Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Thông dụng
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- borderline , bound , boundary , butt end , confine , cusp , deadline , edge , extent , extremity , foot , head , heel , limitation , neb , nib , point , prong , spire , stub , stump , tail , tail end , term , terminal , termination , terminus , tip , top , ultimate , accomplishment , achievement , adjournment , attainment , bottom line * , cease , cessation , close , closing , closure , conclusion , consequence , consummation , culmination , curtain , denouement , desistance , desuetude , determination , discontinuance , execution , expiration , expiry , finale , finis , finish , fulfillment , issue , last word * , omega , outcome , payoff , perfection , realization , resolution , result , retirement , sign-off , target , upshot * , windup , wrap-up , aspiration , design , drift , goal , intent , mark , object , objective , purpose , reason , where one’s heading , bit , dregs , fragment , leaving , lees , particle , piece , portion , remainder , remnant , residue , scrap , share , side , tag end , annihilation , demise , dissolution , doom , extermination , extinction , passing , ruin , ruination , rear , limit , completion , ending , end of the line , period , stop , stopping point , wind-up , last , aim , ambition , meaning , view , why , extreme , butt , ort , shard , abrogation , coda , desinence , destination , destruction , epilogue , eventuality , finality , intention , liquidation , peroration , sequel , sine die , surcease
- abolish , abort , accomplish , achieve , break off , break up , call it a day , call off * , cease , close , close out , complete , conclude , consummate , crown , culminate , cut short , delay , determine , discontinue , dispose of , dissolve , drop , expire , finish , get done , give up , halt , interrupt , pack it in , perorate , postpone , pull the plug , put the lid on , quit , relinquish , resolve , settle , sew up , shut down , stop , switch off , terminate , top off * , ultimate , wind up * , wrap , wrap up * , annihilate , depart , desist , destroy , die , exterminate , extinguish , lapse , put to death , ruin , run out , wane , wind up , wrap up , abrogate , accomplishment , achievement , aim , boundary , butt , cessation , closure , completion , conclusion , culmination , death , define , design , destruction , disassociate , dissociate , edge , expiration , expiry , extinction , extreme , extremity , finale , goal , intention , limit , objective , omega , outcome , period , point , position , purpose , quash , remainder , remnant , result , rump , scotch , scrap , sever , squash , tail , termination , terminus , tip , upshot , windup
Từ trái nghĩa
- beginning , cause , foundation , origin , commencement , opening , start , means , birth , construction , creation
Từ điển: Thông dụng | Toán & tin | Kỹ thuật chung | Kinh tế | Cơ - Điện tử | Xây dựng
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