• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    Hiện nay (11:25, ngày 23 tháng 4 năm 2010) (Sửa) (undo)
    (thêm nghĩa mới)
    (2 intermediate revisions not shown.)
    Dòng 75: Dòng 75:
    :::[[he]] [[is]] 100đ [[to]] [[the]] [[bad]]
    :::[[he]] [[is]] 100đ [[to]] [[the]] [[bad]]
    :::nó bị thiệt một trăm đồng; nó còn thiếu một trăm đồng
    :::nó bị thiệt một trăm đồng; nó còn thiếu một trăm đồng
    =====[[bad]] [[news]] [[have]] [[wings]]=====
    ::tiếng lành đồn gần, tiếng dữ đồn xa
    ===hình thái từ===
    ===hình thái từ===
    * so sánh hơn : [[worse]]
    * so sánh hơn : [[worse]]
    Dòng 80: Dòng 83:
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    | __TOC__
    === Xây dựng===
    === Xây dựng===
    Dòng 89: Dòng 90:
    === Kinh tế ===
    === Kinh tế ===
    =====hàng xấu=====
    =====hàng xấu=====
    ===== Tham khảo =====
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=bad bad] : Corporateinformation
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===
    :[[abominable]] , [[amiss]] , [[atrocious]] , [[awful]] , [[bad news ]]* , [[beastly]] , [[blah ]]* , [[bottom out]] , [[bummer ]]* , [[careless]] , [[cheap]] , [[cheesy ]]* , [[crappy ]]* , [[cruddy]] , [[crummy ]]* , [[defective]] , [[deficient]] , [[diddly]] , [[dissatisfactory]] , [[downer ]]* , [[dreadful]] , [[erroneous]] , [[fallacious]] , [[faulty]] , [[garbage]] , [[godawful]] , [[grody]] , [[gross ]]* , [[grungy ]]* , [[icky ]]* , [[imperfect]] , [[inadequate]] , [[incorrect]] , [[inferior]] , [[junky]] , [[lousy ]]* , [[not good]] , [[off]] , [[poor]] , [[raunchy ]]* , [[rough]] , [[sad]] , [[slipshod]] , [[stinking]] , [[substandard]] , [[synthetic]] , [[the pits]] , [[unacceptable]] , [[unsatisfactory]] , [[damaging]] , [[dangerous]] , [[deleterious]] , [[detrimental]] , [[hurtful]] , [[injurious]] , [[ruinous]] , [[unhealthy]] , [[base]] , [[corrupt]] , [[criminal]] , [[delinquent]] , [[evil]] , [[iniquitous]] , [[mean]] , [[reprobate]] , [[sinful]] , [[vicious]] , [[vile]] , [[villainous]] , [[wicked]] , [[wrong]] , [[disobedient]] , [[ill-behaved]] , [[misbehaving]] , [[naughty]] , [[unruly]] , [[moldy]] , [[putrid]] , [[rancid]] , [[rotten]] , [[sour]] , [[spoiled]] , [[disastrous]] , [[distressing]] , [[grave]] , [[harsh]] , [[intense]] , [[painful]] , [[serious]] , [[terrible]] , [[ailing]] , [[diseased]] , [[ill]] , [[in pain]] , [[unwell]] , [[apologetic]] , [[conscience-stricken]] , [[contrite]] , [[crestfallen]] , [[dejected]] , [[depressed]] , [[disconsolate]] , [[down]] , [[downcast]] , [[downhearted]] , [[guilty]] , [[low]] , [[regretful]] , [[remorseful]] , [[upset]] , [[woebegone]] , [[adverse]] , [[disagreeable]] , [[discouraged]] , [[discouraging]] , [[displeasing]] , [[distressed]] , [[gloomy]] , [[grim]] , [[melancholy]] , [[troubled]] , [[troubling]] , [[unfavorable]] , [[unfortunate]] , [[unhappy]] , [[unpleasant]] , [[bum]] , [[black]] , [[immoral]] , [[peccant]] , [[offensive]] , [[uncongenial]] , [[unsympathetic]] , [[inauspicious]] , [[unpropitious]] , [[mischievous]] , [[abandoned]] , [[abject]] , [[abysmal]] , [[aggravated]] , [[annoying]] , [[arrant]] , [[baleful]] , [[baneful]] , [[barren]] , [[big]] , [[bitter]] , [[blameworthy]] , [[blemished]] , [[contaminated]] , [[damnable]] , [[degrading]] , [[delitescent]] , [[demeritorious]] , [[demoralized]] , [[deplorable]] , [[depraved]] , [[depressing]] , [[despicable]] , [[detestable]] , [[diabolic]] , [[dilapidated]] , [[dire]] , [[disadvantageous]] , [[discreditable]] , [[disreputable]] , [[dissolute]] , [[egregious]] , [[excruciating]] , [[execrable]] , [[feeble]] , [[felonious]] , [[flagitious]] , [[flagrant]] , [[foul]] , [[graceless]] , [[grievous]] , [[gross]] , [[hard]] , [[hardened]] , [[harmful]] , [[hazardous]] , [[heavy]] , [[heinous]] , [[ignominious]] , [[improper]] , [[inappropriate]] , [[inarable]] , [[incompetent]] , [[incorrigible]] , [[ineffective]] , [[infamous]] , [[infelicitous]] , [[infertile]] , [[irreparable]] , [[knavish]] , [[lamentable]] , [[lewd]] , [[libertine]] , [[licentious]] , [[lousy]] , [[mal]] , [[malevolent]] , [[malicious]] , [[malign]] , [[malignant]] , [[miscreant]] , [[mortal]] , [[nasty]] , [[nefarious]] , [[no good]] , [[noisome]] , [[noxious]] , [[obnoxious]] , [[odious]] , [[pernicious]] , [[perverted]] , [[prejudicial]] , [[profligate]] , [[rascal]] , [[reprehensible]] , [[repulsive]] , [[scoundrel]] , [[seedy]] , [[severe]] , [[shady]] , [[sick]] , [[sinister]] , [[sordid]] , [[sorry]] , [[squalid]] , [[tainted]] , [[troublesome]] , [[undesirable]] , [[unlucky]] , [[unprincipled]] , [[unproductive]] , [[unredeemable]] , [[unrighteous]] , [[unsavory]] , [[unscrupulous]] , [[untimely]] , [[untoward]] , [[unwelcome]] , [[unwholesome]] , [[viperous]] , [[wanton]] , [[weak]] , [[worthless]]
    =====Poor, wretched, inferior, defective, awful, worthless,miserable, egregious, execrable, substandard, unsatisfactory,disappointing, inadequate, non-standard, Colloq lousy, rotten,crummy, Slang Brit grotty, naff: Sometimes they would send hima letter, but he was a bad correspondent. We went to see arather bad play the other night. 2 corrupt, polluted, vitiated,debased, base, vile, foul, rotten, miasmic, noxious, mephitic,unhealthy, poisonous, injurious, dangerous, harmful, hurtful,pernicious, deleterious, ruinous: It wasn't healthy to be sonear the bad air of the sewer.=====
    :[[badness]] , [[ill]]
    =====Evil, ill, immoral, wicked,vicious, vile, sinful, depraved, awful, villainous, corrupt,amoral, criminal, wrong, unspeakable: The man was thoroughlybad and deserved everything he got.=====
    ===Từ trái nghĩa===
    =====Unpleasant, offensive,disagreeable, inclement, severe, awful, unfavourable, adverse,inclement, unpleasant, Colloq lousy, rotten: Surely you're notgoing sailing in this bad weather?!=====
    :[[good]] , [[honest]] , [[reputable]] , [[right]] , [[upright]] , [[virtuous]] , [[worthy]] , [[advantageous]] , [[beneficial]] , [[benevolent]] , [[profitable]] , [[just]] , [[true]] , [[ok]] , [[undecayed]]
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Xây dựng]][[Thể_loại:Kỹ thuật chung]][[Thể_loại:Kinh tế]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]]
