(Khác biệt giữa các bản)(sửa)
(13 intermediate revisions not shown.) Dòng 25: Dòng 25: ::[[he]] [[was]] [[given]] [[consumption]] [[by]] [[his]] [[inmate]]::[[he]] [[was]] [[given]] [[consumption]] [[by]] [[his]] [[inmate]]::anh ta bị người bạn ở chung lây bệnh ho lao::anh ta bị người bạn ở chung lây bệnh ho lao+ ::[[give]] [[someone]] [[one's]] [[assurance]] [[something]] :+ :: đảm bảo với ai điều gì+ =====trả (tiền...); trao đổi==========trả (tiền...); trao đổi=====::[[how]] [[much]] [[did]] [[you]] [[give]] [[for]] [[it]]?::[[how]] [[much]] [[did]] [[you]] [[give]] [[for]] [[it]]?Dòng 31: Dòng 34: ::đổi con ngựa lấy con bò cái::đổi con ngựa lấy con bò cái::[[to]] [[give]] [[as]] [[good]] [[as]] [[one]] [[gets]]::[[to]] [[give]] [[as]] [[good]] [[as]] [[one]] [[gets]]- ::ăn miếng trả miếng; ăn miếngchảtrả miếngbùi+ ::ăn miếng chả trả miếng bùi; ăn miếng trả miếng+ =====(đi đôi với danh từ thanh một cụm từ)==========(đi đôi với danh từ thanh một cụm từ)=====::[[to]] [[give]] [[a]] [[cry]]::[[to]] [[give]] [[a]] [[cry]]Dòng 120: Dòng 124: ::[[to]] [[give]] [[the]] [[case]] [[against]] [[the]] [[defendant]]::[[to]] [[give]] [[the]] [[case]] [[against]] [[the]] [[defendant]]::xử cho bị cáo thua kiện::xử cho bị cáo thua kiện+ =====(trong văn nói)=====+ ::[[What]] [[gives]]?+ ::Chuyện gì đang xảy ra?+ ::Có tin tức gì?===danh từ======danh từ===Dòng 266: Dòng 274: ::sự bông đùa qua lại::sự bông đùa qua lại===hình thái từ======hình thái từ===- *V-ing: [[bitch]]+ *V-ing: [[giving]]- *Past: [[fuck]]+ *Past: [[gave]]- *PP: [[shit]]+ *PP: [[given]]+ ==Chuyên ngành==- ==Chuyên ngành==- {|align="right"- | __TOC__- |}=== Kỹ thuật chung ====== Kỹ thuật chung ===- =====cho=====+ =====cho==========đưa==========đưa=====- === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===+ ==Các từ liên quan==- =====V.=====+ ===Từ đồng nghĩa===- =====And taken. compromise,cooperation,reciprocity,interaction,fairexchange,teamwork,joint effort,synergy: There is a lot ofgive and take in our relationship - I give and she takes.=====+ =====verb=====- === Oxford===+ :[[accord]] , [[administer]] , [[allow]] , [[ante up]] , [[award]] , [[bequeath]] , [[bestow]] , [[cede]] , [[come across]] , [[commit]] , [[confer]] , [[consign]] , [[convey]] , [[deed]] , [[deliver]] , [[dish out ]]* , [[dispense]] , [[dispose of]] , [[dole out]] , [[donate]] , [[endow]] , [[entrust]] , [[fork over]] , [[furnish]] , [[gift]] , [[grant]] , [[hand down]] , [[hand out]] , [[hand over]] , [[heap upon]] , [[lavish upon]] , [[lay upon]] , [[lease]] , [[let have]] , [[make over ]]* , [[parcel out]] , [[part with]] , [[pass down]] , [[pass out]] , [[permit]] , [[pony up]] , [[present]] , [[provide]] , [[relinquish]] , [[remit]] , [[sell]] , [[shell out ]]* , [[subsidize]] , [[throw in]] , [[tip]] , [[transmit]] , [[turn over]] , [[vouchsafe]] , [[will]] , [[air]] , [[announce]] , [[be a source of]] , [[broadcast]] , [[carry]] , [[emit]] , [[express]] , [[impart]] , [[issue]] , [[notify]] , [[pronounce]] , [[publish]] , [[put]] , [[read]] , [[render]] , [[state]] , [[supply]] , [[transfer]] , [[utter]] , [[vent]] , [[ventilate]] , [[display]] , [[evidence]] , [[extend]] , [[hold out]] , [[indicate]] , [[manifest]] , [[minister]] , [[offer]] , [[pose]] , [[produce]] , [[put on]] , [[return]] , [[set forth]] , [[show]] , [[tender]] , [[yield]] , [[bend]] , [[bow to]] , [[break]] , [[cave]] , [[concede]] , [[contract]] , [[crumble]] , [[crumple]] , [[devote]] , [[fail]] , [[fall]] , [[flex]] , [[fold]] , [[fold up]] , [[give way]] , [[go]] , [[lend]] , [[open]] , [[recede]] , [[relax]] , [[relent]] , [[retire]] , [[retreat]] , [[sag]] , [[shrink]] , [[sink]] , [[slacken]] , [[surrender]] , [[weaken]] , [[address]] , [[apply]] , [[buckle down]] , [[cause]] , [[direct]] , [[do]] , [[engender]] , [[lead]] , [[make]] , [[occasion]] , [[throw]] , [[turn]] , [[contribute]] , [[hand]] , [[disburse]] , [[expend]] , [[lay out]] , [[outlay]] , [[pay]] , [[deal]] , [[commend]] , [[confide]] , [[relegate]] , [[trust]] , [[concentrate]] , [[dedicate]] , [[focus]] , [[admeasure]] , [[allocate]] , [[apportion]] , [[assign]] , [[lot]] , [[measure out]] , [[mete]] , [[act]] , [[dramatize]] , [[enact]] , [[perform]] , [[hold]] , [[stage]] , [[pass]] , [[spread]] , [[give forth]] , [[give off]] , [[give out]] , [[let off]] , [[let out]] , [[release]] , [[send forth]] , [[throw off]]- =====V. & n.