• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    Hiện nay (15:52, ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2011) (Sửa) (undo)
    (4 intermediate revisions not shown.)
    Dòng 219: Dòng 219:
    ===== cầu, phó mặc (may rủi...) =====
    ===== cầu, phó mặc (may rủi...) =====
    ::[[to]] [[chance]]
    ::[[to]] [[chance]]
    :: cầu may
    :: cầu gi duoc do
    =====Theo, di theo=====
    =====Theo, di theo=====
    Dòng 277: Dòng 277:
    ::[[to]] [[run]] [[a]] [[candidate]]
    ::[[to]] [[run]] [[a]] [[candidate]]
    :: giới thiệu người ứng cử; ủng hộ một người ứng cử
    :: giới thiệu người ứng cử; ủng hộ một người ứng cử
    =====to run into=====
    ::chạm mặt nhau
    ::[[I]] [[thought]] [[we]] [[ran]] [[into]] [[each]] [[other]] [[often]], [[but]] [[now]] [[I]] [[know]] [[why]]
    ::Tôi nghĩ chúng ta chạm mặt nhau thường xuyên, bây giờ tôi mới biết tại sao (thấy mặt bạn quen quen)
    ===Cấu trúc từ===
    ===Cấu trúc từ===
    =====[[in]] [[the]] [[long]] [[run]] =====
    =====[[in]] [[the]] [[long]] [[run]] =====

    Hiện nay


    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Sự chạy
    at a run
    dang chạy
    on the run all day
    chạy nguợc, chạy xuôi suốt ngày, bận rộn suốt ngày
    to be on the run
    chạy đi, chạy trốn, chuồn
    to break into a run
    bắt đầu chạy
    to keep the enemy on the run
    truy kích (đuổi theo) quân địch
    to go for a short run before breakfast
    chạy một quâng ngắn trước khi ăn sáng
    cuộc hành trình ngắn, cuộc đi tham quan ngắn; cuộc đi dạo, cuộc đi chơi
    a run up to town
    cuộc đi thăm tỉnh ngắn ngày
    chuyến đi; quãng đường đi (xe lửa, tàu thuỷ...)
    it is only a 30 minute run to our place
    đến chỗ chúng tôi ở chỉ mất 30 phút

    sự hoạt động, sự vận hành, sự chạy (máy móc...); thời gian vận hành
    sự giảm nhanh, sự tụt nhanh, sự hạ nhanh, sự sụp đổ nhanh
    the temperature came down with a run
    độ nhiệt giảm nhanh
    run of ground
    sự lở đất, sự sụp đất
    thời gian liên tục, hồi, cơn, loạt
    a long run of power
    sự nắm quyền trong một thời gian dài
    a run of luck
    hồi đó
    the play has a run of 50 nights
    vở kịch được diễn đi diễn lại trong một thời gian liên tục năm mươi đêm liền
    tầng lớp đại đa số, loại bình thường; hạng bình thường
    the commom run of men; the run of mankind
    những người bình thường
    the run of the mill
    những sản phẩm bình thường của nhà máy
    loại, hạng, thứ (hàng hoá)
    đàn (cá...), bầy (súc vật...)
    sân nuôi (gà, vịt...), cánh đồng cỏ (nuôi cừu...), bâi rào kín (để chăn nuôi)
    dấu vết quâng đường thường lui tới (của một thú rừng...)
    máng dẫn nước
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) ngòi, lạch, nước, dòng suối
    hướng; chiều hướng, xu thế
    the run of the mountains is N.E.
    dây núi chạy theo hướng đông bắc
    the run of public opinion
    chiều hướng của dư luận
    nhịp điệu (của một câu thơ...)
    dải liên tục, đường dây liên tục, dòng mạch chạy dài
    a run of gold
    mạch mỏ vàng chạy dài
    run of tide
    dòng thuỷ triều
    sự đổ xô tới; nhu cầu lớn, sự đòi hỏi nhiều (một thứ hàng gì...)
    a run on the bank
    sự đổ xô tới đòi rút tiền ở nhà ngân hàng ra
    the book has a considerable run
    quyển sách bán được rất chạy (được nhiều người hỏi mua)
    sự cho phép tự do sử dụng
    to have the run of somebody's books
    được phép tự do sử dụng sách của ai
    (hàng không) sự bay theo đường thẳng với một tốc độ cố định (trước khi hoặc lúc ném bom)
    (ngành mỏ) mặt nghiêng, mặt dốc
    (hàng hải) phần đáy đuôi tàu (đáy tàu về phía bánh lái)
    (âm nhạc) Rulat