    =====Unfavourable, unlucky,unpropitious, unfortunate, inauspicious, troubled, grim,distressing, discouraging, unpleasant: Agreeing to do that jobmight yet turn out to have been a bad decision. 6 off, tainted,spoilt or spoiled, mouldy, stale, rotten, decayed, putrefied,putrid, contaminated: The fridge isn't working and all the foodhas gone bad. She ate a bad egg and felt ill the next day. 7irascible, ill-tempered, grouchy, irritable, nasty, peevish,cross, crotchety, crabby, cranky, curmudgeonly: Don't go nearthe boss - he's been in a bad mood all day.=====
    =====Sorry, regretful,apologetic, contrite, rueful, sad, conscience-stricken,remorseful, upset: She felt bad about having invited me.=====
    =====Sad, depressed, unhappy, dejected, downhearted, disconsolate,melancholy; inconsolable: I feel bad about you losing yourpurse.=====
    =====Naughty, ill-behaved, misbehaving, disobedient,unruly, wild; mischievous: Ronnie isn't a bad boy, he's justbored.=====
    =====Distressing, severe, grave, serious, terrible, awful,painful: He was laid up with a bad case of the mumps.=====
    === Oxford===
    =====Adj., n., & adv.=====
    =====Adj. (worse; worst) 1 inferior, inadequate,defective (bad work; a bad driver; bad light).=====
    =====A unpleasant,unwelcome (bad weather; bad news). b unsatisfactory,unfortunate (a bad business).=====
    =====Harmful (is bad for you).=====
    =====(of food) decayed, putrid.=====
    =====Colloq. ill, injured (am feelingbad today; a bad leg).=====
    =====Colloq. regretful, guilty, ashamed(feels bad about it).=====
    =====(of an unwelcome thing) serious, severe(a bad headache; a bad mistake).=====
    =====A morally wicked oroffensive (a bad man; bad language). b naughty; badly behaved(a bad child).=====
    =====Worthless; not valid (a bad cheque).=====
    =====(badder, baddest) esp. US sl. good, excellent.=====
    =====A illfortune (take the bad with the good). b ruin; a degeneratecondition (go to the bad).=====
    =====The debit side of an account (œ500to the bad).=====
    =====(as pl.; prec. by the) bad or wicked people.=====
    =====Adv. US colloq. badly (took it bad).=====
    =====Bad blood ill feeling.bad books see BOOK. bad breath unpleasant-smelling breath. baddebt a debt that is not recoverable. bad egg see EGG(1). badfaith see FAITH. bad form see FORM. a bad job colloq. anunfortunate state of affairs. bad mouth US malicious gossip orcriticism. bad-mouth v.tr. US subject to malicious gossip orcriticism. bad news colloq. an unpleasant or troublesomeperson or thing. from bad to worse into an even worse state.in a bad way ill; in trouble (looked in a bad way). not (or notso) bad colloq. fairly good. too bad colloq. (ofcircumstances etc.) regrettable but now beyond retrieval.=====
    =====Baddish adj. badness n. [ME, perh. f. OE b‘ddelhermaphrodite, womanish man: for loss of l cf. MUCH, WENCH]=====
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Xây dựng]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung ]][[Category:Kinh tế ]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]]