=====+ ===Từ trái nghĩa===- =====V. (past gave; past part. given) 1 tr. (alsoabsol.; often foll. by to) transfer the possessionoffreely;handoveras a present (gave them her old curtains; gives tocancer research).=====+ =====verb=====- + :[[hold]] , [[keep]] , [[take]] , [[conceal]] , [[refrain]] , [[withhold]] , [[fight]] , [[hold up]] , [[withstand]]- =====Tr. a transfer the ownership of with orwithout actual delivery; bequeath (gave him œ200 in her will).b transfer,esp. temporarily or for safe keeping;hand over;provide with (gave him the dog to hold; gave them a drink). cadminister (medicine). d deliver (a message) (give her my bestwishes).=====+ [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]]- + - =====Tr. (usu. foll. by for)make overin exchange orpayment; pay; sell (gave him œ30 for the bicycle).=====+ - + - =====Tr. aconfer; grant (a benefit,an honour,etc.). b accord; bestow(one's affections,confidence,etc.). c award; administer(one's approval,blame,etc.); tell,offer (esp. somethingunpleasant) (gave him a talking-to; gave him my blessing; gavehim the sack). d pledge,assign as a guarantee (gave his word).5 tr. a effect or perform (an action etc.) (gave him a kiss;gave a jump). b utter (gave a shriek).=====+ - + - =====Tr. allot; assign;grant (was given the contract).=====+ - + - =====Tr. (in passive; foll. by to)be inclined to or fond of (is given to speculation).=====+ - + - =====Tr.yield as a product or result (the lamp gives a bad light; thefield gives fodder for twenty cows).=====+ - + - =====Intr. a yield topressure; become relaxed; lose firmness (this elastic doesn'tgive properly). b collapse (the roof gave under the pressure).10 intr. (usu. foll. by of) grant; bestow (gave freely of histime).=====+ - + - =====Tr. a commit,consign,or entrust (gave him intocustody; give her into your care). b sanction the marriage of(a daughter etc.).=====+ - + - =====Tr. devote; dedicate (gave his life totable tennis; shall give it my attention).=====+ - + - =====Tr. (usu.absol.) colloq. tell what one knows (What happened? Come on,give!).=====+ - + - =====Tr. present; offer; show; holdout(gives no sign oflife; gave her his arm; give him your ear).=====+ - + - =====Tr. Theatr.read,recite,perform,act,etc. (gave them Hamlet's soliloquy).16 tr. impart;be a source of(gave him my sore throat; gave itsname to the battle; gave me much pain; gives him a right tocomplain).=====+ - + - =====Tr. allow (esp. a fixed amount of time) (can giveyou five minutes).=====+ - + - =====Tr. (usu. foll. by for) value (something)(gives nothing for their opinions).=====+ - + - =====Tr. concede; yield (Igive you the victory).=====+ - + - =====Tr. deliver (a judgement etc.)authoritatively (gave his verdict).=====+ - + - =====Tr. Cricket (of anumpire) declare (a batsman)outor not out.=====+ - + - =====Tr. toast (aperson,cause,etc.) (I give you our President).=====+ - + - =====Tr. provide(a party,meal,etc.) as host (gave a banquet).=====+ - + - =====N.=====+ - + - =====Capacity toyieldorbendunder pressure; elasticity (there isno give in a stone floor).=====+ - + - =====Abilitytoadapt or comply (nogive in his attitudes).=====+ - + - =====N. an exchange of words etc.; acompromise. give as good as one gets retort adequately in wordsor blows. give away 1 transfer as a gift.=====+ - + - =====Hand over (abride) ceremonially to a bridegroom.=====+ - + - =====Betray or expose toridicule or detection.=====+ - + - =====Austral. abandon,desist from,giveup,lose faith or interest in. give-away n. colloq.=====+ - + - =====Aninadvertent betrayal or revelation.=====+ - + - =====An act of giving away.=====+ - + - =====A free gift; a low price. give back return (something) to itsprevious owner or in exchange. give a person the best see BEST.give birth (to) see BIRTH. give chase pursue a person,animal,etc.; hunt. give down (often absol.) (of a cow) let (milk)flow. give forth emit; publish; report. give the game (orshow) away reveal a secret or intention. give a hand see HAND.give a person (or the devil) his or her due acknowledge,esp.grudgingly,a person's rights,abilities,etc. give in 1 ceasefighting or arguing; yield.=====+ - + - =====Hand in (a document etc.) to anofficial etc. give in marriage sanction the marriage of (one'sdaughter etc.). give it to a person colloq. scold or punish.give me I prefer or admire (give me the Greek islands). giveoff emit (vapour etc.). give oneself (of a woman) yieldsexually. give oneself airs act pretentiously or snobbishly.give oneselfupto 1 abandon oneself to an emotion,esp.despair.