(Khác biệt giữa các bản)(→Từ điển thông dụng)(sửa sai nội dung)
(3 intermediate revisions not shown.) Dòng 1: Dòng 1: - {|align="right"- | __TOC__- |}- - /trik/- ==Thông dụng====Thông dụng=====Danh từ======Danh từ===Dòng 29: Dòng 23: =====Thói, tật==========Thói, tật=====- ::[[the]] [[has]] [[the]] [[trick]] [[of]] [[using]] [[slangs]]+ ::[[he]] [[has]] [[the]] [[trick]] [[of]] [[using]] [[slangs]]::nó có cái tật hay dùng tiếng lóng::nó có cái tật hay dùng tiếng lóngDòng 47: Dòng 41: ::(thông tục) cứ thế là ăn tiền đấy::(thông tục) cứ thế là ăn tiền đấy=====[[tricks]] [[of]] [[fortune]]==========[[tricks]] [[of]] [[fortune]]=====- ::những tròtrởtrêu của số mệnh+ ::những trò trớ trêu của số mệnh+ + =====[[whole]] [[bag]] [[of]] [[tricks]]==========[[whole]] [[bag]] [[of]] [[tricks]]=====::Xem [[bag]]::Xem [[bag]]Dòng 65: Dòng 61: *Ving: [[Tricking]]*Ving: [[Tricking]]- ==Điện lạnh==+ ==Chuyên ngành==- ===Nghĩa chuyênngành===+ - =====mẹo (nhỏ)=====+ - + - == Kỹ thuật chung ==+ - ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===+ - =====lừa=====+ - + - =====thủ thuật=====+ - + - == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==+ - ===N.===+ - + - =====Ruse, artifice, device, stratagem, wile, deception,manoeuvre, deceit, fraud, hoax, imposture, intrigue,machination, conspiracy, subterfuge, dodge, confidence trick,sham, Slang con: The government's 'dirty tricks squad'perpetrated crimes against their political adversaries. 2 prank,frolic, antic, (practical) joke, hoax, tomfoolery, antic, caper,jape; sport, horseplay, mischief; Scots cantrip, Colloqleg-pull, gag, shenanigans, US dido: The boys meant no harm,they're just up to their tricks.=====+ - + - =====Art, knack, technique,skill, secret, gift, ability, Colloq hang: He has developed thetrick of persuading people to buy life insurance.=====+ - + - =====Usually, nomean trick. feat, accomplishment, deed: It was no mean trick totrain a cat to fetch his slippers.=====+ - + - =====Sleight of hand,legerdemain, magic, stunt: I have taught him all the tricks Iknow.=====+ - + - =====Trait, characteristic, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy,eccentricity, quirk, practice, habit, mannerism, crotchet,weakness, foible: He has an odd trick of winking while giving asly smile.=====+ - + - =====Do the trick. work, answer, fulfil the need,suffice, be effective, solve or take care of the problem, do oraccomplish the necessary, US turn the trick, Colloq fill thebill: Replacing the battery cable did the trick.=====+ - + - =====V.=====+ - + - =====Fool, hoodwink, dupe, mislead, outwit, outmanoeuvre,deceive, misguide, misinform, gull, bilk, cheat, defraud, cozen,take in, swindle, humbug, Colloq bamboozle, take, put somethingover on (someone), pull the wool over (someone's) eyes, Britgammon, Slang rook: I knew I had been tricked when I missed mywallet. For years the couple made a living tricking tourists outof their money. She tricked me into taking her to dinner.=====+ - + - =====Adj.=====+ - + - =====See tricky, 3, below.=====+ - + - == Oxford==+ - ===N. & v.===+ - + - =====N.=====+ - + - =====An action or scheme undertaken to fool, outwit,or deceive.=====+ - + - =====An optical or other illusion (a trick of thelight).=====+ - + - =====A special technique; a knack or special way of doingsomething.=====+ - + - =====A a feat of skill or dexterity. b an unusualaction (e.g. begging) learned by an animal.=====+ - + - =====A mischievous,foolish, or discreditable act; a practical joke (a mean trick toplay).=====+ - + - =====A peculiar or characteristic habit or mannerism (has atrick of repeating himself).=====+ - + - =====A the cards played in a singleround of a card-game, usu. one from each player. b such around. c a point gained as a result of this.