(Khác biệt giữa các bản)
Dòng 128: Dòng 128: ==Chuyên ngành====Chuyên ngành==- {|align="right"+ - | __TOC__+ - |}+ ===Cơ - Điện tử======Cơ - Điện tử========Con lăn, trục lăn, trụ xoay, trục cán, (v) cuộn,lăn, xoay, cán==========Con lăn, trục lăn, trụ xoay, trục cán, (v) cuộn,lăn, xoay, cán=====Dòng 348: Dòng 346: ::Vienna [[roll]]::Vienna [[roll]]::Bánh mì Viên::Bánh mì Viên- ===== Tham khảo =====+ ==Các từ liên quan==- *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=roll roll] : Corporateinformation+ ===Từ đồng nghĩa===- === ĐồngnghĩaTiếng Anh===+ =====noun=====- =====V.=====+ :[[cycle]] , [[gyration]] , [[reel]] , [[revolution]] , [[rotation]] , [[run]] , [[spin]] , [[trundling]] , [[turn]] , [[twirl]] , [[undulation]] , [[whirl]] , [[ball]] , [[barrel]] , [[bobbin]] , [[cartouche]] , [[coil]] , [[cone]] , [[convolution]] , [[cornucopia]] , [[cylinder]] , [[fold]] , [[rundle]] , [[scroll]] , [[shell]] , [[spiral]] , [[spool]] , [[trundle]] , [[volute]] , [[wheel]] , [[whorl]] , [[annals]] , [[catalog]] , [[census]] , [[chronicle]] , [[directory]] , [[head count]] , [[index]] , [[muster]] , [[nose count]] , [[register]] , [[roll call]] , [[schedule]] , [[table]] , [[barrage]] , [[boom]] , [[booming]] , [[clangor]] , [[drone]] , [[drumbeat]] , [[drumming]] , [[echoing]] , [[grumble]] , [[quaver]] , [[racket]] , [[rat-a-tat]] , [[resonance]] , [[roar]] , [[rumble]] , [[rumbling]] , [[thunder]] , [[roster]]- =====Rotate,cycle, turn(over (and over)),wheel,trundle;revolve,go (a)round,orbit,tumble,somersault or somerset orsummersault or summerset: Th landlord rolled another barrelbeer into the pub. The children loved rolling about in the rideat the fun fair. 2 pass,go,flow,slip,flit,glide,slide,move (on); expire,elapse,disappear,vanish,evaporate: Thetime certainly rolls by quickly when you're having fun.=====+ =====verb=====- + :[[alternate]] , [[be in sequence]] , [[bowl]] , [[circle]] , [[circumduct]] , [[coil]] , [[curve]] , [[drape]] , [[drive]] , [[eddy]] , [[elapse]] , [[enfold]] , [[entwine]] , [[envelop]] , [[flow]] , [[fold]] , [[follow]] , [[furl]] , [[go around]] , [[go past]] , [[gyrate]] , [[gyre]] , [[impel]] , [[pass]] , [[pirouette]] , [[pivot]] , [[propel]] , [[reel]] , [[rock]] , [[rotate]] , [[run]] , [[spin]] , [[spiral]] , [[succeed]] , [[swaddle]] , [[swathe]] , [[swing around]] , [[swirl]] , [[swivel]] , [[trundle]] , [[twirl]] , [[twist]] , [[undulate]] , [[wheel]] , [[whirl]] , [[wind]] , [[wrap]] , [[even]] , [[flatten]] , [[grind]] , [[level]] , [[press]] , [[pulverize]] , [[smooth]] , [[bombinate]] , [[boom]] , [[cannonade]] , [[drum]] , [[echo]] , [[growl]] , [[grumble]] , [[hum]] , [[pattern]] , [[quaver]] , [[rattle]] , [[re-echo]] , [[resound]] , [[roar]] , [[ruffle]] , [[rumble]] , [[rustle]] , [[sound]] , [[trill]] , [[whirr]] , [[billow]] , [[drift]] , [[glide]] , [[heave]] , [[incline]] , [[jibe]] , [[lean]] , [[lumber]] , [[lurch]] , [[pitch]] , [[ramble]] , [[range]] , [[roam]] , [[rove]] , [[stagger]] , [[stray]] , [[surge]] , [[swagger]] , [[swing]] , [[toss]] , [[tumble]] , [[waddle]] , [[wallow]] , [[wave]] , [[welter]] , [[yaw]] , [[enwrap]] , [[infold]] , [[invest]] , [[wrap up]] , [[seesaw]] , [[sail]] , [[bask]] , [[indulge]] , [[revel]] , [[rollick]] , [[bagel]] , [[bread]] , [[bun]] , [[circumgyrate]] , [[convolve]] , [[croissant]] , [[danish]] , [[fluctuate]] , [[inwrap]] , [[revolve]] , [[sway]] , [[titubate]] , [[turn]]- =====Move,drive,bowl,be carried or conveyed,cruise,sail,coast,ride,float,fly: We rolled down the road,singing and laughing.