    Nội động từ .ran, .run

    to run down a slope
    chạy xuống con đường dốc
    a cold shiver ran down his spine
    cơn rùng mình ớn lạnh chạy suốt dọc theo xương sống anh ta
    chạy vội, vội vã
    to run to meet somebody
    vội vã đến gặp ai
    to run to help somebody
    chạy vội đến giúp ai
    chạy trốn, tẩu thoát
    to run for one's life
    chạy trốn bán sống bán chết
    to run for it
    (thông tục) chạy trốn
    to cut and run
    (từ lóng) chuồn, tẩu
    chạy đua
    to run in a race
    chạy đua
    to run second
    chạy về thứ nhì
    chạy, vận hành, hoạt động (máy móc, nhà máy...)
    to leave the engine of the motorcar running
    để cho động cơ ô tô chạy
    trôi đi, lướt đi, trượt đi, chạy lướt, lăn mau...
    the pen runs on the paper
    ngòi bút chạy lướt trên trang giấy
    time runs fast
    thời gian trôi nhanh
    how his tongue runs!
    mồm nó cứ nói lem lẻm suốt đi!
    his life runs smoothly
    cuộc đời anh ta cứ êm dềm trôi đi
    the rope runs freely in the pulley
    cái dây thừng trượt đi một cách dễ dàng trên ròng rọc
    xoay quanh (một cái trục...; một vấn đề...)
    that is the point on which the whole argument runs
    đó là điểm mà tất cả cuộc tranh luận xoay quanh
    bỏ khắp, mọc lan ra (cây)
    chạy dài, chạy quanh
    the road runs across a plain
    con đường chạy qua cánh đồng
    the mountain range runs North and South
    dây núi chạy dài từ phía bắc đến phía nam
    the fence runs round the house
    hàng rao bao quanh ngôi nhà
    được viết, được thảo, được kể, có nội dung (thư, văn kiện, câu chuyện...)
    the letter runs as follows
    bức thư được viết như sau
    the story runs in these words
    câu chuyện được kể như thế này
    tiếp tục tồn tại, tiếp diễn trong một quãng thời gian liên tục, kéo dài
    the play has been running for six months
    vở kịch được diễn đi diễn lại sáu tháng liền
    có giá trị, có hiệu lực
    the contract runs for seven years
    bản giao kèo có giá trị trong bảy năm
    ám ảnh, vương vấn
    the tune is still running in my head
    điệu nhạc đó cứ vương vấn mãi trong óc tôi
    lưu luyến, truyền mãi, còn mãi mãi
    it runs in the family
    cái đó truyền mâi trong gia đình
    lan nhanh, truyền đi
    the news ran like wild fire
    tin tức lan đi rất nhanh
    hướng về, nghĩ về
    the eyes run over something
    đưa mắt nhìn (hướng về) cái gì
    to run back over the past
    nghĩ về quá khứ
    chạy trên tuyến đường (xe khách, tàu chở khách...)
    the coach runs between Hanoi and Thaibinh
    chiếc xe chạy trên tuyến đường Hà nội - Thái Bình
    nhoè (mực); thôi (màu), phai, bạc (màu)
    blood runs in vein
    máu chảy trong mạch máu
    the tide runs strong
    thuỷ triều chảy mạnh
    pus is running
    mủ chảy
    nose runs
    mũi chảy nước
    eyes run
    chảy nước mắt
    đầm đìa, lênh láng, dầm dề
    to be running with sweat
    đầm đìa mồ hôi
    to be running with blood
    máu đổ lênh láng
    rỉ rò (chùng, chậu...)
    lên tới, đạt tới
    rice runs five ton a hectare this year
    năm nay lúa đạt năm tấn một hecta
    trở nên, trở thành, có xu thế, có chiều hướng
    potatoes run big this year
    khoai tây năm nay to củ
    to run mad
    hoá diên
    to run to extreme
    đi đến chỗ quá khích, đi đến chỗ cực đoan
    (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) tuột
    silk stocking sometimes run
    bít tất tơ đôi khi bị tuột sợi
    ngược nước để đẻ (cá)
    ứng cử
    to run for parliament
    ứng cử vào nghị viện
    to run for president
    ứng cử tổng thống