=====+ - + - =====(attrib.) doneto deceive or mystify or to create an illusion (trickphotography; trick question).=====+ - + - =====Naut. a sailor's turn at thehelm, usu. two hours.=====+ - + - =====V.tr.=====+ - + - =====Deceive by a trick; outwit.=====+ - + - =====(often foll. by out of, or into + verbal noun) cheat; treatdeceitfully so as to deprive (were tricked into agreeing; weretricked out of their savings).=====+ - + - =====(of a thing) foil or baffle;take by surprise; disappoint the calculations of.=====+ - + - =====Sl. a psychiatrist. trick of the trade a specialusu. ingenious technique or method of achieving a result in anindustry or profession etc. trick or treat esp. US achildren's custom of calling at houses at Hallowe'en with thethreat of pranks if they are not given a small gift. trick out(or up) dress, decorate, or deck out esp. showily. up to one'stricks colloq. misbehaving. up to a person's tricks aware ofwhat a person is likely to do by way of mischief.=====+ - + - =====Tricker n.trickish adj. trickless adj. [ME f. OF dial. trique, OFtriche f. trichier deceive, of unkn. orig.]=====+ - ==Tham khảochung ==+ === Điện lạnh===+ =====mẹo (nhỏ)=====+ === Kỹ thuật chung ===+ =====lừa=====- *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=tricktrick]: National Weather Service+ =====thủ thuật=====- *[http://www.bized.co.uk/cgi-bin/glossarydb/search.pl?glossearch=trick&searchtitlesonly=yes trick] :bized+ ==Các từ liên quan==- Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Điện lạnh]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category: Tham khảo chung ]]+ ===Từ đồng nghĩa===+ =====noun=====+ :[[ambush]] , [[artifice]] , [[blind]] , [[bluff]] , [[casuistry]] , [[cheat]] , [[chicanery]] , [[circumvention]] , [[con ]]* , [[concealment]] , [[conspiracy]] , [[conundrum]] , [[cover]] , [[deception]] , [[decoy]] , [[delusion]] , [[device]] , [[disguise]] , [[distortion]] , [[dodge ]]* , [[double-dealing]] , [[duplicity]] , [[equivocation]] , [[evasion]] , [[fabrication]] , [[fake]] , [[falsehood]] , [[feint]] , [[forgery]] , [[fraud]] , [[game]] , [[gimmick]] , [[hoax]] , [[illusion]] , [[imposition]] , [[imposture]] , [[intrigue]] , [[invention]] , [[machination]] , [[maneuver]] , [[perjury]] , [[plot]] , [[ploy]] , [[pretense]] , [[ruse]] , [[snare]] , [[stratagem]] , [[subterfuge]] , [[swindle]] , [[trap]] , [[treachery]] , [[wile]] , [[accomplishment]] , [[antic]] , [[caper]] , [[catch]] , [[escapade]] , [[feat]] , [[frolic]] , [[funny business]] , [[gag ]]* , [[gambol]] , [[jape]] , [[jest]] , [[lark]] , [[monkeyshine ]]* , [[practical joke]] , [[put-on]] , [[shenanigan]] , [[sleight of hand]] , [[sport]] , [[stunt]] , [[tomfoolery]] , [[ability]] , [[art]] , [[command]] , [[craft]] , [[facility]] , [[gift]] , [[hang]] , [[knack]] , [[method]] , [[secret]] , [[skill]] , [[swing]] , [[technique]] , [[crotchet]] , [[custom]] , [[foible]] , [[habitude]] , [[idiosyncrasy]] , [[manner]] , [[mannerism]] , [[peculiarity]] , [[practice]] , [[praxis]] , [[quirk]] , [[trait]] , [[usage]] , [[use]] , [[way]] , [[wont]] , [[bout]] , [[go ]]* , [[hitch]] , [[shift]] , [[spell]] , [[stint]] , [[tour]] , [[turn]] , [[dodge]] , [[jig]] , [[sleight]] , [[joke]] , [[feel]] , [[go]] , [[inning]] , [[stretch]] , [[time]] , [[watch]] , [[chicane]] , [[confidence trick]] , [[expedient]] , [[finesse]] , [[gambit]] , [[hocus-pocus]] , [[manipulation]] , [[prank]] , [[roguishness]] , [[subtlety]] , [[trickery]] , [[wiles]]+ =====verb=====+ :[[bamboozle]] , [[catch ]]* , [[cheat]] , [[con]] , [[deceive]] , [[defraud]] , [[delude]] , [[disinform]] , [[double deal]] , [[dupe]] , [[fake]] , [[flimflam ]]* , [[gull]] , [[hoax]] , [[hocus-pocus ]]* , [[hoodwink]] , [[impose upon]] , [[jive ]]* , [[mislead]] , [[outwit]] , [[play for a fool]] , [[pull wool over]] , [[put one over on]] , [[rook ]]* , [[screw ]]* , [[set up ]]* , [[swindle]] , [[take for a ride]] , [[take in ]]* , [[throw]] , [[trap]] , [[victimize]] , [[beguile]] , [[betray]] , [[bluff]] , [[cozen]] , [[double-cross]] , [[fool]] , [[humbug]] , [[take in]] , [[adorn]] , [[ambush]] , [[antic]] , [[artifice]] , [[bait]] , [[bilk]] , [[cajole]] , [[catch]] , [[chicanery]] , [[deceit]] , [[decorate]] , [[decoy]] , [[delusion]] , [[device]] , [[dodge]] , [[dress]] , [[escapade]] , [[feat]] , [[feint]] , [[finagle]] , [[flimflam]] , [[fox]] , [[fraud]] , [[gag]] , [[gimmick]] , [[guile]] , [[hornswoggle]] , [[illusion]] , [[imposture]] , [[inveigle]] , [[jape]] , [[jest]] , [[joke]] , [[knack]] , [[lark]] , [[legerdemain]] , [[maneuver]] , [[manipulate]] , [[method]] , [[prank]] , [[pretext]] , [[ruse]] , [[scam]] , [[secret]] , [[set off]] , [[shay]] , [[shift]] , [[skill]] , [[sleight]] , [[spell]] , [[spoof]] , [[stratagem]] , [[stunt]] , [[subterfuge]] , [[technique]] , [[wile]]+ =====phrasal verb=====+ :[[array]] , [[attire]] , [[deck]] , [[dress up]] , [[prank]]+ =====adjective=====+ :[[undependable]] , [[unreliable]]+ ===Từ trái nghĩa===+ =====noun=====+ :[[frankness]] , [[honesty]] , [[seriousness]] , [[ignorance]] , [[misunderstanding]]+ =====verb=====+ :[[be serious]]+ [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Điện lạnh]][[Thể_loại:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]][[Thể_loại: Tham khảo chung ]]Hiện nay
Thông dụng
Danh từ
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- ambush , artifice , blind , bluff , casuistry , cheat , chicanery , circumvention , con * , concealment , conspiracy , conundrum , cover , deception , decoy , delusion , device , disguise , distortion , dodge * , double-dealing , duplicity , equivocation , evasion , fabrication , fake , falsehood , feint , forgery , fraud , game , gimmick , hoax , illusion , imposition , imposture , intrigue , invention , machination , maneuver , perjury , plot , ploy , pretense , ruse , snare , stratagem , subterfuge , swindle , trap , treachery , wile , accomplishment , antic , caper , catch , escapade , feat , frolic , funny business , gag * , gambol , jape , jest , lark , monkeyshine * , practical joke , put-on , shenanigan , sleight of hand , sport , stunt , tomfoolery , ability , art , command , craft , facility , gift , hang , knack , method , secret , skill , swing , technique , crotchet , custom , foible , habitude , idiosyncrasy , manner , mannerism , peculiarity , practice , praxis , quirk , trait , usage , use , way , wont , bout , go * , hitch , shift , spell , stint , tour , turn , dodge , jig , sleight , joke , feel , go , inning , stretch , time , watch , chicane , confidence trick , expedient , finesse , gambit , hocus-pocus , manipulation , prank , roguishness , subtlety , trickery , wiles
- bamboozle , catch * , cheat , con , deceive , defraud , delude , disinform , double deal , dupe , fake , flimflam * , gull , hoax , hocus-pocus * , hoodwink , impose upon , jive * , mislead , outwit , play for a fool , pull wool over , put one over on , rook * , screw * , set up * , swindle , take for a ride , take in * , throw , trap , victimize , beguile , betray , bluff , cozen , double-cross , fool , humbug , take in , adorn , ambush , antic , artifice , bait , bilk , cajole , catch , chicanery , deceit , decorate , decoy , delusion , device , dodge , dress , escapade , feat , feint , finagle , flimflam , fox , fraud , gag , gimmick , guile , hornswoggle , illusion , imposture , inveigle , jape , jest , joke , knack , lark , legerdemain , maneuver , manipulate , method , prank , pretext , ruse , scam , secret , set off , shay , shift , skill , sleight , spell , spoof , stratagem , stunt , subterfuge , technique , wile
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