=====+ =====phrasal verb=====- + :[[arise]] , [[get up]] , [[pile]] , [[rise]] , [[accrue]] , [[agglomerate]] , [[aggregate]] , [[amass]] , [[collect]] , [[cumulate]] , [[garner]] , [[gather]] , [[hive]] , [[pile up]]- =====Undulate,billow,rise and fall: The countryside rolled awaybefore us as far as the eye could see. 5 roar,echo,re-echo,rumble,reverberate,resound,sound, boom,peal,resonate,thunder: The roar of the explosion rolled over us as we ran forcover.=====+ ===Từ trái nghĩa===- + =====verb=====- =====Rob,steal from: They got their money by rollingdrunks.=====+ :[[collect]] , [[gather]] , [[pile]] , [[stabilize]] , [[steady]]- + [[Thể_loại:Cơ - Điện tử]]- =====Often,roll out. flatten,level (off or out),smooth(out),even (out),grade: After cutting,the lawn ought to berolled.=====+ - + - =====Usually,roll over. turn (over),rotate,spin: Rollonto your stomach so I can examine your back.=====+ - + - =====Usually,rollup. furl, coil,curl,wind (up),wrap (up); enwrap,swathe,enfold, envelop,shroud,enshroud: Every night he takes downthe banner and carefully rolls it. Cleopatra was rolled up in arug to be smuggledpastthe guards. 10 roll in. a arrive,comein,pour in,flow in,turn up,show up: The contributionsreally started to roll in after the appeal. b luxuriate in,revel in,wallow in,savour,bask in,delight in,take pleasurein,indulge in,rejoice in,relish: Basil has been rolling inunaccustomed wealth since his aunt died.=====+ - + - =====Roll out. unroll,unfurl,spread (out),unfold,uncoil,uncurl,unwind,open(out): Roll out the bolt of cloth so that we can measure it.=====+ - + - =====N.=====+ - + - =====Reel,spool,cylinder,scroll; tube: The message waswritten on a long roll of paper.=====+ - + - =====List,rota,register,record,directory,listing,roster,slate,docket,catalogue,inventory,muster,index,census,annal(s),schedule,chronicle(s),Sports line-up: With great ceremony,the clerkread the roll.=====+ - + - =====Rolling,billowing,waving,wave action,wave, billow,swell,undulation,pitching,rocking,tossing:With each roll of the boat,I felt more seasick.=====+ - + - =====Peal,rumble,reverberation,boom,echo,thunder,roar: A roll ofthunder drowned out her shouts.=====+ - + - =====Rotation,spin, toss,whirl,twirl: I decided to bet everything on one last roll of thedice.=====+ - + - =====Bun; scone,croissant; Britbread-roll,bap,split:Waiter,would you please bring some more rolls?=====+ - + - =====Bankroll,money,wad,bundle: He took out a roll of notes and peeled offfive twenties.=====+ - === Oxford===+ - =====V. & n.=====+ - =====V.=====+ - + - =====A intr. move or go in some direction by turningover and over on an axis (the ball rolled under the table; abarrel started rolling). b tr. cause to do this (rolled thebarrel into the cellar).=====+ - + - =====Tr. makerevolvebetween twosurfaces (rolled the clay between his palms).=====+ - + - =====A intr. (foll.by along,by,etc.) move or advance on or (of time etc.) as ifon wheels etc. (the bus rolled past; the pram rolled off thepavement; the years rolled by). b tr. cause to do this (rolledthe tea trolley into the kitchen). c intr. (of a person) beconveyed in a vehicle (the farmer rolled by on his tractor).=====+ - + - =====A tr.turnover and over on itself to form a more or lesscylindrical or spherical shape (rolled a newspaper). b tr. makeby forming material into a cylinder or ball (rolled a cigarette;rolled a huge snowball). c tr. accumulate into a mass (rolledthe dough into a ball). d intr. (foll. by into) make aspecified shape of itself (the hedgehog rolled into a ball).=====+ - + - =====Tr. flatten or form by passing a roller etc. over or by passingbetween rollers (roll the lawn; roll pastry; roll thin foil).=====+ - + - =====Intr. & tr. change or cause to change direction by rotatorymovement (his eyes rolled; he rolled his eyes).