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    Dòng 156: Dòng 152:
    *so sánh nhất : [[the]] [[highest]]
    *so sánh nhất : [[the]] [[highest]]
    == Hóa học & vật liệu==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    ===Toán & tin===
    =====vùng áp cao=====
    =====vùng nâng cao=====
    === Nguồn khác ===
    === Xây dựng===
    *[http://www.eurochlor.org/search/index.asp?q=high high] : Chlorine Online
    =====độ cao, điểm cao, đỉnh cao, vùng khí áp cao, cao, cao giá, đắt, mạnh mẽ, dữ dội, mãnh liệt=====
    == Môi trường==
    ===Ô tô===
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====Cao, mạnh=====
    =====nồng độ cao=====
    == Kỹ thuật chung ==
    === Hóa học & vật liệu===
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====vùng áp cao=====
    =====điểm cao=====
    =====đỉnh cao=====
    =====vùng nâng cao=====
    === Môi trường===
    =====nồng độ cao=====
    === Kỹ thuật chung ===
    =====điểm cao=====
    =====đỉnh cao=====
    ::[[high]] [[crowned]] [[arch]]
    ::[[high]] [[crowned]] [[arch]]
    ::vòm đỉnh cao
    ::vòm đỉnh cao
    =====độ cao=====
    =====độ cao=====
    =====vùng cao áp=====
    === Nguồn khác ===
    *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=high high] : National Weather Service
    *[http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?p=1&query=high&submit=Search high] : amsglossary
    == Kinh tế ==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====cao (giá, cấp)=====
    =====giá cao nhất (của chứng khoán)=====
    =====giá cực điểm=====
    === Nguồn khác ===
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=high high] : Corporateinformation
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    =====Tall, lofty, elevated, towering: High mountainssurround the valley.=====
    =====Extreme, excessive, extraordinary,exorbitant, outrageous, Colloq steep, stiff: Houses in thatdistrict are fetching high prices.=====
    =====Costly, dear, expensive,high-priced: Shares are not as high as they were before thecrash.=====
    =====Great, huge, enormous, considerable, strong; violent,turbulent: These wires carry high voltages. The high winds blewdown trees.=====
    =====Exalted, elevated, lofty, superior, high-class:With insider trading, theft became a high art in the financialworld. 6 consequential, important, grave, serious, weighty,momentous, heinous; capital: His activities constitute hightreason.=====
    =====High-pitched, high-frequency, squeaky, acute,treble, soprano; shrill, strident, sharp, penetrating, piercing,ear-splitting: The higher notes make my radio speaker vibrate.She has an irritatingly high voice. 8 cheerful, exuberant,elated, boisterous, exhilarated, hilarious, merry, excited: Ifind his persistent high spirits rather depressing.=====
    =====Euphoric,intoxicated, inebriated, drunk, drugged, Colloq loaded, tipsy,turned on, on a trip, Slang stoned, spaced out, Brit squiffy, USspacy, squiffed: They got high sniffing glue.=====
    =====Gamy,tainted, aged, ripe, Slang Brit pongy: He likes to hang venisontill it is quite high.=====
    =====Chief, leading, important, principal,foremost: He regards himself as the high priest of women'sfashion.=====
    =====Elaborate, luxurious, grand, extravagant, lavish,rich, prodigal, sybaritic: With her millions she can now enjoythe high life.=====
    =====Considerable, favourable, great: She is heldin high esteem by her colleagues.=====
    =====Far up; great in extent: Daedalus warned Icarus notto fly so high. I was willing to go as high as 20,000 for thepainting.=====
    =====Peak, record, height, maximum, acme, apex: Employmentis expected to reach a high next summer.=====
    =====Intoxication,altered consciousness: The high lasts till the drug wears off.17 anticyclone: The high passing over the country will bringfair weather.=====
    == Oxford==
    ===Adj., n., & adv.===
    =====A of great vertical extent (a highbuilding). b (predic.; often in comb.) of a specified height(one inch high; water was waist-high).=====
    =====A far above ground orsea level etc. (a high altitude). b inland, esp. when raised(High Asia).=====
    =====Extending above the normal or average level(high boots; jersey with a high neck).=====
    =====Of exalted, esp.spiritual, quality (high minds; high principles; high art).=====
    =====Of exalted rank (in high society; is high in the Government).=====
    =====A great; intense; extreme; powerful (high praise; hightemperature). b greater than normal (high prices). c extremein religious or political opinion (high Tory).=====
    =====(of physicalaction, esp. athletics) performed at, to, or from a considerableheight (high diving; high flying).=====
    =====Colloq. (often foll. byon) intoxicated by alcohol or esp. drugs.=====
    =====(of a sound ornote) of high frequency; shrill; at the top end of the scale.10 (of a period, an age, a time, etc.) at its peak (high noon;high summer; High Renaissance).=====
    =====A (of meat) beginning to gobad; off. b (of game) well-hung and slightly decomposed.=====
    =====Geog. (of latitude) near the North or South Pole.=====
    =====Phonet.(of a vowel) close (see CLOSE(1) adj.=====
    =====A high, orthe highest, level or figure.=====