=====+ - + - =====Addict oneself to.giveon to (or into) (of awindow,corridor,etc.) overlook or lead into. give or takecolloq. add or subtract (a specified amount or number) inestimating. give out 1 announce; emit; distribute.=====+ - + - =====Cease orbreakdownfrom exhaustion etc.=====+ - + - =====Run short. give over 1colloq. cease from doing; abandon (a habit etc.); desist (giveover sniffing).=====+ - + - =====Hand over.=====+ - + - =====Devote. give rise tocause,induce,suggest.givetongue 1 speak one's thoughts.=====+ - + - =====(ofhounds) bark,esp. on finding a scent.givea person tounderstand inform authoritatively.giveup 1 resign; surrender.2 part with.=====+ - + - =====Deliver (a wanted person etc.).=====+ - + - =====Pronounceincurable or insoluble; renounce hope of.=====+ - + - =====Renounce or cease(an activity). give up the ghost archaic or colloq. die. giveway see WAY. give a person what for colloq. punish or scoldseverely. give one's word (or word of honour) promise solemnly.not give a damn (or monkey's or toss etc.) colloq. not care atall. what gives? colloq. what is the news?; what's happening?would give the world (or one's ears, eyes, etc.) for covet orwish for desperately.=====+ - + - =====Giveable adj. giver n.[OE g(i)efanf. Gmc]=====+ - + - == Tham khảo chung ==+ - + - *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=give give]: National Weather Service+ - *[http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?p=1&query=give&submit=Search give]: amsglossary+ - *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=give give]: Corporateinformation+ - *[http://www.eurochlor.org/search/index.asp?q=give give]: Chlorine Online+ - Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Kỹ thuật chung]][[Category:Từ điển đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category:Tham khảo chung]]+ Hiện nay
Thông dụng
Động từ.gave, .given
(đi đôi với danh từ thanh một cụm từ)
- to give a cry
- kêu lên
- to give a loud laugh
- cười to, cười vang
- to give a look
- nhìn
- to give a jump
- nhảy lên
- to give a sigh
- thở dài
- to give a push
- đẩy
- to give a groan
- rên rỉ
- to give a start
- giật mình
- to give encouragement
- động viên, khuyến khích
- to give permission
- cho phép
- to give an order
- ra lệnh
- to give birth to
- sinh ra
- to give one's attention to sth
- chú ý đến cái gì
tổ chức, mở, thết (một buổi dạ hội...); biểu diễn, diễn (kịch), đóng (một vai tuồng); hát dạo (một bản nhạc...), ngâm (một bài thơ...)
Cấu trúc từ
to give out
- chia, phân phối
- toả ra, phát ra, làm bay ra, bốc lên, xông lên (hơi nóng, mùi...)
- bị hư, bị hỏng (máy móc); mệt, quỵ, kiệt đi (sức)
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- accord , administer , allow , ante up , award , bequeath , bestow , cede , come across , commit , confer , consign , convey , deed , deliver , dish out * , dispense , dispose of , dole out , donate , endow , entrust , fork over , furnish , gift , grant , hand down , hand out , hand over , heap upon , lavish upon , lay upon , lease , let have , make over * , parcel out , part with , pass down , pass out , permit , pony up , present , provide , relinquish , remit , sell , shell out * , subsidize , throw in , tip , transmit , turn over , vouchsafe , will , air , announce , be a source of , broadcast , carry , emit , express , impart , issue , notify , pronounce , publish , put , read , render , state , supply , transfer , utter , vent , ventilate , display , evidence , extend , hold out , indicate , manifest , minister , offer , pose , produce , put on , return , set forth , show , tender , yield , bend , bow to , break , cave , concede , contract , crumble , crumple , devote , fail , fall , flex , fold , fold up , give way , go , lend , open , recede , relax , relent , retire , retreat , sag , shrink , sink , slacken , surrender , weaken , address , apply , buckle down , cause , direct , do , engender , lead , make , occasion , throw , turn , contribute , hand , disburse , expend , lay out , outlay , pay , deal , commend , confide , relegate , trust , concentrate , dedicate , focus , admeasure , allocate , apportion , assign , lot , measure out , mete , act , dramatize , enact , perform , hold , stage , pass , spread , give forth , give off , give out , let off , let out , release , send forth , throw off
tác giả
nguyenlena, ♚, Dat, Black coffee, Admin, dzunglt, Khách, Luong Nguy Hien, Kareftu, Trang , Thuha2406
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