=====+ - + - =====Intr. awallow,turn about in a fluid or a loose medium (the dog rolledin the dust). b (of a horse etc.) lie on its back and kickabout,esp. in an attempt to dislodge its rider.=====+ - + - =====Intr. a (ofa moving ship,aircraft,or vehicle) sway to and fro on an axisparallel to the direction of motion. b walk with an unsteadyswaying gait (they rolled out of the pub).=====+ - + - =====A intr. undulate,show or go with an undulating surface or motion (rolling hills;rolling mist; the waves roll in). b tr. carry or propel withsuch motion (the river rolls its waters to the sea).=====+ - + - =====A intr.(of machinery) start functioning or moving (the cameras rolled;the train began to roll). b tr. cause (machinery) to do this.11 intr. & tr. sound or utter with a vibratory or trillingeffect (words rolled off his tongue; thunder rolled in thedistance; he rolls his rs).=====+ - + - =====US sl. a tr. overturn (a caretc.). b intr. (of a car etc.) overturn.=====+ - + - =====Tr. US throw(dice).=====+ - + - =====Tr. sl. rob (esp. a helpless victim).=====+ - + - =====N.=====+ - + - =====Arolling motion or gait; undulation (the roll of the hills).=====+ - + - =====Aa spell of rolling (a roll in the mud). b a gymnastic exercisein which the body is rolled into a tucked position and turned ina forward or backward circle. c (esp. a roll in the hay)colloq. an act of sexual intercourse or erotic fondling.=====+ - + - =====Thecontinuous rhythmic sound of thunder or a drum.=====+ - + - =====Aeron. acomplete revolution of an aircraft about its longitudinal axis.5 a a cylinder formed by turning flexible material over and overon itself without folding (a roll of carpet; a roll ofwallpaper). b a filled cake or pastry of similar form (figroll; sausage roll).=====+ - + - =====A a small portion of bread individuallybaked. b this with a specified filling (ham roll).=====+ - + - =====A more orless cylindrical or semicylindrical straight or curved mass ofsomething (rolls of fat; a roll of hair).=====+ - + - =====A an official listor register (the electoral roll). b the total numbers on this(the schools' rolls have fallen). c a document,esp. anofficial record,in scroll form.=====+ - + - =====A cylinder or roller,esp.to shape metal in a rolling-mill.=====+ - + - =====Archit. a a moulding ofconvex section. b a spiral scroll of an Ionic capital.=====+ - + - =====US &Austral. money,esp. as banknotes rolled together.=====+ - + - =====US the road vehicles of a company.rolling stone a person who is unwilling to settle for long inone place. rolling strike industrial action through a series oflimited strikes by consecutive groups. roll-neck (of a garment)having a high loosely turned-over neck. roll of honour a listof those honoured,esp. the dead in war. roll on v.tr.=====+ - + - =====Puton or apply by rolling.=====+ - + - =====(in imper.) colloq. (of a time,ineager expectation) come quickly (roll on Friday!). roll-on(attrib.) (of deodorant etc.) applied by means of a rotatingball in the neck of the container.=====+ - + - =====N. a light elastic corset.roll-on roll-off (of a ship,a method of transport,etc.) inwhich vehicles are driven directly on at the start of the voyageand off at the end of it. roll over 1 send (a person) sprawlingor rolling.=====+ - + - =====Econ. finance the repayment of (maturing stocketc.) by an issue of new stock. roll-over n.=====+ - + - =====Econ. theextension or transfer of a debt or other financial relationship.2 colloq. the overturning of a vehicle etc. roll-top desk adesk with a flexible cover sliding in curved grooves. roll up 1colloq. arrive in a vehicle; appear on the scene.=====+ - + - =====Make intoor form a roll.=====+ - + - =====Mil. drive the flank of (an enemy line) backand round so that the line is shortened or surrounded. roll-up(or roll-your-own) n. a hand-rolled cigarette. roll up one'ssleeves see SLEEVE. strike off the rolls debar (esp. asolicitor) from practising after dishonesty etc.=====[[Category:Cơ - Điện tử]]+ 07:39, ngày 31 tháng 1 năm 2009