    =====An area of high barometricpressure; an anticyclone.=====
    =====Sl. a euphoric drug-induced state.4 top gear in a motor vehicle.=====
    =====US colloq. high school.=====
    =====(the High) Brit. colloq. a High Street, esp. that in Oxford.=====
    =====Far up; aloft (flew the flag high).=====
    =====In or to a highdegree.=====
    =====At a high price.=====
    =====(of a sound) at or to a highpitch (sang high).=====
    =====(of a ship) out ofthe water. high and low 1 everywhere (searched high and low).2 (people) of all conditions. high and mighty 1 colloq.arrogant.=====
    =====Archaic of exalted rank. high-born of noble birth.high camp sophisticated camp (cf. CAMP(2)). high card a cardthat outranks others, esp. the ace or a court-card. high chairan infant's chair with long legs and a tray, for use at meals.High Church n. a section of the Church of England emphasizingritual, priestly authority, and sacraments.=====
    =====Adj. of orrelating to this section. High Churchman (pl. -men) anadvocate of High Church principles. high-class of high quality.high colour a flushed complexion. high command an armycommander-in-chief and associated staff. High Commission anembassy from one Commonwealth country to another. HighCommissioner the head of such an embassy. High Court (also inEngland High Court of Justice) a supreme court of justice forcivil cases. high day a festal day. High Dutch see DUTCH.high enema an enema delivered into the colon. higher animal (orplant) an animal or plant evolved to a high degree. highercourt Law a court that can overrule the decision of another.the higher criticism see CRITICISM. higher education educationat university etc., esp. to degree level. higher mathematicsadvanced mathematics as taught at university etc. higher-upcolloq. a person of higher rank. highest common factor Math.the highest number that can be divided exactly into each of twoor more numbers. high explosive an extremely explosivesubstance used in shells, bombs, etc. high fashion = HAUTECOUTURE. high fidelity the reproduction of sound with littledistortion, giving a result very similar to the original. highfinance financial transactions involving large sums. high-flown(of language etc.) extravagant, bombastic. high-flyer (or-flier) 1 an ambitious person.=====
    =====A person or thing with greatpotential for achievement. high-flying reaching a great height;ambitious. high frequency a frequency, esp. in radio, of 3 to30 megahertz. high gear see GEAR. High German see GERMAN.high-grade of high quality. high hat 1 a tall hat; a top hat.2 foot-operated cymbals.=====
    =====A snobbish or overbearing person.high-hat=====
    =====Adj. supercilious; snobbish.=====
    =====V. (-hatted,-hatting) US 1 tr. treat superciliously.=====
    =====Intr. assume asuperior attitude. high holiday the Jewish New Year or the Dayof Atonement. high jinks boisterous joking or merrymaking.high-jump 1 an athletic event consisting of jumping as high aspossible over a bar of adjustable height.=====
    =====Colloq. a drasticpunishment (he's for the high-jump). high-key Photog.consisting of light tones only. high kick a dancer's kick highin the air. high-level 1 (of negotiations etc.) conducted byhigh-ranking people.=====
    =====Computing (of a programming language)that is not machine-dependent and is usu. at a level ofabstraction close to natural language. high life (or living) aluxurious existence ascribed to the upper classes. high-lowsarchaic boots reaching over the ankles. high mass see MASS(2).high-octane (of petrol etc.) having good antiknock properties.high old colloq. most enjoyable (had a high old time). highopinion of a favourable opinion of. high-pitched 1 (of a sound)high.=====
    =====(of a roof) steep.=====
    =====(of style etc.) lofty. highplaces the upper ranks of an organization etc. high point themaximum or best state reached. high polymer a polymer having ahigh molecular weight. high-powered 1 having great power orenergy.=====
    =====Important or influential. high pressure 1 a highdegree of activity or exertion.=====
    =====A condition of the atmospherewith the pressure above average. high priest 1 a chief priest,esp. Jewish.=====
    =====The head of any cult. high profile exposure toattention or publicity. high-profile adj. (usu. attrib.)having a high profile. high-ranking of high rank, senior. highrelief see RELIEF. high-rise 1 (of a building) having manystoreys.=====
    =====Such a building. high-risk (usu. attrib.)involving or exposed to danger (high-risk sports). high road 1a main road.=====
    =====(usu. foll. by to) a direct route (on the highroad to success). high roller US sl. a person who gambleslarge sums or spends freely. high school 1 Brit. a grammarschool.=====
    =====US & Sc. a secondary school. high sea (or seas) openseas not within any country's jurisdiction. high season theperiod of the greatest number of visitors at a resort etc. HighSheriff see SHERIFF. high sign US colloq. a surreptitiousgesture indicating that all is well or that the coast is clear.high-sounding pretentious, bombastic. high-speed 1 operating atgreat speed.=====