    Hiện nay


    Thông dụng

    Thời quá khứ của .bid

    Tính từ

    Xấu, tồi, dở
    bad weather
    thời tiết xấu
    Ác, bất lương, xấu
    bad man
    người ác, người xấu
    bad blood
    ác cảm
    bad action
    hành động ác, hành động bất lương
    Có hại cho, nguy hiểm cho
    be bad for health
    có hại cho sức khoẻ
    Nặng, trầm trọng
    to have a bad cold
    bị cảm nặng
    bad blunder
    sai lầm trầm trọng
    Ươn, thiu, thối, hỏng
    bad fish
    cá ươn
    to go bad
    bị thiu, thối, hỏng
    Khó chịu
    bad smell
    mùi khó chịu
    to feel bad
    cảm thấy khó chịu

    Danh từ

    Vận rủi, vận không may, vận xấu; cái xấu
    to take the bad with the good
    nhận cả cái may lẫn cái không may

    Cấu trúc từ

    bad character (halfpenny, lot, penny, sort)
    (thông tục) đồ bất lương, kẻ thành tích bất hảo, đồ vô lại; đồ đê tiện
    bad debt
    Xem debt
    bad egg
    Xem egg
    bad hat
    Xem hat
    bad food
    thức ăn không bổ
    bad form
    sự mất dạy
    bad shot
    Xem shot
    bad tooth
    răng đau
    to go from bad to worse
    Xem worse
    nothing is so bad as not to be good for something
    không có cái gì là hoàn toàn xấu; trong cái không may cũng có cái may
    with a bad grace
    Xem grace
    to go to the bad
    phá sản; sa ngã
    to the bad
    bị thiệt, bị lỗ; còn thiếu, còn nợ
    he is 100đ to the bad
    nó bị thiệt một trăm đồng; nó còn thiếu một trăm đồng
    bad news have wings
    tiếng lành đồn gần, tiếng dữ đồn xa

    hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng


    Kỹ thuật chung


    Kinh tế

    hàng xấu

    Các từ liên quan

    Từ đồng nghĩa

    abominable , amiss , atrocious , awful , bad news * , beastly , blah * , bottom out , bummer * , careless , cheap , cheesy * , crappy * , cruddy , crummy * , defective , deficient , diddly , dissatisfactory , downer * , dreadful , erroneous , fallacious , faulty , garbage , godawful , grody , gross * , grungy * , icky * , imperfect , inadequate , incorrect , inferior , junky , lousy * , not good , off , poor , raunchy * , rough , sad , slipshod , stinking , substandard , synthetic , the pits , unacceptable , unsatisfactory , damaging , dangerous , deleterious , detrimental , hurtful , injurious , ruinous , unhealthy , base , corrupt , criminal , delinquent , evil , iniquitous , mean , reprobate , sinful , vicious , vile , villainous , wicked , wrong , disobedient , ill-behaved , misbehaving , naughty , unruly , moldy , putrid , rancid , rotten , sour , spoiled , disastrous , distressing , grave , harsh , intense , painful , serious , terrible , ailing , diseased , ill , in pain , unwell , apologetic , conscience-stricken , contrite , crestfallen , dejected , depressed , disconsolate , down , downcast , downhearted , guilty , low , regretful , remorseful , upset , woebegone , adverse , disagreeable , discouraged , discouraging , displeasing , distressed , gloomy , grim , melancholy , troubled , troubling , unfavorable , unfortunate , unhappy , unpleasant , bum , black , immoral , peccant , offensive , uncongenial , unsympathetic , inauspicious , unpropitious , mischievous , abandoned , abject , abysmal , aggravated , annoying , arrant , baleful , baneful , barren , big , bitter , blameworthy , blemished , contaminated , damnable , degrading , delitescent , demeritorious , demoralized , deplorable , depraved , depressing , despicable , detestable , diabolic , dilapidated , dire , disadvantageous , discreditable , disreputable , dissolute , egregious , excruciating , execrable , feeble , felonious , flagitious , flagrant , foul , graceless , grievous , gross , hard , hardened , harmful , hazardous , heavy , heinous , ignominious , improper , inappropriate , inarable , incompetent , incorrigible , ineffective , infamous , infelicitous , infertile , irreparable , knavish , lamentable , lewd , libertine , licentious , lousy , mal , malevolent , malicious , malign , malignant , miscreant , mortal , nasty , nefarious , no good , noisome , noxious , obnoxious , odious , pernicious , perverted , prejudicial , profligate , rascal , reprehensible , repulsive , scoundrel , seedy , severe , shady , sick , sinister , sordid , sorry , squalid , tainted , troublesome , undesirable , unlucky , unprincipled , unproductive , unredeemable , unrighteous , unsavory , unscrupulous , untimely , untoward , unwelcome , unwholesome , viperous , wanton , weak , worthless
    badness , ill

    Từ trái nghĩa

    tác giả

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