Thông dụng
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
- asphalt roll roofing
- giấy dầu cuộn phủ mái
- asphalt roll roofing
- tấm cuộn tẩm bitum phủ mái
- audit roll
- cuộn giấy kiểm tra
- glass wool roll
- cuộn len thủy tinh
- jumbo roll
- ống cuộn giấy
- planole roll
- cuộn giấy piano
- ridge roll
- cuộn ở đỉnh
- ridge roll
- cuốn ở nóc
- ridge roll
- đầu cuốn ở nóc
- roll (ed) roofing
- giấy (cuộn) lợp mái
- roll carpet
- lớp đệm (bằng) vật liệu cuộn
- roll carpet
- thảm cuộn
- roll film
- phim cuộn
- roll in
- cuốn vào, chuyển vào
- roll material cutting out
- sự cắt vật liệu cuộn
- roll materials
- vật liệu cuộn
- roll microfilm
- microfim cuộn
- roll of wire
- cuộn dây thép
- roll paper
- cuộn giấy
- roll roofing
- cuộn giấy dầu lợp mái
- roll roofing
- mái (vật liệu) cuộn
- roll-up door
- cửa cuốn lên
- roll-up window
- cửa sổ cuốn lên
- roller roll
- dòng nước chảy cuộn
- roller roll
- trục cuốn
- tape roll
- cuộn băng nhận điện tín
- tape roll
- cuộn băng nhận tín hiệu
- upper roll
- ống cuốn trên
Kinh tế
danh sách
- employment roll
- danh sách người làm công
- muster roll
- danh sách đoàn thủy thủ
- rent roll
- danh sách (người) thuê
- tax roll
- danh sách thuế
- tax roll
- số thuế, danh sách thuế
- unemployment roll
- danh sách người thất nghiệp
- adjustable roll
- trục di động
- brush roll
- trục bàn chải
- damping roll
- trục làm ẩm
- dough sheeting roll
- trục dát mỏng
- drier roll
- trục sấy
- middling roll
- trục nghiền tấm
- reduction roll surface
- bề mặt trục ép
- reduction roll surface
- chiều dài trục ép
- roll scraper
- cái cào làm sạch trục
- stretcher roll
- trục tăng độ trộn đều của bột
- top roll
- trục đỉnh
- top roll
- trục ra
- upper roll
- trục đỉnh
- upper roll
- trục ra
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- cycle , gyration , reel , revolution , rotation , run , spin , trundling , turn , twirl , undulation , whirl , ball , barrel , bobbin , cartouche , coil , cone , convolution , cornucopia , cylinder , fold , rundle , scroll , shell , spiral , spool , trundle , volute , wheel , whorl , annals , catalog , census , chronicle , directory , head count , index , muster , nose count , register , roll call , schedule , table , barrage , boom , booming , clangor , drone , drumbeat , drumming , echoing , grumble , quaver , racket , rat-a-tat , resonance , roar , rumble , rumbling , thunder , roster
- alternate , be in sequence , bowl , circle , circumduct , coil , curve , drape , drive , eddy , elapse , enfold , entwine , envelop , flow , fold , follow , furl , go around , go past , gyrate , gyre , impel , pass , pirouette , pivot , propel , reel , rock , rotate , run , spin , spiral , succeed , swaddle , swathe , swing around , swirl , swivel , trundle , twirl , twist , undulate , wheel , whirl , wind , wrap , even , flatten , grind , level , press , pulverize , smooth , bombinate , boom , cannonade , drum , echo , growl , grumble , hum , pattern , quaver , rattle , re-echo , resound , roar , ruffle , rumble , rustle , sound , trill , whirr , billow , drift , glide , heave , incline , jibe , lean , lumber , lurch , pitch , ramble , range , roam , rove , stagger , stray , surge , swagger , swing , toss , tumble , waddle , wallow , wave , welter , yaw , enwrap , infold , invest , wrap up , seesaw , sail , bask , indulge , revel , rollick , bagel , bread , bun , circumgyrate , convolve , croissant , danish , fluctuate , inwrap , revolve , sway , titubate , turn
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