    =====(of steel) suitable for cutting-tools even whenred-hot. high-spirited vivacious; cheerful. high-spiritedness= high spirits. high spirits vivacity; energy; cheerfulness.high spot sl. an important place or feature. high-stepper 1 ahorse that lifts its feet high when walking or trotting.=====
    =====Astately person. High Steward see STEWARD n.=====
    =====. high streetBrit. a main road, esp. the principal shopping street of atown. high-strung = highly-strung. high table a table on aplatform at a public dinner or for the fellows of a college.high tea Brit. a main evening meal usu. consisting of a cookeddish, bread and butter, tea, etc. high tech n. = hightechnology.=====
    =====(of interior design etc.) imitatingstyles more usual in industry etc., esp. using steel, glass, orplastic in a functional way.=====
    =====vùng cao áp=====
    === Kinh tế ===
    =====Employing, requiring, orinvolved in high technology. high technology advancedtechnological development, esp. in electronics. high-tensile(of metal) having great tensile strength. high tension = highvoltage. high tide the time or level of the tide at its flow.high time a time that is late or overdue (it is high time theyarrived). high-toned stylish; dignified; superior. hightreason see TREASON. high-up colloq. a person of high rank.high voltage electrical potential causing some danger of injuryor damage. high water 1 the tide at its fullest.=====
    =====cao (giá, cấp)=====
    =====The time ofthis. high-water mark 1 the level reached at high water.=====
    =====giá cao nhất (của chứng khoán)=====
    =====Themaximum recorded value or highest point of excellence. high,wide, and handsome colloq. in a carefree or stylish manner.high wire a high tightrope. high words angry talk. high yellowUS a person of mixed race with a palish skin. in high feathersee FEATHER. the Most High God. on high in or to heaven or ahigh place. on one's high horse colloq. behavingsuperciliously or arrogantly. play high 1 play for high stakes.2 play a card of high value. run high 1 (of the sea) have astrong current with high tide.=====
    =====giá cực điểm=====
    ===Địa chất===
    =====cao, nơi cao, lớn, giàu =====
    =====(of feelings) be strong. [OEheah f. Gmc]=====
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Hóa học & vật liệu]][[Category:Môi trường]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Category:Kinh tế ]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]]
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    :[[aerial]] , [[alpine]] , [[altitudinous]] , [[big]] , [[colossal]] , [[elevated]] , [[eminent]] , [[flying]] , [[formidable]] , [[giant]] , [[gigantic]] , [[grand]] , [[great]] , [[high-reaching]] , [[high rise]] , [[hovering]] , [[huge]] , [[immense]] , [[large]] , [[lofty]] , [[long]] , [[sky-high]] , [[sky-scraping]] , [[soaring]] , [[steep]] , [[towering]] , [[tremendous]] , [[uplifted]] , [[upraised]] , [[costly]] , [[dear]] , [[excessive]] , [[exorbitant]] , [[expensive]] , [[extraordinary]] , [[extravagant]] , [[high-priced]] , [[intensified]] , [[lavish]] , [[luxurious]] , [[precious]] , [[rich]] , [[sharp]] , [[special]] , [[stiff]] , [[strong]] , [[unusual]] , [[arch]] , [[capital]] , [[chief]] , [[consequential]] , [[crucial]] , [[distinguished]] , [[essential]] , [[exalted]] , [[extreme]] , [[grave]] , [[influential]] , [[leading]] , [[necessary]] , [[noble]] , [[powerful]] , [[prominent]] , [[ruling]] , [[serious]] , [[significant]] , [[superior]] , [[boisterous]] , [[bouncy]] , [[cheerful]] , [[elated]] , [[excited]] , [[exhilarated]] , [[exuberant]] , [[joyful]] , [[lighthearted]] , [[merry]] , [[psyched ]]* , [[pumped ]]* , [[delirious]] , [[doped]] , [[drunk]] , [[euphoric]] , [[flying ]]* , [[freaked out]] , [[inebriated]] , [[on a trip]] , [[potted]] , [[spaced out ]]* , [[stoned ]]* , [[tanked]] , [[tipsy]] , [[acute]] , [[high-pitched]] , [[loud]] , [[malodorous]] , [[penetrating]] , [[piercing]] , [[piping]] , [[putrid]] , [[rancid]] , [[rank]] , [[reeking]] , [[smelly]] , [[soprano]] , [[strident]] , [[treble]] , [[tall]] , [[ancient]] , [[immemorial]] , [[shrieky]] , [[shrill]] , [[shrilly]] , [[eloquent]] , [[high-flown]] , [[heightened]] , [[raised]] , [[fierce]] , [[furious]] , [[heavy]] , [[besotted]] , [[crapulent]] , [[crapulous]] , [[drunken]] , [[inebriate]] , [[intoxicated]] , [[sodden]] , [[admirable]] , [[advanced]] , [[classic]] , [[extending]] , [[favorable]] , [[foremost]] , [[important]] , [[imposing]] , [[main]] , [[meridional]] , [[paramount]] , [[preeminent]] , [[remote]] , [[stoned]] , [[stratospheric]] , [[sublime]] , [[supereminent]] , [[supernal]] , [[superordinate]] , [[supreme]] , [[top-echelon]] , [[tumultuous]] , [[violent]]
    ===Từ trái nghĩa===
    :[[dwarfed]] , [[low]] , [[lowly]] , [[short]] , [[stunted]] , [[inferior]] , [[mean]] , [[worthless]] , [[dishonorable]] , [[unimportant]] , [[depressed]] , [[down]] , [[upset]] , [[sober]] , [[soft]] , [[weak]]
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Hóa học & vật liệu]][[Thể_loại:Môi trường]][[Thể_loại:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Thể_loại:Kinh tế ]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]][[Thể_loại:Ô tô]][[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]]
    [[Thể_loại:Toán & tin]]