    ngoại động từ

    chạy (một quâng đường...)
    chạy đua, chạy thi, cho (ngựa) chạy đua
    to run a horse
    cho ngựa chạy đua
    to run a race
    chạy đua
    cho chạy
    to run a ship to...
    cho tàu chạy tới...
    to run a machine
    cho máy chạy
    to run a car into a garage
    đánh ô tô vào nhà để xe
    vượt qua; chọc thủng, phá vỡ
    to run rapids
    vượt tác ghềnh
    to run to a blockade
    tránh thoát vòng vây
    cầu, phó mặc (may rủi...)
    to chance
    cầu gi duoc do
    Theo, di theo
    to let things run their cour
    cứ để cho mọi việc tiến hành theo lệ thường của nó
    to run a scent
    theo vết (thú săn)
    đuổi theo, rượt theo (thú săn...)
    to run to earth
    đuổi (chồn...) vào tận hang
    cho chảy; đổ (kim loại...) vào khuôn
    to run the water off
    cho nước chảy đi
    to run metal into mould
    đổ kim loại vào khuôn
    chỉ huy, điều khiển, quản lý, trông nom
    to run a hotel
    quản lý một khách sạn
    to run a factory
    điều khiển một nhà máy
    to run the show
    điều khiển mọi việc
    xô vào, lao vào, đụng vào
    to run one's head against the wall
    lao đầu vào tường
    đâm vào, chọc vào
    to run one's sword through somebody; to run somebody through with one's sword
    đâm lưỡi kiếm xuyên qua người ai
    to run a rope through a ring
    luồn sợi dây thừng qua cái vòng
    đưa lướt đi
    to run one's hand over something
    đưa tay lướt trên vật gì
    to run one's fingers through one's hair
    đưa ngón tay lên vuốt tóc
    đổ tràn trề, đổ chứa chan, đổ lai láng, chảy đầm đìa, chảy ròng ròng
    to run wine
    đổ rượu tràn trề
    to run blood
    đổ máu lênh láng
    cho ra đồng cỏ (vật nuôi)
    buôn lậu
    to run arms
    buôn lậu khí giới
    khâu lược (cái áo...)
    gạch, vẽ (một đường...); đặt (đường dây điện thoại...)
    để cho chất đống (nợ nầm...)
    đem (so sánh...)
    to paralle; to run a simile
    đem so sánh, đem đối chiếu
    đề cử, giới thiệu; ủng hộ (một người ra ứng cử)
    to run a candidate
    giới thiệu người ứng cử; ủng hộ một người ứng cử
    to run into
    chạm mặt nhau
    I thought we ran into each other often, but now I know why
    Tôi nghĩ chúng ta chạm mặt nhau thường xuyên, bây giờ tôi mới biết tại sao (thấy mặt bạn quen quen)

    Cấu trúc từ

    in the long run
    (xem) long
    to keep the run of something
    ((từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nắm được diễn biến của việc gì, nắm được việc gì
    to lose the run of something
    không nắm được diễn biến của việc gì, không nắm được việc gì
    to make a run of it
    chạy trốn, trốn thoát
    out of the common run
    khác thường, không bình thường
    to put the run the somebody
    buộc ai phải chạy trốn
    to take (have) the run for one's money
    được hưởng những sự vui thích xứng với đồng tiền bỏ ra; được vui thích bõ công khó nhọc
    by the run
    rất nhanh, nhanh vùn vụt
    ngay lập tức, không chậm trễ
    if you run after two hares you will catch neither
    bắt cá hai tay, tuột ngay cả cặp

    hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Cơ khí & công trình

    khoảng chạy (máy)
    trình độ
    tuyến đường

    Giao thông & vận tải

    chạy (tàu)
    chạy trên đường
    hành trình trên đường

    Hóa học & vật liệu

    chạy/ hoạt động/vận hành

    Giải thích EN: Any of numerous actions or features that are thought of as analogous to the physical action of running, as by being swift or uninterrupted, by following a certain path, and so on; specific uses include: the amount of feed used in an industrial process during a specified time.

    Giải thích VN: Một loạt các hoạt động được cho là tương tự như hoạt động vật lý theo một đường cố định; sử dụng trong các trường hợp cấp trong các quy trình công nghiệp trong một thời gian xác định.

