Firing of guns.=====+ - + - =====A fervour, spirit, vivacity. bpoetic inspiration, lively imagination. c vehement emotion.=====+ - + - =====Burning heat, fever.=====+ - + - =====Luminosity, glow (St Elmo''s fire).=====+ - + - =====V.1 a tr. discharge (a gun etc.). b tr. propel (a missile) from agun etc. c intr. (often foll. by at, into, on) fire a gun ormissile. d tr. produce (a broadside, salute, etc.) by dischargeof guns. e intr. (of a gun etc.) be discharged.=====+ - + - =====Tr. cause(explosive) to explode.=====+ - + - =====Tr. deliver or utter in rapidsuccession (fired insults at us).=====+ - + - =====Tr. sl. dismiss (anemployee) from a job.=====+ - + - =====Tr. a set fire to with the intentionof destroying. b kindle (explosives).=====+ - + - =====Intr. catch fire.=====+ - + - =====Intr. (of an internal-combustion engine, or a cylinder in one)undergo ignition of its fuel.=====+ - + - =====Tr. supply (a furnace, engine,boiler, or power station) with fuel.=====+ - + - =====Tr. a stimulate (theimagination). b fill (a person) with enthusiasm.=====+ - + - =====Tr. abake or dry (pottery, bricks, etc.). b cure (tea or tobacco) byartificial heat.=====+ - + - =====Intr. become heated or excited.=====+ - + - =====Tr.cause to glow or redden.=====+ - + - =====A ball of flame, esp. from anuclearexplosion.=====+ - + - =====An energetic person.=====+ - + - =====Ball lightning.=====+ - + - =====Mil. hist. a ball filled with combustibles. fire-balloon aballoon made buoyant by the heat of a fire burning at its mouth.fire-blight a disease of plants,esp. hops and fruit trees,causing a scorched appearance. fire-bomb an incendiary bomb.fire-break an obstacle to the spread of fire in a forest etc.,esp. an open space. fire-brick a fireproof brick used in agrate. fire brigade esp. Brit. an organized body of firementrained and employed to extinguish fires. fire-bug colloq. apyromaniac. fire company 1 = fire brigade.=====+ - + - =====A fire-insurancecompany. fire-control a system of regulating the fire of aship''s or a fort''s guns. fire department US = fire brigade.fire door a fire-resistant door to prevent the spread of fire.fire-drake (in Germanic mythology) a fiery dragon. fire-drill 1a rehearsal of the procedures to be used in case of fire.=====+ - + - =====Aprimitive device for kindling fire with a stick and wood.fire-eater 1 a conjuror who appears to swallow fire.=====+ - + - =====A personfond of quarrelling or fighting. fire-engine a vehicle carryingequipment for fighting large fires. fire-escape an emergencystaircase or apparatus for escape from a building on fire. fireextinguisher an apparatus with a jet for discharging liquidchemicals,water,or foam to extinguish a fire. fire-fighter aperson whose task is to extinguish fires. fire-guard 1 aprotective screen or grid placed in front of a fireplace.=====+ - + - =====USa fire-watcher.=====+ - + - =====US a fire-break. fire-hose a hose-pipe usedin extinguishing fires. fire-irons tongs,poker,and shovel,for tending a domestic fire. fire-lighter Brit. a piece ofinflammable material to help start a fire in a grate.fire-office a fire-insurance company. fire-opal girasol.fire-plug a hydrant for a fire-hose. fire-power 1 thedestructive capacity of guns etc.=====+ - + - =====Financial,intellectual,oremotional strength. fire-practice a fire-drill. fire-raiserBrit. an arsonist. fire-raising Brit. arson. fire-screen 1 ascreen to keep off the direct heat of a fire.=====+ - + - =====A fire-guard.3 an ornamental screen for a fireplace. fire-ship hist. a shiploaded with combustibles and sent adrift to ignite an enemy''sships etc. fire station the headquarters of a fire brigade.fire-step = firing-step. fire-stone stone that resists fire,used for furnaces etc. fire-storm a high wind or stormfollowing a fire caused by bombs. fire-tongs tongs for pickingup pieces of coal etc. in tending a fire. fire-trap a buildingwithout proper provision for escape in case of fire. fire upshow sudden anger. fire-walking the (often ceremonial) practiceof walking barefoot over white-hot stones,wood-ashes,etc.fire warden US a person employed to prevent or extinguish fires.fire-watcher a person keeping watch for fires, esp. those causedby bombs. fire-water colloq. strong alcoholic liquor. go onfire Sc. & Ir. catch fire. go through fire and water face allperils. on fire 1 burning.=====+ - + - =====Excited. set fire to (or set onfire) ignite, kindle, cause to burn. set the world (or Thames)on fire do something remarkable or sensational. take fire catchfire. under fire 1 being shot at.=====+ - + - =====Being rigorouslycriticized or questioned.=====+ - + - =====Fireless adj. firer n.[OE fyr,fyrian, f. WG]=====+ - + - ----+ - + - [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]]+ - [[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]]+ - [[Thể_loại:Cơ - Điện tử]]+ Hiện nay
Thông dụng
Danh từ
Ngọn lửa ( (nghĩa bóng)), sự hăng hái, nhiệt tình, sự sốt sắng, sự vui vẻ hoạt bát
- the fire of patriotism
- ngọn lửa yêu nước
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
hỏa hoạn
- electric fire risk
- mối nguy hỏa hoạn do điện
- evaluate the loss occasioned by a fire
- đánh giá thiệt hại do hỏa hoạn gây ra
- fire alarm
- báo động hỏa hoạn
- fire cut
- lát cắt hạn chế hỏa hoạn
- fire detector
- bộ phát hiện hỏa hoạn
- fire detector
- máy phát hiện hỏa hoạn
- fire escape
- cửa thoát hiểm khi hỏa hoạn
- fire escape
- lối thoát khi hỏa hoạn
- fire hazard
- nguy cơ hỏa hoạn
- fire isolated stairway
- cầu thang cách ly hỏa hoạn
- fire line
- tuyến hỏa hoạn
- fire regulation
- quy tắc phòng hỏa hoạn
- fire rescue path
- đường cứu hộ hỏa hoạn
- fire rescue path
- đường thoát hiểm hỏa hoạn
- fire-alarm signaling device
- thiết bị báo hỏa hoạn
- fire-escape stair
- thang phòng hỏa hoạn
- pit fire
- hỏa hoạn ở mỏ
- preventive fire protection
- sự phòng ngừa hỏa hoạn
- protection against fire
- sự bảo vệ phòng hỏa hoạn
đốt cháy
Giải thích EN: To ignite with explosives..
Giải thích VN: Đốt cháy bằng chất nổ.
- fire point
- điểm đốt cháy
sự cháy
- fire behavior
- biểu diễn của sự cháy
- fire behaviour
- biểu diễn của sự cháy
- structural fire
- sự cháy kết cấu
- structural fire
- sự cháy nhà
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- blaze , bonfire , campfire , charring , coals , combustion , conflagration , devouring , element , embers , flame and smoke , flames , flare , glow , hearth , heat , holocaust , hot spot , incandescence , inferno , luminosity , oxidation , phlogiston , pyre , rapid oxidation , scintillation , scorching , sea of flames , searing , sparks , tinder , up in smoke , warmth , attack , bombarding , bombardment , bombing , cannonade , cannonading , crossfire , explosion , fusillade , hail , round , salvo , shelling , sniping , volley , ardor , brio , calenture , dash , drive , eagerness ,
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