    Hiện nay


    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    high mountain
    núi cao
    high flight
    sự bay cao
    high price
    giá cao
    high speed
    tốc độ cao
    high voice
    giọng cao
    to have a high opinion of
    đánh giá cao
    Cao giá, đắt
    corn is high
    lúa gạo đắt
    Lớn, trọng; tối cao, cao cấp; thượng, trên
    high road
    đường cái
    high crime
    trọng tội, tội lớn
    High Court
    toà án tối cao
    high antiquity
    thượng cổ
    higher mathematics
    toán cao cấp
    the higher classes
    tầng lớp thượng lưu, tầng lớp trên
    the higher middle class
    tiểu tư sản lớp trên
    Cao quý, cao thượng, cao cả
    high thoughts
    tư tưởng cao cả
    Mạnh, dữ dội, mãnh liệt, giận dữ
    high wind
    gió mạnh
    high fever
    sốt dữ dội, sốt cao
    high words
    lời nói nặng
    Sang trọng, xa hoa
    high living
    lối sống sang trọng xa hoa
    high feeding
    sự ăn uống sang trọng
    Kiêu kỳ, kiêu căng, hách dịch
    high look
    vẻ kiêu kỳ
    high and mighty
    vô cùng kiêu ngạo
    Vui vẻ phấn khởi; hăng hái; dũng cảm
    in high spirits
    vui vẻ phấn khởi, phấn chấn
    high spirit
    tinh thần dũng cảm
    Cực đoan
    a high Tory
    đảng viên Bảo thủ cực đoan (ở Anh)
    Hơi có mùi (thối), hơi ôi
    high game
    thịt thú săn đã có hơi có mùi
    high meat
    thịt hơi ôi
    Đúng giữa; đến lúc
    high noon
    đúng giữa trưa
    high summer
    đúng giữa mùa hạ
    It's high time to go
    Đã đến lúc phải đi, không thì muộn
    to mount (be on, get on, ride) the high horse
    kiêu căng ngạo mạn
    high and dry
    bị mắc cạn (tàu thuỷ)
    (nghĩa bóng) xa rời thực tế, không biết gì đến việc xung quanh (người)
    on the high ropes