    Ô tô

    chảy thành vệt

    Toán & tin

    thực hiện (chương trình)

    Xây dựng

    nhịp cầu nằm ngang (của một đợt cầu thang hoặc của mái nghiêng)
    loang lổ (màu sắc)
    vẽ cầu thang

    Y học

    mạch chạy


    chạy (máy)

    Giải thích VN: Thực hiện một chương trình trong máy tính điện tử.

    Kỹ thuật chung

    bước chạy
    chu trình
    khai thác
    độ dốc
    đoạn ống
    đường chạy
    sự chạy
    sự chạy chương trình
    sự chạy suốt
    sử dụng
    sự làm việc
    sự tác động
    sự thao tác
    sự thi hành
    sự thực hiện
    sự thực thi
    sự vận hành
    tiến trình
    trình tự
    vận hành

    Kinh tế

    bãi nuôi súc vật
    bãi rào kín (để chăn nuôi)
    bảng thời giá
    bầy (cá)
    buôn lậu
    chạy, chuyển động quay
    chiều hướng
    chở lậu (rượu, vũ khí...)
    có giá trị
    có hiệu lực (từ, trong vòng...)
    cối nghiền thớt
    đẳng cấp (hàng hóa)
    đăng lên báo (một quảng cáo...)
    điều hành
    điều khiển
    đổ xô
    đồng cỏ
    giành mua
    nhu cầu lớn
    phần cuối đuôi tàu
    quản lý (một cửa hàng, một việc kinh doanh, một tờ báo...)
    quãng đường đi
    rút tiền hàng loạt
    sự đổ xô tới
    sự đòi hỏi nhiều
    thời giá
    thời hạn
    trông coi
    tuyến đường
    xu thế (của thị trường...)

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Sprint, race, scamper, scurry, scud, dart, bolt, dash,flit, tear (along), scoot, scuttle, zip, whiz or whizz, gallop,jog, trot, lope; rush, hurry (up), hasten, scramble, hustle,step lively, hop (to) it, step on it, put on some speed, Archaichie, Colloq get a move on, hoof it, leg it, hotfoot (it), stirones stumps, Brit hare, US step on the gas, hump (it), Slangget cracking, US get the lead out (of ones pants or taboo ass),Chiefly US get a wiggle on: If you run, you might catch herbefore she gets on the train.
    Run away or off, flee, escape,take flight, take to ones heels, bolt, decamp, make off, clearout, show a clean pair of heels, abscond, cut and run, (beat a(hasty)) retreat, retire, make a getaway, (make a) run for it,Colloq beat it, scram, skedaddle, take off, skip (out), takeFrench leave, fly the coop, Slang head for the hills, Britscarper, do a bunk, US and Canadian take a (run-out) powder, lamout of (somewhere), take it or go on the lam, US vamoose: Theminute the enemy appeared, the entire troop ran. Cavendish ran,hoping the police wouldnt catch him. 3 go, cover, pass over,sprint, race: He ran the mile in just under four minutes.
    Wander, rove, roam, meander, drift: Some farmers allow theiranimals to run free, rather than penning them up. 5 Often, runfor. compete (for), be a candidate (for), vie, struggle,contend, fight (for), stand (for): As she has already said shewould not stand again, I doubt that she will run for re-electionin the council elections. 6 pass, flow, pour, stream, flood,gush, spill, dribble, spurt, issue, move, trickle, seep,discharge, cascade, spout: You can see where the rainwater hasrun down this crack in the roof and into the room below. 7 flow,diffuse: The colour ran when he washed his red underwear withsome white shirts in very hot water. 8 melt, liquefy, dissolve,fuse: It was so hot that the icing on top of the cake began tomelt and run down the sides. 9 keep, maintain, support, sustain,manage: It is very expensive to run a large house.
    Operate,manage, direct, supervise, oversee, conduct, superintend,control, handle, manipulate, head, carry on, lead, regulate,take care of, look after, administer, be in charge of,coordinate: She must be a terrifically high achiever to run ahuge international conglomerate like that! 11 operate, perform,function, work, tick, go: Even after all that abuse, the watchkept running and kept good time. 12 extend, stretch, reach;amount, add up, total up, come (up): The balance of paymentsdeficit is running to twice last years figure. His bill at therestaurant last night ran to more than œ200. 13 convey,transport, give (someone) a lift, drive, take, bring: Tom saidhe would run me home in his new car.
    Bootleg, smuggle, dealor traffic in, Chiefly US and Canadian rustle: DuringProhibition, his father ran whisky from Canada to the US.
    Bein effect or force, be effective, have force or effect: Thislease has another year to run.
    Incur, invite, encourage,attract, be subjected to: Arent you running a risk askingSheila to handle your money?
    Propel, drive; steer, guide,navigate: If you are inept enough to run a boat aground, atleast have the sense to do it at low tide. 18 unravel, comeundone, Chiefly Brit ladder: My stocking ran just before I hadto leave for the dance!
    Sometimes, run off. print, offset,lithograph, reproduce, publish, display; imprint, position,place, locate, lay out: They are going to run his story in thenext issue of The Londoner! Well run the photographs of thefire alongside the article on page one. 20 run across. meet (upwith), run into, come across, find, stumble on or upon, hit orchance or happen upon, Colloq bump into: Guess whom I ranacross at Harrods yesterday.
    Run after. chase, pursue, goafter, court, woo, Colloq set ones cap for: The City is filledwith young men and women running after big money. Mick isrunning after this girl half his age, and he hasnt a clue thatshes leading him on. 22 run along. go away, leave, Slang getlost: Sue wanted to get rid of Wayne and told him to run along.23 run around. philander, be unfaithful, gallivant, Colloq sleeparound, play the field: How does she cope with his constantrunning around?
    Run around with. associate with, spend timewith, dally with, consort with: Cynthia is running around witha bad crowd these days.
    Run away. See 2, above.
    Rundown. a trace, track, hunt, stalk, follow, pursue, dog, shadow;find, locate, track down, discover: We ran down the suspect inan abandoned barn in Little Fakenham. b criticize, decry,defame, vilify, disparage, deprecate, depreciate, denigrate,Colloq knock, pan: If you keep running him down like that helldevelop an inferiority complex before hes seven. c weaken,tire, expire, play (itself) out, burn out, run out, fail, Colloqpeter out: Once the batteries have run down, we will no longerbe able to transmit a distress-signal. d strike, hit, smash orcrash or slam into, run over, knock over or down, collide with:On the way home, he almost ran down a boy on a bicycle.