    Xem rope

    the Most High
    Thượng đế
    with a high hand

    Xem hand

    to give sb a high old time
    tiếp đón ân cần
    hell or high water
    dù trở ngại thế nào chăng nữa
    high days and holidays
    những dịp hội hè đình đám
    a high/low profile
    cách ứng xử bộc lộ/kín đáo
    in high dudgeon
    phẫn nộ, căm phẫn
    in high places
    trong giới quyền cao chức trọng
    to smell to high heaven
    có mùi khó chịu, nặng mùi

    Phó từ

    Cao, ở mức độ cao
    to soar high in the sky
    bay vút lên cao trong bầu trời
    to sing high
    hát cao giọng
    prices run high
    giá cả lên cao
    to play high
    (đánh bài) đánh lớn; đánh những quân bài cao
    Mạnh mẽ, dữ dội, mãnh liệt; giận dữ
    the wind blows high
    gió thổi mạnh
    words run high
    lời lẽ trở nên giận dữ
    Sang trọng, xa hoa
    to live high
    sống sang trọng xa hoa
    to stand high in sb's favour
    được ai nể trọng

    Danh từ

    Độ cao; điểm cao
    Quân bài cao nhất (đánh ra hay rút được)
    Nơi cao, trời cao
    on high
    ở trên cao, ở trên trời

    Hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Toán & tin


    Xây dựng

    độ cao, điểm cao, đỉnh cao, vùng khí áp cao, cao, cao giá, đắt, mạnh mẽ, dữ dội, mãnh liệt

    Ô tô

    Cao, mạnh

    Hóa học & vật liệu

    vùng áp cao
    vùng nâng cao

    Môi trường

    nồng độ cao

    Kỹ thuật chung

    điểm cao
    đỉnh cao
    high crowned arch
    vòm đỉnh cao
    độ cao
    vùng cao áp

    Kinh tế

    cao (giá, cấp)
    giá cao nhất (của chứng khoán)
    giá cực điểm

    Địa chất

    cao, nơi cao, lớn, giàu

    Các từ liên quan

    Từ đồng nghĩa

    aerial , alpine , altitudinous , big , colossal , elevated , eminent , flying , formidable , giant , gigantic , grand , great , high-reaching , high rise , hovering , huge , immense , large , lofty , long , sky-high , sky-scraping , soaring , steep , towering , tremendous , uplifted , upraised , costly , dear , excessive , exorbitant , expensive , extraordinary , extravagant , high-priced , intensified , lavish , luxurious , precious , rich , sharp , special , stiff , strong , unusual , arch , capital , chief , consequential , crucial , distinguished , essential , exalted , extreme , grave , influential , leading , necessary , noble , powerful , prominent , ruling , serious , significant , superior , boisterous , bouncy , cheerful , elated , excited , exhilarated , exuberant , joyful , lighthearted , merry , psyched * , pumped * , delirious , doped , drunk , euphoric , flying * , freaked out , inebriated , on a trip , potted , spaced out * , stoned * , tanked , tipsy , acute , high-pitched , loud , malodorous , penetrating , piercing , piping , putrid , rancid , rank , reeking , smelly , soprano , strident , treble , tall , ancient , immemorial , shrieky , shrill , shrilly , eloquent , high-flown , heightened , raised , fierce , furious , heavy , besotted , crapulent , crapulous , drunken , inebriate , intoxicated , sodden , admirable , advanced , classic , extending , favorable , foremost , important , imposing , main , meridional , paramount , preeminent , remote , stoned , stratospheric , sublime , supereminent , supernal , superordinate , supreme , top-echelon , tumultuous , violent

    Từ trái nghĩa

    tác giả

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