    Runin. arrest, take into custody, jail, apprehend, take or bringin, Colloq pinch, nab, pull in, bust, collar, Brit nick: Thisis the third time this week that Minette has been run in forsoliciting. 28 run into. See 20, above.
    Run off. a See 2,above. b duplicate, print, copy, turn out, produce, make,manufacture, generate, Colloq do, churn out: How quickly canyou run off 1000 copies of this brochure?
    Run out. a beexhausted, expire, terminate, (come or draw to a) close, end,cease: The time for renewing your subscription has run out. bfinish, go, be exhausted, be used up, Colloq peter out: Thefood had run out and we had no water when we were rescued.
    Run out of. use up, consume, eat up, exhaust, be out of: Weverun out of milk - can you nip down to the shop and get some? 32run out on. desert, abandon, leave high and dry, forsake, leavein the lurch, leave holding the baby: Despite all his promises,Edgar ran out on her when she became pregnant. 33 run over. aSee 26 (d), above. b scan, run through, go over, look over,flip or leaf or thumb through, look at, skim (through), browsethrough, dip into, review: I promised Casey I would run overhis article if I had the time. c overflow, spill (over), brimover, slosh over, pour over; extend, reach, spread over, stretchover; exceed, go beyond, overreach, overshoot, surpass,transcend: She accidentally let the bath run over, ruining theceiling below. This article will run over onto the next page.McClelland always runs over the time allotted to his part of theproceedings. d rehearse, run through, repeat, practise, review,go over, study, learn, memorize: Youd best run over yourspeech again before the banquet.
    Run through. a pierce,stab, transfix, stick, spit: In the last scene, the hero runsthe villain through with his sword before succumbing to his ownwounds. b squander, consume, use up, waste, fritter away,exhaust, deplete, spend, dissipate, throw away, Slang blow: Itdidnt take Hugh more than a year to run through hisinheritance. c See 33 (b), above.
    Sprint, dash, race, jog, trot: They go for a two-milerun every morning before breakfast.
    Trip, journey, visit,drive, expedition, trek, outing, excursion, jaunt, junket,sojourn, Colloq spin, joyride: He has to make a run over toParis for the weekend, supposedly on business. 37 route,routine, circuit, passage, trip, cycle, round; beat: I was onthe Murmansk run during the war.
    Period, spate, interval,time, spell, stretch, course; engagement, booking, Colloq patch:Roger has had a run of bad luck and could use some help. Theshow had a long run on Broadway. 39 access, freedom, liberty:The children had the run of the house for a week while theirparents were away. 40 return, satisfaction, reward, recompense,compensation, requital, expiation, atonement, repayment,remuneration: Although the odds are never in your favour, youget a good run for your money at Diamond Lils GamblingEmporium. 41 series, sequence, stream, spate, string,succession, progression: Will attributed his poor showing atthe tournament to a bad run of cards. 42 stream, brook, runnel,creek, rill, rivulet, Brit beck, Scots burn, US branch, kill:There is a small run at the bottom of the hill.
    Demand,call, request: Bouillon cubes seem to have enjoyed quite a runlately.
    Type, category, class, kind, sort: Mark seems to bea bit more refined than the usual run of guest at Lisasparties. 45 trail, track, piste, path, slope; way, runway: Sheskied down the north run in record time.
    Enclosure, yard,pen, compound, runway; paddock; pound: There is a good-sizedrun at the kennel where we board the dogs when we go on holiday.47 Music roulade, cadenza, arpeggio, riff: The soprano treatedus to a marvellous run in which each note was distinct and pure.48 in the long run. eventually, finally, after all, ultimately,in (due) time, in due course, in fine, in the end, at the end ofthe day, in the final analysis, all things considered, when allis said and done: Regardless of early troubles, things alwaysseem to turn out all right in the long run in his plays. 49 onthe run. a hastily, in haste, hurriedly, while under way, in ahurry, at speed, in a rush: It isnt supposed to be good foryou to eat breakfast on the run every day. b on the loose,fleeing, escaping, running, in flight, running (away), Slang USon the lam: He was on the run from the police and desperate tofind Duncan. c running, retreating, on the move or the go:They kept the enemy on the run for a week.
    The runs.diarrhoea, dysentery, upset stomach, Jocular tummy rot, Delhibelly, Aztec hop, turista or tourista, Mexican foxtrot ortwo-step or toothache, Montezumas revenge, curse of Montezuma,Rangoon runs, Tokyo trots, Lambeth run(s): I came down with theruns when we got to Ankara.


    V. & n.
    V. (running; past ran; past part. run) 1 intr. gowith quick steps on alternate feet, never having both or allfeet on the ground at the same time.
    Intr. flee, abscond.
    Intr. go or travel hurriedly, briefly, etc.
    Intr. a advanceby or as by rolling or on wheels, or smoothly or easily. b bein action or operation (left the engine running).
    Intr. becurrent or operative; have duration (the lease runs for 99years).
    Intr. (of a bus, train, etc.) travel or be travellingon its route (the train is running late).
    Intr. (of a play,exhibition, etc.) be staged or presented (is now running at theApollo).
    Intr. extend; have a course or order or tendency(the road runs by the coast; prices are running high).
    Aintr. compete in a race. b intr. finish a race in a specifiedposition. c tr. compete in (a race).
    Intr. (often foll. byfor) seek election (ran for president).
    A intr. (of a liquidetc. or its container) flow or be wet; drip. b tr. flow with.12 tr. a cause (water etc.) to flow. b fill (a bath) withwater.
    Intr. spread rapidly or beyond the proper place (inkran over the table; a shiver ran down my spine).
    Intr.Cricket (of a batsman) run from one wicket to the other inscoring a run.
    Tr. traverse or make one's way through orover (a course, race, or distance).
    Tr. perform (an errand).17 tr. publish (an article etc.) in a newspaper or magazine.
    A tr. cause (a machine or vehicle etc.) to operate. b intr. (ofa mechanism or component etc.) move or work freely.
    Tr.direct or manage (a business etc.).
    Tr. own and use (avehicle) regularly.
    Tr. take (a person) for a journey in avehicle (shall I run you to the shops?).
    Tr. cause to run orgo in a specified way (ran the car into a tree).
    Tr. enter(a horse etc.) for a race.
    Tr. smuggle (guns etc.).
    Tr.chase or hunt.
    Tr. allow (an account) to accumulate for atime before paying.
    Intr. Naut. (of a ship etc.) gostraight and fast.
    Intr. (of salmon) go up river from thesea.
    Intr. (of a colour in a fabric) spread from the dyedparts.
    A intr. (of a thought, the eye, the memory, etc.)pass in a transitory or cursory way (ideas ran through my mind).b tr. cause (one's eye) to look cursorily (ran my eye down thepage).
    Intr. (of hosiery) ladder.
    Intr. (of a candle)gutter.
    Intr. (of an orifice, esp. the eyes or nose) exudeliquid matter.
    Tr. sew (fabric) loosely or hastily withrunning stitches.
    Tr. turn (cattle etc.) out to graze.
    N.1 an act or spell of running.
    A short trip or excursion, esp.for pleasure.
    A distance travelled.
    A general tendency ofdevelopment or movement.
    A rapid motion.
    A regular route.7 a continuous or long stretch or spell or course (a metre's runof wiring; had a run of bad luck).
    (often foll. by on) a ahigh general demand (for a commodity, currency, etc.) (a run onthe dollar). b a sudden demand for repayment by a large numberof customers of (a bank).
    A quantity produced in one periodof production (a print run).
    A general or average type orclass (not typical of the general run).
    A Cricket a pointscored by the batsmen each running to the other's wicket, or anequivalent point awarded for some other reason. b Baseball apoint scored usu. by the batter returning to the plate aftertouching the other bases.
    (foll. by of) free use of oraccess to (had the run of the house).
    A an animal's regulartrack. b an enclosure for fowls. c a range of pasture.
    Aladder in hosiery.
    Mus. a rapid scale passage.
    A classor line of goods.
    A batch or drove of animals born or rearedtogether.
    A shoal of fish in motion.
    A trough for waterto run in.
    US a small stream or brook.
    A a singlejourney, esp. by an aircraft. b (of an aircraft) a flight on astraight and even course at a constant speed before or whiledropping bombs. c an offensive military operation.
    Hurrying about from place to place. run about 1 bustle; hurryfrom one person or place to another.
    (esp. of children) playor wander without restraint. run across 1 happen to meet.
    (foll. by to) make a brief journey or a flying visit (to aplace). run after 1 pursue with attentions; seek the societyof.
    Give much time to (a pursuit etc.).
    Pursue at a run.run against happen to meet. run along colloq. depart. runaround 1 Brit. take from place to place by car etc.
    Deceiveor evade repeatedly.
    (often foll. by with) sl. engage insexual relations (esp. casually or illicitly). run-around n.(esp. in phr. give a person the run-around) deceit or evasion.run at attack by charging or rushing. run away 1 get away byrunning; flee, abscond.
    (of a horse) bolt. runaway with 1 carry off (a person, stolen property, etc.).
    Win(a prize) easily.
    Accept (a notion) hastily.
    (of expenseetc.) consume (money etc.).
    (of a horse) bolt with (a rider,a carriage or its occupants). run a blockade see BLOCKADE. rundown 1 knock down or collide with.
    Reduce the strength ornumbers of (resources).
    (of an unwound clock etc.) stop.
    (of a person or a person's health) become feeble from overworkor underfeeding.
    Discover after a search.
    Disparage.run-down n.
    A reduction in numbers.
    A detailed analysis.
    Decayed after prosperity.
    Enfeebled throughoverwork etc. run dry cease to flow, be exhausted. run for itseek safety by fleeing. a run (or a good run) for one's money 1vigorous competition.
    Pleasure derived from an activity. runfoul of collide or become entangled with (another vessel etc.).run the gauntlet see GAUNTLET(2). run a person hard (or close)press a person severely in a race or competition, or incomparative merit. run high 1 (of the sea) have a strongcurrent with a high tide.
    (of feelings) be strong. run in 1run (a new engine or vehicle) carefully in the early stages.
    Colloq. arrest.
    (of a combatant) rush to close quarters.
    Incur (a debt). run-in n.
    The approach to an action orevent.
    A quarrel. run in the family (of a trait) be commonin the members of a family. run into 1 collide with.
    Reach as many as (a specified figure).
    Fallinto (a practice, absurdity, etc.).
    Be continuous or coalescewith. run into the ground colloq. bring (a person) toexhaustion etc. run it fine see FINE(1). run its course followits natural progress; be left to itself. run low (or short)become depleted, have too little (our tea ran short; we ranshort of tea). run off 1 flee.
    Produce (copies etc.) on amachine.
    Decide (a race or other contest) after a series ofheats or in the event of a tie.
    Flow or cause to flow away.5 write or recite fluently.
    Digress suddenly. run-off n.
    An additional competition, election, race, etc., after a tie.
    An amount of rainfall that is carried off an area by streams andrivers.
    NZ a separate area of land where young animals etc.are kept. run off one's feet very busy. run-of-the-millordinary, undistinguished. run on 1 (of written characters) bejoined together.
    Continue in operation.
    Talk incessantly.
    Printing continue on the sameline as the preceding matter. run out 1 come to an end; becomeused up.
    (foll. by of) exhaust one's stock of.
    Put downthe wicket of (a batsman who is running).
    Escape from acontaining vessel.
    (of rope) pass out; be paid out.
    Come out of a contest in a specified position etc. orcomplete a required score etc. (they ran out worthy winners).
    Complete (a race).
    Advance (a gun etc.) so as to project.
    Exhaust oneself by running. run-out n. the dismissal of abatsman by being run out. run out on colloq. desert (aperson). run over 1 overflow.
    Study or repeat quickly.
    (of a vehicle or its driver) pass over, knock down or crush.
    Touch (the notes of a piano etc.) in quick succession.
    (oftenfoll. by to) go quickly by a brief journey or for a flyingvisit. run ragged exhaust (a person). run rings round seeRING(1). run riot see RIOT. run a (or the) risk see RISK. runthe show colloq. dominate in an undertaking etc. run atemperature be feverish. run through 1 examine or rehearsebriefly.
    Deal successively with.
    Consume (anestate etc.) by reckless or quick spending.
    Pierce with a sword etc.
    Draw a line through(written words). run-through n.
    A rehearsal.
    A briefsurvey. run to 1 have the money or ability for.
    Reach (anamount or number).
    (of a person) show a tendency to (runs tofat).
    A be enough for (some expense or undertaking). b havethe resources or capacity for.
    Fall into (ruin). run toearth 1 Hunting chase to its lair.
    Discover after a longsearch. run to meet anticipate (one's troubles etc.). run toseed see SEED. run up 1 accumulate (a debt etc.) quickly.
    Build or make hurriedly.
    Raise (a flag).
    Grow quickly.
    Rise in price.
    (foll. by to) amount to.
    Force (a rivalbidder) to bid higher.
    Add up (a column of figures).
    (foll. by to) go quickly by a brief journey or for a flyingvisit. run-up n.
    (often foll. by to) the period preceding animportant event.
    Golf a low approach shot. run up againstmeet with (a difficulty or difficulties). run upon (of aperson's thoughts etc.) be engrossed by; dwell upon. run wildgrow or stray unchecked or undisciplined or untrained.
    Runnable adj. [OE rinnan]

    Các từ liên quan

    Từ đồng nghĩa

    abscond , amble , barrel , beat it * , bolt , bound , bustle , canter , career , clear out , course , cut and run , dart , dash , decamp , depart , dog it , escape , flee , flit , fly , gallop , go like lightning , hasten , hie , hotfoot * , hurry , hustle , jog , leg it , light out * , lope , make a break , make off , make tracks , pace , race , rush , scamper , scoot , scorch , scramble , scud , scurry , shag , shoot , skedaddle * , skip , skitter , smoke * , speed , spring , sprint , spurt , take flight , take off , tear , tear out , travel , trot , whisk , bleed , cascade , deliquesce , diffuse , discharge , dissolve , drop , fall , flow , flux , fuse , glide , go , go soft , gush , issue , leak , leap , liquefy , melt , pass , pour , proceed , roll , sail , skim , slide , spill , spin , spout , spread , stream , thaw , tumble , turn to liquid , whirl , whiz , act , bear , carry , command , control , convey , govern , handle , manage , maneuver , move , perform , ply , propel , tick , transport , use , work , administer , be in charge , be in driver’s seat , be in saddle , boss , carry on , conduct , coordinate , direct , head , head up , helm * , keep , lead , look after , operate , ordain , oversee , own , pull the strings , regulate , ride herd on * , superintend , take care of , be current , circulate , cover , encompass , extend , go around , go on , last , lie , move past , persevere , reach , stretch , trail , vary , be a candidate , challenge , compete , contend , contest , hit the campaign trail , kiss babies , oppose , politick , ring doorbells , shake hands , stand , stump , whistlestop , bucket , festinate , flash , fleet , haste , pelt , rocket , scour , wing , zip , zoom , get out , exit , get away , get off , go away , leave , pull out , quit , retire , withdraw , consort , fraternize , hang around , hobnob , troop , apply , refer , repair , turn , come in , finish , place , surge , well

    Từ trái nghĩa

    standing , walking
    stand , walk , cease , halt , stop , obey , serve

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